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WoolfolksUncle said:
You are something Brian. Like TJ pointed out, you only post part of the stats and part of others posts to help your pointless statements.
What part of opposing QBs couldn't throw to his side of the field did you not get. Like I said previously you have no credibility at picking players and neither do I or we would be. Why don't you submit all of your critical posts compiled together on a resume to Fisher and Reese and they will hire you.... you think. You are trying to say they didn't do their homework and in fact you didn't. On the field, opposing QBs don't care about a coaches credibility, they care about where the open receivers are and when your man is always covered, the ball doesn't come that way. Oh, it is a waste of time with you anyway. Bottom line, he performed at the combine and by a strict points system was ranked third among available cornerbacks. He was a player of the game in the Senior Bowl and the part that unprivileged hecklers like yourself will never get to see, but I may share it with some other fans that know to make themselves friendly... The resume/video of his many astounding college highlights, that you obviously haven't seen, that was presented to NFL scouts by his agent (my brother made it and maintains the master). Those are things that make you a first rounder, now show your knowledge buddy and dispute these FACTS... Or as Mike and Mike in the Morning (ESPN Radio/ESPN News).

I have no problem justifying Woolfolk as a first round pick. The problem is the more we harp on how awesome, athletic and all Woolfolk is the more puzzling it is that he cannot play well at the NFL level.
GoT said:
but what has he done lately,, other than get healthy?
Well I have only mentioned the Miami game about 15 times and gotten no respons. That was either the next to last game or 3rd to last game. In that game he locked out the slot receiver completely in the second half. Unfortunately, people forgot how to tackle running backs and ricky exploded. All of their second half completions were to the outside receivers on Hill and Pac who were both burned repeatedly in that game. There were slot receivers in the game at those times and they were running deep, but well covered. That is what we wanted right. Now at times in the past when the discussion was about stopping the run, and I would post tackles vs RBs by Andre, the point would come up how many tackles a CB makes is unimportant or shows he didn't stop the pass but tackled the receiver, well I believe without double checking that his tackles was 3 (2 on RBs) 1 on a tight end after someone missed that tackle. No passes in the second half were completed to a slot receiver but many to the outsides and several for TDs. Had he been out of position or beaten, I am sure the QB would have thrown it for some of those TDs if he could have. I know, I just repeated it again... Maybe someone will get it. GoT, Go check the stats yourself. I watched the game and Andre played a good one. That was also the first week he was totally off the probable list after his injury. The game he got injured on he shut down Larry Fitzgerald for 2 1/2 qtrs, then got hurt. Then Fitz exploded for 74 yards and two TDs. While Andre was on him he had 7 yards on two catches. The ball was thrown to him 5 times in the first half resulting in Andres three first half PDs (pass defenses). That was turning into a huge good game and then the injury. So healthy, he was effective and it showed his progress, as I have been saying all along. The Jacksonville game was every defensive players bad game except for Bulluck and KVB.... All other linemen, linebackers and all DBs were put on display, burned and embarrassed.... The defenses heart was gone and the offense didn't help with repeated turnovers. Not counting that game, he has shown improvement. Please do not mention the fact that Hill got the starting nod, regardless, on the field Andre was covering receivers in front of him. The only negative nod in a previous half injured game was versus Marvin Harrison in the second Indy game, as he tackled him into the end zone. Marvin is Marvin and marvelous and every DB in the league that has held him has been torched. Come on, deny that, so that would make Andre equal with them on a negative point though...:ha:
Soxcat said:
Story of Andre's career.

