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Puck said:
maybe thats why the Ravens shut-out Tampa Bay

No maybe about it. Simms had zero time in the pocket. NFL Access broke down the game last night if anyone saw it.

They also did a spot on how McNabb dismantled the Cows this weekend too.
TitanJeff said:
How would you have felt about the technique if McCareins fought off a jam and caught one in the corner of the endzone?

That would have been either bad ply by our corner or great play by McCareins. Playing him soft allowing him to break across the middle for an easy catch would be bad scheme.

TitanJeff said:
The Eagles and Ravens get it done with their DL more than most. Freeney would be a stud on any team.

Quick, name the starting D-line for the Eagles and Ravens without looking it up. KVB would be a stud on any team, so would Haynesworth (when healthy).

TitanJeff said:
Yet, with the exception of KVB and Hayesworth for stretches, we didn't get much pressure on Pennington all game long. What does that tell you?

That our defensive line either suck, considering they got schoold by 2 rooks or that they're given bad assignments. In either case, you can't just stand by and go "oh well, they're not getting pressure, maybe next game".

TitanJeff said:
What a blitz often does is leave holes in the secondary. Pennington, and his short drops, made the reads and burned the Titans a few times when a blitz didn't get to him by hitting something quick in the vacated areas.

Did you borrow that paragraph from Jim "You can't blitz Manning" Schwartz? The best defences in this league have always used a variety of blitzes, Eagles blitzes alot, Patriots blitzes a lot, Steelers blitzes a lot, Redskins blitzes a lot, so do the Ravens and while I don't follow the Bears much, I'd be surprised if they don't blitz regularly.

TitanJeff said:
Bottom line, blitzing is effective if used strategically. The Titans do use it more than I think you give them credit for. But the pressure the DL gets so that a couple of them require double teams just makes the blitz that much more effective.

Well, considering that aside from 1 play by Finnegan, we didn't accomplish anything with these blitzes, they're not being used in a strategically sound way.
Vigsted said:
That would have been either bad ply by our corner or great play by McCareins. Playing him soft allowing him to break across the middle for an easy catch would be bad scheme.
So, in your mind, it is ALWAYS better to jam the WR in that situation even though our #1 corner is six inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter than some of the more physical receivers he covers?

KVB would be a stud on any team, so would Haynesworth (when healthy).
"When healthy" is the key there, isn't it? And KVB is about all we've got to hang our hat on as a consistent pass rusher. I think our lack of pressure on opposing QBs with our front four says it all. You, yourself, said we needed to blitz more to get pressure because our front four can't get it done. So I think we are agreement on our DL. The solution is where we differ. I see some serious scheme flaws by overusing the blitz.

Did you borrow that paragraph from Jim "You can't blitz Manning" Schwartz? The best defences in this league have always used a variety of blitzes, Eagles blitzes alot, Patriots blitzes a lot, Steelers blitzes a lot, Redskins blitzes a lot, so do the Ravens and while I don't follow the Bears much, I'd be surprised if they don't blitz regularly.
And the Titans do as well. The difference is the top teams also get it done with only their front four too and are more effective because they have players on their DL who will beat a one-on-one matchup more often.

© Jim Schwartz. All Right Reserved.

Well, considering that aside from 1 play by Finnegan, we didn't accomplish anything with these blitzes, they're not being used in a strategically sound way.
C'mon, man. It's only sound scheme if player executes it properly? All Schwartz can do is put his players in position to make plays. Yet he gets blame for when Hill can't make a read or bites on a fake.

I haven't watched the game again (I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a fork) but I remember a number of blitzes by all three LBs at different points in the game. Just because they didn't get to Pennington doesn't mean they were not strategically sound.

I think I get your position here though. If a blitz doesn't work, Schwartz gets the blame because he didn't get pressure AND he left a hole for the QB to hit a receiver for a easy, big play. If he doesn't blitz, he's a pansy.
TitanJeff said:
So, in your mind, it is ALWAYS better to jam the WR in that situation even though our #1 corner is six inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter than some of the more physical receivers he covers?

No, if it's 3rd and long or any other situation were short yardage isn't crucial, it perfectly fine to give a cushion. This situation wasn't one of them.

TitanJeff said:
"When healthy" is the key there, isn't it? And KVB is about all we've got to hang our hat on as a consistent pass rusher. I think our lack of pressure on opposing QBs with our front four says it all. You, yourself, said we needed to blitz more to get pressure because our front four can't get it done. So I think we are agreement on our DL. The solution is where we differ. I see some serious scheme flaws by overusing the blitz.

