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He was cut before the season started. That’s what it’s based on lol

Yeah totally expect Jeff Fisher to back up Gruden after watching this hit job go down LOL.

Lots of players are cut before the season starts. Thats how it works. NO reason for Gruden to send the email the way he did if he was strictly talking about his ability.
Agree with you...I'm not holding it against him...just saying those words do still offend some..when it suits their agenda I guess

It’s hard for anyone to navigate something when the rules constantly change.

I don’t think there’s any reasonable way Gruden could have continued to coach because the league was clearly going to keep piling on and the media would have been roasting the Raiders the entire time. He had no choice. Now do I think Gruden should have been smarter about sending emails like that? Yep.

But it’s not like he beat his wife unconscious or had murder investigation against him (OJ & Ray Lewis). Somehow all of those things are not as bad as email some words.
Lots of players are cut before the season starts. Thats how it works. NO reason for Gruden to send the email the way he did if he was strictly talking about his ability.

Yes because they aren’t good enough from an ability standpoint.

He worded it that way because Sam’s sexual preference was the reason the league was making such a big deal about him being drafted. Idk why this is so hard to understand.
Yeah but Fisher denies that happened. Obviously Fisher could be lying, we likely wont ever know for sure, but still no real reason for Gruden to have an issue with Michael Sam being drafted. But I also dont think one of these emails on its own is why he was fired. It is the fact there were several of them, over several years, is why he was fired. I also dont know for sure, but I have a feeling there are more that havent (and might never) be released to the public.

Oh, for sure, I doubt Gruden knew one way or the other whether or not Fisher was pressured by the NFL, and he was likely only lamenting his personal speculation.

And yeah, I'm not familiar with the full breadth of what all he said in his emails; only the highlights that the media keeps posting.
Fisher can deny it all he wants but there was a clear push from the sports media about Sam being drafted. When have draft experts ever chimed in during mock draft segments about where a late round player will go? Lol I mean cmon!!
Yes because they aren’t good enough from an ability standpoint.

He worded it that way because Sam’s sexual preference was the reason the league was making such a big deal about him being drafted. Idk why this is so hard to understand.

Again, you dont know that. When is the last time an SEC defensive player of the year went undrafted? I mean, if he were a first round pick I would be more inclined to agree with you, but 6th and 7th round picks are often times teams just taking a flyer on guys who were either productive college players without the measurables, or guys with the measurables who maybe werent that great in college, but the team still feels maybe they can coach them up. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, but Michael Sam being drafted in the 6th round certainly isnt a crazy draft pick. It's not like he was a random gay guy they found on the street, he was a very good college player.
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I disagree with a lot of this but you’re right in the idea it can’t be unseen.

It didn’t need to be publicly released. No one gains anything from that unless it’s (another) attempt by the NFL to appear as if they’re sensitive to these issues. They are 100% not.

The NFL also should recognize that this was 10 years ago and partially on them for not catching it sooner/being a part of a larger company allowing the redskins to operate like they did.

I also don’t like the general “intimidate until resign” or fire people for historical communications.
A) it is not consistently enforced (note our POTUS as an example).
B) it is assumed that people don’t change and something said 10 years ago is still representative of them today. (I’ll ask anyone here, are you the same as you were 10 years ago? Especially if you’ve had any life epiphany?)
C) why is our general society ok with life training/rehabilitation in so many other settings but come across something like this, assume he meant the absolute worst, and has no ability to learn or receive some sort of training to learn why not to say/do this? For comparison sake, the US largely believes that someone who kills another person, can be taught and learn to still go back among society. I’d say this is a much lesser crime and likely easier to teach from. We’re a country built on many second chances after major mistakes. This has been deemed unredeemable from for Gruden.

I agree with much of what you say here. I am not sure why there are certain areas that just are not forgivable in certain parts of society. So don’t here me saying everything is right about how this went down and how it was handled. What I am saying is that if you have been paying attention to society for the last decade or so, the minute this news hit you knew this would be the outcome. So I am not saying this is the way things should be…but I am saying it is the way things are and they are not changing anytime soon.
Anyone find it ironic that Tampa Bay removed him from the ring of honor for some not so choice words in a ten year old email, all while Antonio Brown a known rapist and woman beater scored two TDs from them last week? I guess as long as you commit an actual crime with a victim you're in the clear...
Anyone find it ironic that Tampa Bay removed him from the ring of honor for some not so choice words in a ten year old email, all while Antonio Brown a known rapist and woman beater scored two TDs from them last week? I guess as long as you commit an actual crime with a victim you're in the clear...
Brady isn't lobbying for Gruden to join Tampa
Again, you dont know that. When is the last time an SEC defensive player of the year went undrafted? I mean, if he were a first round pick I would be more inclined to agree with you, but 6th and 7th round picks are often times teams just taking a flyer on guys who were either productive college players without the measurables, or guys with the measurables who maybe werent that great in college, but the team still feels maybe they can coach them up. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, but Michael Sam being drafted in the 6th round certainly isnt a crazy draft pick. It's not like he was a random gay guy they found on the street, he was a very good college player.