Oh, thank you Soxcat for the lead in. Now, let me let you know that nobody was more frustrated with his injury than Andre was. I actually talked to him while he was in the doctors office (just dumb luck). I was calling him about his good game until the injury. He was not very happy and later that week in an interview, he called the day that the Titans announced Hill as the starter, I think Wednesday, the worst day of his life. Now that is pretty steep, but he was not that happy. I can tell you that. The upside of the injury this time is it wasn't a season ender and he ended his season completely healthy which means this will be his first offseason since becoming a Titan that he gets to work out both physically and technically. That is why I state that the upcoming camp will be a battle ground. His offseason workouts are intense. He will show up in shape, possibly faster and hopefully the weak points of his technical abilities will be fine tuned. ONLY time and performance will tell. Nothing we say, the coaches, or NFL Analysts will make a difference. WU
WoolfolksUncle said:
Well I have only mentioned the Miami game about 15 times and gotten no respons. That was either the next to last game or 3rd to last game. In that game he locked out the slot receiver completely in the second half. Unfortunately, people forgot how to tackle running backs and ricky exploded. All of their second half completions were to the outside receivers on Hill and Pac who were both burned repeatedly in that game. There were slot receivers in the game at those times and they were running deep, but well covered. That is what we wanted right. Now at times in the past when the discussion was about stopping the run, and I would post tackles vs RBs by Andre, the point would come up how many tackles a CB makes is unimportant or shows he didn't stop the pass but tackled the receiver, well I believe without double checking that his tackles was 3 (2 on RBs) 1 on a tight end after someone missed that tackle. No passes in the second half were completed to a slot receiver but many to the outsides and several for TDs. Had he been out of position or beaten, I am sure the QB would have thrown it for some of those TDs if he could have. I know, I just repeated it again... Maybe someone will get it. GoT, Go check the stats yourself. I watched the game and Andre played a good one. That was also the first week he was totally off the probable list after his injury. The game he got injured on he shut down Larry Fitzgerald for 2 1/2 qtrs, then got hurt. Then Fitz exploded for 74 yards and two TDs. While Andre was on him he had 7 yards on two catches. The ball was thrown to him 5 times in the first half resulting in Andres three first half PDs (pass defenses). That was turning into a huge good game and then the injury. So healthy, he was effective and it showed his progress, as I have been saying all along. The Jacksonville game was every defensive players bad game except for Bulluck and KVB.... All other linemen, linebackers and all DBs were put on display, burned and embarrassed.... The defenses heart was gone and the offense didn't help with repeated turnovers. Not counting that game, he has shown improvement. Please do not mention the fact that Hill got the starting nod, regardless, on the field Andre was covering receivers in front of him. The only negative nod in a previous half injured game was versus Marvin Harrison in the second Indy game, as he tackled him into the end zone. Marvin is Marvin and marvelous and every DB in the league that has held him has been torched. Come on, deny that, so that would make Andre equal with them on a negative point though...:ha:

so we got ourselves a third year former first rounder second stringer who shows flashes but can't stay healthy
GoT said:
so we got ourselves a third year former first rounder second stringer who shows flashes but can't stay healthy

Call it what you will, for the teams sake, hope the injury bug is behind him. If you or anyone else is so dissatisfied, then get ready to either suffer or celebrate, because the Titans coaching staff believes in him enough to not have taken him out of the mix completely. They are the ones who watch him in practice and during games. They are the ones who know much more than we will ever know when it comes to technique, ability, etc. Like I said previously, drop a resume with the team as special consultant if you think your perception and determination carries so much weight. What you have GoT is a new season approaching and a team that underachieved as a whole. I hope and you should too that parity in the NFL will take it's good turn for the Titans now.:banana:
2006 is probably Woolfolks last as a Titan so yes I would like to see him healthy and productive, but I am not counting on it based on prior experience.

And the fact that all I have to base anything on is that I am a fan just puts me in the same catagory as virtually everyone on this site - I understand the occasional player or player wife does drop in from time to time. I see no reason not to criticise a player who has underperformed for 3 seasons. And on your topic of the coaches talking about practices, jeeze I am tired of hearing coaches talk about how good the team looked in practice yet confused about yet another terrible showing on sunday. I'm thinking about showing up at Baptist Sports Park with a ticket and seeing if they will let me watch the players at their best, that is on thursday. But that's a different gripe - lol
I don't really mean to be annoying, but WU's post has me doubting myself. The word is "parity," right? I don't know if I've been wrong about it, but I thought that's what it was.
WoolfolksUncle said:
...the Titans coaching staff believes in him enough to not have taken him out of the mix completely. They are the ones who watch him in practice and during games. They are the ones who know much more than we will ever know when it comes to technique, ability, etc...