I never said to overuse it, but I think Schwartz isn't using it enough. As I said, besides Finnegan I didn't see a single blitz that put any pressure on Pennington, didn't even come close. Even if the player doesn't get there, at least collapsing the pocket should be possible.

TitanJeff said:
C'mon, man. It's only sound scheme if player executes it properly? All Schwartz can do is put his players in position to make plays. Yet he gets blame for when Hill can't make a read or bites on a fake.

I don't blame Schwartz for Hill getting burnt on the long pass, where Hope put a lick on the receiver. That was purely bad CB play. I would also give credit to Schwartz if he called a blitz, but the player missed the tackle.

TitanJeff said:
I think I get your position here though. If a blitz doesn't work, Schwartz gets the blame because he didn't get pressure AND he left a hole for the QB to hit a receiver for a easy, big play. If he doesn't blitz, he's a pansy.

If our blitzes never work we have severe problems on our D. Especially against the Jets I refuse to believe that their 5 offensive linemen can consistently beat our 4 defensive linemen + 1 linebacker 1 to 1. Their line is not that good, and included 2 rookies for crying out loud.

But this all goes back to the talent versus coaching discussion. You believe we don't have talent on defence and I believe our talent is being misused.
Vigsted said:
No, if it's 3rd and long or any other situation were short yardage isn't crucial, it perfectly fine to give a cushion. This situation wasn't one of them.

I never said to overuse it, but I think Schwartz isn't using it enough. As I said, besides Finnegan I didn't see a single blitz that put any pressure on Pennington, didn't even come close. Even if the player doesn't get there, at least collapsing the pocket should be possible.
In other words, if the blitz isn't effective, give em more!

But this all goes back to the talent versus coaching discussion. You believe we don't have talent on defence and I believe our talent is being misused.
I believe in '04 and '05, we had less talent and experience. Combined, that isn't a good thing. We bring in some help and the rest of the guys mature and I think we'll see a much better defense this season.

Schwartz should have the horses to do some things on defense he hasn't done since '03 when the Titans D was pretty good. If it doesn't happen, then it won't matter because he, along the defensive position coaches, will likely be gone.
TitanJeff said:
In other words, if the blitz isn't effective, give em more!

Would you rather give up on it and just let opposing QB's shred our secondary to pieces?

TitanJeff said:
Schwartz should have the horses to do some things on defense he hasn't done since '03 when the Titans D was pretty good.

Like some other posters here, I'm starting to question whether the defence was really that good in 2002/2003 or if it was a result of a much better offence forcing the other teams be 1 dimensional.
Vigsted said:
Would you rather give up on it and just let opposing QB's shred our secondary to pieces?
It's poor scheming in my book if you repeat errors. I don't abandon the blitz but I also don't overuse it for the sake of doing it if is isn't successful.

I think the Titans will actually do more against the young Rivers. Pennington has been around and was finding those holes.

Regardless, if the Titans front four can't get a push, LT will eat them alive and we'll make Rivers look like the second-coming of Dan Fouts.

Like some other posters here, I'm starting to question whether the defence was really that good in 2002/2003 or if it was a result of a much better offence forcing the other teams be 1 dimensional.
Revisionist history?

No doubt a powerful offense helped the defense in those seasons. You can do a lot with a 14-point lead. But I remember a number of games that opposing offenses tried to establish the run early and couldn't. Look back to what that D did to some of the top rushers in the game. They never got anything going the first quarter and later had to abandon the run as the Titans have had to do the last two seasons.

They shut down Jamal Lewis in the playoffs and he was the league's top rusher that season.

And, to look at this a little differently, the pass defense gave up much more than they probably would have if the Titans didn't have as big a lead as they did in many games. Schwartz went to that "soft prevent" which allowed opponents to dink and dunk down the field as the DBs kept the play in front of them. The result is the opposing QB piled up a lot of yards late but the Titans won the games.
Hill is a good nickel back but not starter material. Let's face the facts. And Pacman is at about the same level. Not to sound rhetorical, but we had a shot at Antrel Rolle and did not take it. Our GM's intuitions are starting to be like Bengals GM Mike Brown's were in the 90s (drafting Akili Smith over Champ Bailey, Daunte Culpepper, Ricky Williams, Brian Urlacher, etc.)
Sledge said:
Not to sound rhetorical, but we had a shot at Antrel Rolle and did not take it

And Rolle has done what exactly to make you think he's better? The most spectacular event for Rolle so far in the NFL was his injury.
I bame Schwartz, and to a greater extent Fisher, for playing Sirmon and Thompson ahead of Tullock and Fuller. Not only are they better, IMO, but they are our future, just like Vince.
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