I do know that because it happened lol. He was completely overmatched in the pre season.

He was SEC co-defensive player of the year and he had half of his production come in 2 games against Arkansas State and Vandy lol. He was a good college football player but he wasn’t dominant by any means.
Anyone find it ironic that Tampa Bay removed him from the ring of honor for some not so choice words in a ten year old email, all while Antonio Brown a known rapist and woman beater scored two TDs from them last week? I guess as long as you commit an actual crime with a victim you're in the clear...
Woah! Why are you trying to cancel AB? Nothing has ever been proven that he actually raped or beat anyone. Quit imposing your wokeness on innocent people.
I do know that because it happened lol. He was completely overmatched in the pre season.

He was SEC co-defensive player of the year and he had half of his production come in 2 games against Arkansas State and Vandy lol. He was a good college football player but he wasn’t dominant by any means.

Dude, he was a 6th round draft pick. You are acting as if every 6th round pick is a great college player, they arent. I think it is a lot easier to justify Sam in the 6th than say Tebow in the first, Jamarcus Russell #1 overall, etc etc. How many other 6th round picks have you scrutinized to this degree?
Dude, he was a 6th round draft pick. You are acting as if every 6th round pick is a great college player, they arent. I think it is a lot easier to justify Sam in the 6th than say Tebow in the first, Jamarcus Russell #1 overall, etc etc. How many other 6th round picks have you scrutinized to this degree?

He was a 7th round pick. He was borderline undraftable in the eyes on many NFL teams. Hence the “pressure to draft him” email from Gruden. Idk how else to break it down for ya.
I wasn't talking to you about his rights, I was talking to Riverman who for some reason brought up the constitution.

All of those other things are decisions from individual teams. You are certainly entitled to your opinion on things, but just because the Bucs make a decision doesn't mean the Bills have to make the same decision.

I don't understand what you mean by breaking user agreements.

The "line" is obviously different for everyone, but honestly, this isn't that difficult. Don't say racist, sexist, or homophobic stuff, etc etc, much of this stuff is just common sense.
Cheers on talking to riverman, glad you specified.

You’re right, both LV and TB chose to do something about Gruden. I guess if he was in buffalo, he’d still have a job. I’m pretty sure the NFL as a whole would have done something about his LV job no matter what. TB May have just tried to cash in on their “wokeness” by doing it before people complained they didn’t do it,

User agreement is what most companies have you sign before using their servers which includes emails. It’s pretty much a standard form that allows them, as owner of the server, to control what is allowed and determine when a line is crossed. The business gets to make the decisions and the user either signs the agreement or gets no use of the server.

The problem with your “it isn’t that difficult” is apparently it is that difficult. Consider how often racist was just thrown out over the past 2-3 years regarding everything and everyone trump. No question it was thrown out inappropriately, inaccurately, and really helped diminish the overall negativity of actual racists.
You can say it’s common sense, but that’s just not true when terms are used incorrectly and at every opportunity.
And Gruden has been released by the Raiders, what is the difference?
After week 5, a huge story revolving around his emails. I’d say the proof is pretty damning against Gruden not to mention he’s the HC that “resigned” (before getting fired) rather than a roster casualty over the offseason.

You really don’t see the differences?
I don't listen to his podcast so I don't know what he said. But again, there is a common sense element to this. Talking trash on the field is not the same thing as an influential person in the league talking to other influential people saying gays shouldn't be in the league, using slurs, etc etc.
There is soooo much subjectivity in this comment.

Why is Gruden more influential than Lewan?
How about Mark Allen?
Or is this strictly about how high on a business totem pole the person is?

I’ll absolutely argue that Lewan has way more fans than Mark Allen. Maybe not Gruden(prior to the email release), I’m not sure Lewan has that many fans after getting bucked by a DB.

Do you think Gruden really hated Nassib on the inside but not in public? I say this because if actions don’t add up to the words, does this change the “intent” of his emails?
Unless they play for your favorite team.

I don’t think Lewan needs any repercussions… I’m just pointing out the double standard that exists when people say things like “anyone would be fired for saying that”. Because it’s absolutely not true.
Dead on.

I know I stand alone (maybe) but for football teams in particular, I’ve made the arguments about how team fans don’t care about almost any transgressions as long as the player is helping their team win. Peterson seemed welcomed back to Minnesota with open arms after the “switch” incident. Was Kareem Hunt the RB charged with hitting his gf? Not sure I see Cleveland fans bring that up.
Just so e examples.
Yeah but Fisher denies that happened. Obviously Fisher could be lying, we likely wont ever know for sure, but still no real reason for Gruden to have an issue with Michael Sam being drafted. But I also dont think one of these emails on its own is why he was fired. It is the fact there were several of them, over several years, is why he was fired. I also dont know for sure, but I have a feeling there are more that havent (and might never) be released to the public.
I don’t think this is that hard to figure out. No, he didn’t draft Sam for his sexual orientation. This is common sense.

The rams are in the business of trying to win football games, which brings in more money. Fisher’s job was already far from safe when Sam was drafted. Does anyone really think he isn’t trying his best to pick a guy that can best help him keep his job?
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