The coaching staff are also the ones who delegated Woolfolk to the NB position giving his CB spot to a rookie 7th rounder. The bottom line is the coaching staff could and might think Andre is as good or even slightly better than Hill but rightly so they have to go with the guy who can be there week in and week out. It is unfortunate that Andre has been injured but he has and his performance when healthy has not been enormously better than Hill if as good. The same coaching staff that "believes in him" IMO is anticipating Andre not being a part of the Titans after this year and have resigned to the fact he wasn't the permanent answer.
Soxcat said:
The coaching staff are also the ones who delegated Woolfolk to the NB position giving his CB spot to a rookie 7th rounder. The bottom line is the coaching staff could and might think Andre is as good or even slightly better than Hill but rightly so they have to go with the guy who can be there week in and week out. It is unfortunate that Andre has been injured but he has and his performance when healthy has not been enormously better than Hill if as good. The same coaching staff that "believes in him" IMO is anticipating Andre not being a part of the Titans after this year and have resigned to the fact he wasn't the permanent answer.
Whom do you know on the coaching staff, to back your claim. What Newspaper article backs you up.... Any URLs to click on to back up your - Sound like you know what your talking about but really full of YOUR opinion statement. If you can quiet me by posting some proof to what you just said then do so. If not, join the "Benny Hill" Avatar man in Mike and Mikes favorite morning show theme. Fact is that every year over the past three that I have followed Fisher's (CB IMO as well) approach to his defensive backfield is that every position back there is an earned in camp and throughout the season, so I maintain, based on history (Actual events that happened) that Andre will come into camp more fine tuned than ever and in better condition than ever. This is his first offseason that he can actually train physically and technically. Due to serious surgery pins and screws inserted surgeries, he could not do that until this offseason. He has excelled ever since his Freshman year in college whenever he could do the offseason workouts on technical and physical aspects... Exactly why he was OUs Ironman, elected by his teammates for two straight off seasons. Exactly why the OU coaches chose him to play both ways. He didn't volunteer, they chose him to do that and he did it succesfully with a lot of hard work, grit and determination. He won't show up at this camp laying down leaving things how they were (last season is gone - to him it is were). He will show up and fight for the job and it will be noticeable and intense. He may or may not win the spot back from Hill, but if he doesn't you and all of the other blind supporters in your critical corner :baghead: supporters will know the difference and finally give him some respect:))
The fact he was "replaced" as the starting CB speaks volumes. He will win my respect when he wins the starting CB spot, plays well and stays healthy. Considering he has done none of those three things yet I see no reason to give a flip about what he did at OU.
Soxcat said:
The fact he was "replaced" as the starting CB speaks volumes. He will win my respect when he wins the starting CB spot, plays well and stays healthy. Considering he has done none of those three things yet I see no reason to give a flip about what he did at OU.

First of all maybe I have bolstered the "If it even makes a hill of beans difference how much respect you have for him or any other player" thing ... It doesn't. You did not address the credibility of your previous claim. Here Let me help you.... your words: The same coaching staff that "believes in him" IMO is anticipating Andre not being a part of the Titans after this year and have resigned to the fact he wasn't the permanent answer.[/B]

Now here are my exact words: Whom do you know on the coaching staff, to back your claim. What Newspaper article backs you up.... Any URLs to click on to back up your - Sound like you know what your talking about but really full of YOUR opinion statement. If you can quiet me by posting some proof to what you just said then do so. If not, join the "Benny Hill" Avatar man in Mike and Mikes favorite morning show theme.

Can you answer this Soxcat, or has the CAT part of your name got your tongue.

