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THis has nothing to do with the constitution. An employer doesn't have to consult the constitution when deciding if someone should be terminated or not. NFL coaches get fired all the time, so it is strange you guys are so hellbent on acting like this is some sort of violation of his rights. It isn't, but if it is, then should every NFL coach be allowed to complete their contract no matter what?

I think there are pretty obvious reasons why some words are acceptable if said by some people, and not by others yes, but obviously this is a very nuanced conversation.
Careful with the explanations. I don’t think it was a violation of rights.

my issue is with the 10 year approval of him breaking their user agreements and accidentally (maybe, still to be determined how much of the WFT investigation actually involved him specifically) finding it later and forcing him into resignation when that is not a consistent effort across the board.

as I posted earlier, why not scour emails from the last couple decades or snail mail or anything else that likely would have unfavorable public opinion and oust them from NFL history?
OJ still in the Hall and ring of honor in Buffalo.
Bruce smith and his record setting DUI count still HoF and ring of honor.
What about Joe Namath publicity going overboard with Suzy Kolber on live TV? No repercussions there.

so the biggest question in all of this is where is the line, who does it actually apply to, and who is deciding where these imaginary and movable lines are?
Careful with the explanations. I don’t think it was a violation of rights.

my issue is with the 10 year approval of him breaking their user agreements and accidentally (maybe, still to be determined how much of the WFT investigation actually involved him specifically) finding it later and forcing him into resignation when that is not a consistent effort across the board.

as I posted earlier, why not scour emails from the last couple decades or snail mail or anything else that likely would have unfavorable public opinion and oust them from NFL history?
OJ still in the Hall and ring of honor in Buffalo.
Bruce smith and his record setting DUI count still HoF and ring of honor.
What about Joe Namath publicity going overboard with Suzy Kolber on live TV? No repercussions there.

so the biggest question in all of this is where is the line, who does it actually apply to, and who is deciding where these imaginary and movable lines are?

I wasn't talking to you about his rights, I was talking to Riverman who for some reason brought up the constitution.

All of those other things are decisions from individual teams. You are certainly entitled to your opinion on things, but just because the Bucs make a decision doesn't mean the Bills have to make the same decision.

I don't understand what you mean by breaking user agreements.

The "line" is obviously different for everyone, but honestly, this isn't that difficult. Don't say racist, sexist, or homophobic stuff, etc etc, much of this stuff is just common sense.
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You are another saying CK was canx.
That’s just false narrative. He was released by SF and no team signed him.
An investigation was completed to see if he was “blackballed” and it was determined he was not or at least no proof of it.

so he is absolutely no different of a scenario leaving the NFL than Tim Tebow as an example.
No canx involved.

And Gruden has been released by the Raiders, what is the difference?
No one is going on any witch hunts in the NFL. I doubt anyone set out to “get Gruden.” And he was certainly unlucky that this email came to light. It was rather random that it did, and I can completely understand the sense of unfairness that comes from that. I get that part of what you are saying. But there is no way that once it comes out those perceivable unfair factor can mitigate the out. Regardless of how it came out or the circumstances surrounding it, the jeenie is out of the bottle, the damage is done and nothing can be done about.

“Nothing can be done about it” so why is Gruden being forced out? I agree nothing can be done. But something is being done.

Going to be a real disappointing day for some when they realize how their favorite NFL player talks on the field or in the lockeroom. I mean Lewan on his podcast talks about how he’d mention oral sex to his opponent to get in their head. More people heard Lewan say that than people who read that email from Jon Gruden. Let that sink in for a minute.

The “damage” was done 10 years ago. So why release those emails now, if not to try and cover up what the entire investigation was really supposed to be about? It makes no sense. Especially considering I’d bet you can find even worse emails on that same email chain involving Gruden. Why not expose everyone? Again, it makes no sense. I have no clue why Gruden is the scape goat to this point.. only thing I can think is Jay Gruden really burned some bridges when he left lol
There are plenty of instances where I think "cancel culture" goes to far, but in saying that, this situation isn't cancel culture. Every time someone loses their job it doesn't mean it is because of "cancel culture". He wasn't fired because of political views (like a certain QB who many of you didn't mind being canceled), religious views, etc etc. He was fired because of racial, sexist, and homophobic slurs. Do you think it is ever ok to fire a person because of things they say?

So should Taylor Lewan be released by the Titans?
For what he said on his podcast about how he trash talks opponents.

