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Reese is the best!

4 playoffs in 11 years and you guys think he is god. The colts have been to 6 playoffs in 8 years under polian.

And i like how how you whitewash his whole career before joining the colts like it doesn't matter.

Reese didn't "take" the titans to a super bowl he drafted players who did. All a Gm can do is put good players on the field and then it is up to the players and coaches. All polian has done is put a good product on the field for three different franchise's. If the most recent success is what matters most reese had a team that won 4 games from cap hell and the colts won 14 games in 2005. And which team has won the last 6 games?

Polian has produced more consistent winners for a longer period of time for 3 different franchise's not just one. The colts have not hemmoraged nearly as many players due to the cap and as a result have stayed good longer.

But hey those are just facts but i guess you guys simply forgot we sucked this year!

As for my titan loyalty you guys bash titan players all the time. GoT takes every opportunity to bash chris brown. Starkiller wanted to cut benji olson. You guys are more than welcome to take the train to idiotville anytime you wish but i would rather not.:moon:
I have good news...

No this isn't a geico commercial. I just read somewhere that signing your name on the wonderlic was good for a point so maybe 2/3 of you guys won't be scoring a donut. Congradulations to you. Don't like my opinions? You can kiss my:moon:
The colts have not hemmoraged nearly as many players due to the cap and as a result have stayed good longer.


And Wile E. Polian hasn't exactly produced the best players for their defense, the D was only good this year and they will most likely lose one or two of their starting Linebackers and Dwight Freeney will commanded the top dollar for any DE player when he becomes a Free Agent next season (which they won't be able afford).
RollTide said:
No this isn't a geico commercial. I just read somewhere that signing your name on the wonderlic was good for a point so maybe 2/3 of you guys won't be scoring a donut. Congradulations to you. Don't like my opinions? You can kiss my:moon:

:applause: I guess you signing your name is cancelled out by your overall spelling.

RollTide said:
Congradulations to you.
I have some bad news for you.
If correctly spelling "congratulations" is on the Wonderlic you just missed a point.

p.s. I hate the Spell Police, but if you're going to put down other people's intelligence, you at least should spell all the words right in that post.
Hoffa said:
p.s. I hate the Spell Police, but if you're going to put down other people's intelligence, you at least should spell all the words right in that post.

ahh well what comes around goes around for RollTide.
RollTide said:
GoT takes every opportunity to bash chris brown. moon:

True but you have to remember CB stinks as a every down back. He has proven to not be durable enough to be considered reliable and he has proven himself to be terrible at short yardage.

CB would be a good change of pace back only cause he obviously has talent so he has to be good for something right?

It has been shown, way way way to often, that ypc is NOT the end all be all stat for RBs. CB has proven it himself numerous times as he rushes for 5+ ypc in a bad loss or rips an opponent to shreds only to sit for 1 or 2 quarters during the game.

Having taken yet another oppertunity to snipe at CB I will say maybe if the OL decides they want to earn their paychecks this year - losing Hopkins was a big plus LT play should improve by default IMHO - then CB could finally have a season worthy of his apparent talent.

Polians past was not dismissed by me but his success as a colt does not equal Reeses success as a Titan seeing as Reese has 1 AFCC and Polian has 0.

I only count Reese from 1997 onward as I was not a Houston Oiler fan in the least. I did watch EG's rookie year on TV as the Nahsville market showed all the Oiler games because of the impending move so I could include 1996, but I won't cause it was Houston not Tennessee.

Anyhow have fun cheering for Polian and your ponies there bamaboy.
Where's Mr. Patient who talks to Prag? hahaha

SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Polian and Reese can both suck it.
Hey Tide... you want us to kiss it? :kiss:
Go the way of Polian and Reese both then.
Reese is the best!:sad2:
Quit cramming words in peoples mouths that you blast them for.
That's your method. You post so & so said such & such and then blast away with all the hoopla when it's not accurate to what they are saying... Seems like you don't listen or validate anything... at least when it pertains to things that involve favortism. Favortism is what fans do. You strike me as the type of guy that breaks it to the SNL Bears' super fans that there is no such thing BIG Ditka or little Ditka. This topic is a joke. It's not like we can realistically choose Polian for ourselves... What's wrong with holding your head high and being of the attitude that you are fine with your own thankyou very much? Do you or have you had a problem with monogamy in relationships? :suspect: Same territory.
Polian is going down the Reese path, restructuing Manning and Harrison's contracts.
Polian vs reese...

I don't think it takes an einstein to understand that a question as to who is the better GM is not the same as asking which team you like better. But to some here it is. If we had a poll as to who was better edge james or chris brown should i vote brown to prove what a great fan i am?

But maybe intellect is not the proper issue. Maybe it is ignorance or laziness that is the problem. Maybe when starkiller and gunny were crowing about that one afc title they had no idea that polian built the bills team that won 4 straight afc titles. Polian's bills made 6 straight playoffs with those 4 super bowl appearences.
Maybe you didn't know or bother to look it up but polian took over the expansion carolina team that went to the nfc championship in just their second season.