Now addressing the misdirection mess you just posted. My point behind my post without all the background is Andre has never had a chance to work during the offseason on conditioning nor on technique. At OU, he did and he excelled. One thing about him and every athlete in my family is we were not born packed full of muscle, stamina, size, but we all share a natural speed thing and a natural unstoppable heart thing(I still compete in very competitive military and city leagues -(football, basketball and softball). None of us will lay down and waddle in any failures and we all give 110% all the time. Wherever Andre is lacking, the reason the coaches and his teammates have not quit believing is that unstoppable, unbreakable will to keep going 110% all the time. I guarantee you that is his approach this offseason and your statement above was unnecessary, because I said when he shows up at camp giving the challenge of a lifetime to Hill for the spot, meaning more than noticeable production, then he will have earned your respect (which still doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but humor you, sure, no problem):)) . So your last post was every bit of worthless.:sad2:
Whoah, calm down buddy. The reason I asked is because I was unsure. You could have simply said that yes, it's parity. Wasn't trying to offend, was trying to get an answer.
GoTitans3801 said:
Whoah, calm down buddy. The reason I asked is because I was unsure. You could have simply said that yes, it's parity. Wasn't trying to offend, was trying to get an answer.

Ok, I apologize.... Sorry about that fella. In this environment, I do seem to always be on the defensive, but for obvious reasons.... See everyone, I can admit when I am wrong.... When it is proven, not opinionated.... Soxcat.... Provide the Facts, no more opinions. Post some solid not symbolic URLs, some direct quotes saying exactly what you claimed. Insider source stuff.

Once again GoTitans3801, my most humble public apology.... as a matter of fact, I just deleted the post.....WU:winker:
Brian said:
If he hasn't had a complete off-season to train then why was he raving about taking his game to the next level last year? He was ready to compete, and the best he could do was beat out Tony Beckham. He'll earn my respect when he does something well consistantly. Healthy or not, he's a terrible cover corner. At this point I'd be thrilled if he became a Pro Bowl Special Teamer - using his speed to get down the field and make every tackle. That's supposed to be his specialty, right? Tackling? Maybe block a kick or two. Make a play!!! That might give him enough confidence to make a contribution defensively. Woolfolk apologists are now saying, with a straight face, that he's better suited to play Safety. Of course he is. That's where CB's who can't cover end up.

Ok, the mouth has opened. Make a Play you say, like he never makes any. Should I go through it again, huh.... vs. Marvin Harrison and Torrie Holt he sucked and so did the whole league of CBs. Even Pittsburgh's corners sucked vs Harrison. Harrison, Holt, Fitzgerald.... All pro bowlers this year. Ahhhh, Fitzgerald. The QB and WR coaches for Arizona, must have been foaming at the mouth when they instructed the QB (McKown or something like that) to go after Andre... Oh but he shut that pro bowler down and anyone else he held in the first 2 1/2 qtrs. Here is a picture from the game. Just one of the plays he was making until he -Andre - got hurt (oh pick on that, but I am addressing your request: Make a play!! as if he made 0 or so few they couldn't be addressed.).. Well these were consecutive attempts to dismantle him and he dismantled Fitz and some others until he pulled a muscle. Bad fortune with things finally going good... Ok, here is the pick and I will post picks proving plays were made until you get good and angry. One at a time. If anyone else gets angry, too bad: except TJ...

View attachment 1511

Hey Brian, this is making a Play... more pics to come

I guess he was late on this one too. I guess he was a couple steps too slow right...Wrong One step earlier, maybe an Interception. One step later and Fitz would have caught it and probably broke for a TD. Just in time and there were more plays by him and other Titans defensive players as well, just not enough by all of them combined. The team was beaten 12 times, not just becaue of one or two players either. The TEAMs overall production was not up to par... Period.
And not one word from any of the 53 players, the pratice squad, coaching staff or front office about anyone donating a check to charity because the team was unprepared/unwilling to compete for a second season in a row.

I for one am VERY concerned that losing will become acceptable cause these youg guys keep getting paid even when they just go at it in a halfarsed manner.

Not about Woolfolk in particular but his injury history is what bothers me most about him.
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