I don't listen to his podcast so I don't know what he said. But again, there is a common sense element to this. Talking trash on the field is not the same thing as an influential person in the league talking to other influential people saying gays shouldn't be in the league, using slurs, etc etc.
I don't listen to his podcast so I don't know what he said. But again, there is a common sense element to this. Talking trash on the field is not the same thing as an influential person in the league talking to other influential people saying gays shouldn't be in the league, using slurs, etc etc.

He didn’t say gays shouldn’t be in the league. Lol

So it’s ok to talk that way as long as you aren’t deemed (by yourself) “influential”.
He didn’t say gays shouldn’t be in the league. Lol

So it’s ok to talk that way as long as you aren’t deemed (by yourself) “influential”.

This isn't that complicated. I think most people will acknowledge that people speak differently around different people and in different situations but if you are going to say something racist or sexist etc, then be prepared that their might be backlash and consequences.
This isn't that complicated. I think most people will acknowledge that people speak differently around different people and in different situations but if you are going to say something racist or sexist etc, then be prepared that their might be backlash and consequences.

Unless they play for your favorite team.

I don’t think Lewan needs any repercussions… I’m just pointing out the double standard that exists when people say things like “anyone would be fired for saying that”. Because it’s absolutely not true.
Unless they play for your favorite team.

I don’t think Lewan needs any repercussions… I’m just pointing out the double standard that exists when people say things like “anyone would be fired for saying that”. Because it’s absolutely not true.
Completely agree. Just because they should be fired doesn't mean they will. There is not enough good left in this world for that to not be the truth.
Unless they play for your favorite team.

I don’t think Lewan needs any repercussions… I’m just pointing out the double standard that exists when people say things like “anyone would be fired for saying that”. Because it’s absolutely not true.

People say a lot of stupid things that they aren't fired for. And keep in mind, Gruden wasn't fired after the first email came out, he was fired after more were released and it was obvious this wasn't just a lack of judgment type of thing. My guess is there are still even more that haven't been released. This isn't just about Gruden sayng one thing, it is about a years long history of saying lots of stupid things.
People say a lot of stupid things that they aren't fired for. And keep in mind, Gruden wasn't fired after the first email came out, he was fired after more were released and it was obvious this wasn't just a lack of judgment type of thing. My guess is there are still even more that haven't been released.

And for you to have a different stance on Lewan vs Gruden is my entire point. Lol the double standard exists.
I think there is some misdirected annoyance (anger is likely too strong a word) in this thread.

The real problem is the piece of trash that released this information. There really was no reason for Gruden's emails with a friend to be released to the public (or for so-and-so's tweets from x years ago to be brought back up, or... ). The people doing that kind of stuff are the real enemy here. dg1979us is right, there's no way Gruden could've stayed in his current job with this information brought to light; but that's not on the NFL (a business), that's on our idiotic culture.

We already know who leaked the emails. Again, this was a calculated move. Not by accident. Would not be the first time the NFL has tried to cover something up.

And for you to have a different stance on Lewan vs Gruden is my entire point. Lol the double standard exists.

I don't even know what Lewan said, I already told you that I don't listen to his show. But talking trash to an opponent is not the same thing as telling people with hiring power in the league that **** shouldn't be drafted. Again, this isn't that complicated guys.
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I don't even know what Lewan said, I already told you that I don't listen to his show. But talking trash to an opponent is not the same thing as telling people with hiring power in the league that **** shouldn't be drafted. Again, this isn't that complicated guys.

Technically, he wasn't telling people with hiring power that homosexuals shouldn't be drafted. He was lamenting the idea of the NFL pressuring a coach/GM to draft a player based on their sexual orientation. Chances are that he was more annoyed at all of the fanfare that drafting Michael Sam towards the end of the 6th round got than he was at Michael Sam being drafted.

I guess. I don't know Gruden, so that last bit is really just speculation on my part.
Technically, he wasn't telling people with hiring power that homosexuals shouldn't be drafted. He was lamenting the idea of the NFL pressuring a coach/GM to draft a player based on their sexual orientation. Chances are that he was more annoyed at all of the fanfare that drafting Michael Sam towards the end of the 6th round got than he was at Michael Sam being drafted.

I guess. I don't know Gruden, so that last bit is really just speculation on my part.

Yeah but Fisher denies that happened. Obviously Fisher could be lying, we likely wont ever know for sure, but still no real reason for Gruden to have an issue with Michael Sam being drafted. But I also dont think one of these emails on its own is why he was fired. It is the fact there were several of them, over several years, is why he was fired. I also dont know for sure, but I have a feeling there are more that havent (and might never) be released to the public.
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