Both the colts and titans became good the same year 1999 but how many of you knew that polian's previous teams had been to 7 playoffs and 4 super bowls before that? None?

Then there is the obvious question of what have you done for me lately. Both teams became good the same year in 1999 but while our team was a collective 9-23 the last 2 seasons the colts were 26-6. You telling me that if those records were reversed it wouldn't matter?

I see gunny and others always talking about this impending cap hell for the colts. When will that be after 2 more 11-12 win seasons? And then the colts will suffer from a couple of 9-10 win seasons? Do you honestly see that team having a 4-12 year any time soon? This year they will lose james, next year maybe freeney. In the meantime other top players like manning, harrison, wayne, stokely, june, sanders, doss, david will be there.

And, tony dungy will be there. In 10 seasons as an nfl coach dungy's teams have missed the playoffs twice. Not very often.

Polian has had numerous opportunities to screw up. He could have drafted leaf instead of manning. Ricky williams instead of james and he could have hired a different head coach. But he didn't did he?
Twelfth Man said:
Careful RollTide, You'll confuse them with the facts.:ha:


Fact Polian as colt's GM (not as Bills or Panthers GM )1 AFCCG apperance with 0 SB apperance.

Reese as Titans GM 2 AFCCG apperances with 1 SB apperance.

What is so hard to understand about those facts?
Polian is a good GM. Nobody said he isn't. But that wasn't the question.

Reese built a Super Bowl contender in Tennessee that lasted for 6 years following a 3-year run though the desert that they miraculously produced 8-8 seasons without a home to call their own. That's pretty damned good on a resume, even if he never won a Super Bowl. And while the Titans are on the downswing, that's just the nature of the game after a long run at the top.

As for Polian, he has the exact same number of Super Bowl victories as general manager that Reese does. He has absolutely built competitors. And he has done an excellent job. But let's not pretend that he has never had bad teams.

Right now, Polian's team is better than Reese's team. Is that the only measure of a GM? Of course not. Both are very good. I don't see any way to pick one as the clearly better GM.

But we're on a Titans board, so the tie goes to the home team.
RollTide said:
If we had a poll as to who was better edge james or chris brown should i vote brown to prove what a great fan i am?

See that's not fair cause you could put virtually any back against CB and only the koolaide drinkers would take CB and besides James will be a FA any day now thanks to Wile E. Polian Super Genuis.

RollTide said:
Do you honestly see that team having a 4-12 year any time soon? This year they will lose james, next year maybe freeney. In the meantime other top players like manning, harrison, wayne, stokely, june, sanders, doss, david will be there.

As long as the NFL keeps changing the rules to accomidate the dolts I agree with you. With fair officiating and a level playbook the dolts are far from invinciable. In a league where the Titans are allowed to acutally have a SAC from KVB credited against Manning the Titans have a chance at victory. The 2005 NFL was not that league.

RollTide said:
And, tony dungy will be there. In 10 seasons as an nfl coach dungy's teams have missed the playoffs twice. Not very often.

Dungy has as many SB rings as Fisher and he will be with the Titans so again what is it about the grass on the other side of the fence that is so enticing to a supposed Titan fan.

RollTide said:
Polian has had numerous opportunities to screw up. He could have drafted leaf instead of manning. Ricky williams instead of james and he could have hired a different head coach. But he didn't did he?

Leaf/Manning was a nobrainer. The real shock was that SD traded up for Leaf, if memory is correct. I don't see where Wile E. Polian Super Genuis should be praised for SDs stupidity but go ahead. James/Williams was a little closer but I thought James would be better at the time. So if that makes Wile E. Polian a Super Genuis then I'm a Super Genuis also.
I like Reeses's character and the way he believes in his players. Thats the GM I want for the Tennessee Titans
Plenty of nonsense to go around...

Starkiller you should be a politician. You are pretty good at bsing your way out of a jam. First of all we were a contender for 5 years not 6 with 4 playoff appearences. 4 out of 11 years. And i'm sorry but 3 straight 8-8 records were not miraculous. Fisher did a good job keeping the team competitive but 8-8 is not a miracle.

GoT, what would san diego's decision have to do with the colts drafting manning? The colts had the first pick and the choice of any player they wanted. Polian could have chosen leaf and the fortunes of that franchise would be significantly different. He also could have drafted the enormously talented but underachieving ricky williams but went with james instead.

Common sense would tell you that a guy who was successful building three different teams from nothing to the playoffs would trump a guy who built one team. Even an average GM can have a successful run over an 11 year period but polian has won more consistently with three different teams.
Just out of curiousity were not two of Wile E. Polians (love that name GoT) teams during times without a CAP?

A time when I coulda been GM of the 49ers or Cowboys or Bills and won games because I could buy any player I wanted?

edit - RollTide before you get your knickers in a twist, I am asking a question. I don't you to waste your valuable time on a huge response when time is short...
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