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Tranformers 3 - Who doesn't love a good action movie with robots and no real story. 7/10

Harry Potter - Despite not really following the book...except maybe the first 3 was quite enjoyable and funnily enough it was like Transformers 3 in being 90% action.


The Fighter. 9/10

I never thought Christian Bale was a great actor until this movie. He's usually overshadowed by his supporting actors(Ledger and Worthington), but I couldn't take my eyes off of him when he was on screen. He did a great job of becoming Dicky Eklund.

It was a great story and about damn time another great boxing movie was made.
The Fighter. 9/10

I never thought Christian Bale was a great actor until this movie. He's usually overshadowed by his supporting actors(Ledger and Worthington), but I couldn't take my eyes off of him when he was on screen. He did a great job of becoming Dicky Eklund.

It was a great story and about damn time another great boxing movie was made.

I know what you mean, I watched 3:10 to Yuma the other day and I was much more fascinated by Russell Crowe and Ben Foster, even the kid that played his son overshadowed him IMO.

But if you want to see more movies where Bale truly shines, I'd recommend "The Prestige" and "American Psycho." And he was good in "Rescue Dawn" too.
Tranformers 3 - Who doesn't love a good action movie with robots and no real story. 7/10

Me. I'm hoping you meant to rate it a ".7/10" and accidentally place a space after the period. This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I've watched 'There Will Be Blood' on Blu Ray twice in 24 hours. I don't think there is a film (with the exception of maybe 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre') that explores guilt and greed quite like this one.

Daniel Day Lewis is phenomenal in his portrayal of Daniel Plainview and I truly believe that it was one of the finest performances of an actor since the dawn of cinema. Paul Thomas Anderson directs this film like he's writing with a quill pen. He takes his time, he doesn't use tricky camerawork and he stays really organic with lighting, pacing, and editing. Did I mention that Johnny Greenwood's score is unlike any I have ever heard? AMAZING.

This movie deserved Best Picture over 'No Country for Old Men' (and I f'ing LOVE that movie).

10/10. (After seeing it for the first time in a few years).
Christian Bale is usually pretty great. He just doesn't overact like his supporting actors a lot of times. Which seems to be all that gets viewers attention these days.

He molds to characters and is typically different in each film... hard to name more than 10 actors today that dare to do such things. Sad.
I was going to do a review for the final Harry Potter movie. But you know what? My long reviews take a bit of time and energy, and because I've always been pretty meh about the franchise AND the people on here who enjoy my reviews aren't racing to go see it, I decided to go pretty bare bones here.

I thought Deathly Hallows Pt. I was the second best movie in the franchise, reminding me of some sort of Nazi-resistance film in 1940s France, and I really enjoyed it because of it. This series peaked, in my opinion, with Prisoner of Azakaban, as the films finally added a bit of weight to them, and they actually had Gary Oldman doing stuff and not simply brooding. Other than that, I've been lukewarm on this series, and I'm lukewarm on the finale. I thought the battle scenes were HUGELY weak - I've been waiting for an epic battle for 4-5 films now, and we get spotty montages and flashes to people just sort of running around shooting pretty colors? I know this is geared to kids, but kids aren't stupid - I know when I was a kid I appreciated good action scenes. For God's sake, Willow had better battle scenes, and actually felt like they had some serious weight to them. There is no seriousness to the scenes where we're clearly meant to feel the threat of death - a vast majority of the deaths to long-standing characters are handled off screen, so why should anyone care? I surely didn't. I never read the last novels, but I've come to understand that there is a lot of heartbreak when some of the allied characters are killed in battle, but I wouldn't have guessed that from watching this. For a film that depends on us feeling some sliver of care and danger, this was a pretty big failure.

Anyway, if you enjoy the series and have been following it, you've probably seen this film. Maybe twice even. But if you're on the fence, or haven't seen the films, simply don't do it. This is a series of films that is basically impossible to critique and enjoy if you're just strolling on in - it fully expects you to be well-versed with the material. If you aren't (as I am not), then you basically just have to shrug your shoulders and say "I'm just going to assume this all makes sense." In terms of acting, you know what you're getting, although I will shout out Ciaran Hinds as he is a superb actor and therefore love him in his extremely brief role. Fiennes has been underused the entire series, and he's fairly underused still even with a lot of screen time. Helena Bonham Carter continues one of the most obnoxious performances in recent history, but thankfully she's not given much time to annoy. The adult wizards are played by veteran actors, and are treats to watch in very short spurts of time.

2.5/5 for me as a non-fan, but followers of the series may like it considerably more. For reference, I would give Deathly Hallows Pt. I a 4/5, and Prisoner of Azkahban around a 4/5. Every other film hovers around 2.5 or 3.
Captain America 8/10

Awesome Avengers prequel pretty much. It on the the same level as Thor and the Iron Man films.

Another hit for Marvel. Can't wait for those Avengers to assemble next year.
For those who've seen Captain America in 3D, how was it? Was it worth the extra admission price?

We've planned to watch it tonight in 2D, but one showing in 3D is the most convenient for everyone when it comes to the showing time.
3D is never worth the extra. Avatar and Toy Story 3 were good in 3D. Everything else has been lame. Jackass 3D was pretty good too.

I enjoy my movies in 2D. That's the way it's meant to be.
Captain America.... eh.

We didn't want to wait 3 hours for another movie, so we figured what the heck... We'll give it a shot. My girlfriend has a crush on Natalie Dormer... so that 2 minutes she appeared (wtf?) was the only highlight for her.

The god-awful cheesy jokes and cheesiness all the way through was just tough for me. All the little "cute" jokes?... Unneeded and every time I cringed.
Why is the human torch playing Captain America?... isn't there an Avengers movie coming?... Does he get to play 2 roles? The guy is a terrible actor too, so it makes no sense to me. He's the same character he was in "Not Another Teen Movie" regardless of the role.

Really the only good thing about this movie was the very last fight scene. That and showings by Stanley Tucci, Tommy Lee Jones (he once again nailed playing the character: Tommy Lee Jones), and Toby Jones.

A lot of the acting was laughable. (guy in the movie theater for instance) The fight scenes were just humorous as well. Him throwing his shield at people to have it bounce in the air... or running firing a pistol with his shield up. Just all really, really corny.

Then the bad jokes again...

"I thought you were dead."... "I thought you were smaller."

"Mind the Gap." - the British guy's one line.... seriously?

Too many other bad ones to remember. The love story was fittingly cheesey with the typical "moments" while in the heat of chaos and what-not. The villain looked cool... yet he was about as intimidating as Mickey mouse. The laser guns were extremely lame.

So much was bad about this movie. People are very easily amused. Any super hero movie now people act is good now...


I give it that 4 simply for the only 4 good actors in the movie that I mentioned.
Granted it would have taken something special to make Captain America "cool". But casting Chris Evans wasn't a good start.
I thought Captain America was enjoyable, people critique movies too closely. Sit back and enjoy the movie... i'd give it a 7.5/10

After taking a film classes in college it's hard for me to do that. All I do now is analyze every shot and the angle that they used, what I would of done, the lighting, etc... I'm really messed up in the head lol.

Captain America was alot better than Green Latern. Deuce did you stay to the VERY end and see the Avengers trailer :)
Friends with Benefits. 4/10

The girlfriend gave me the option of seeing 1) Harry Potter, 2) Captain America or 3) FWB. I haven't seen a single minute of any Harry Potter movie and I will be damned if I sit through another superhero movie that isn't Batman or X-Men. FWB is rated R, so I thought there might be some boobies(there weren't).

FWB is what it is; a crappy date movie. Justin Timberlake once again shows off his lack of acting ability. Do us all a favor, JT, just stick to making crappy music and leave the acting to the professionals. Mila Kunis was also pretty bad in this, not that she's a great actress, but she's playing essentially the same role she had in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, except it's like she forgot how to do it in the layoff.

There were a few good jokes, but I found Timberlake's random smiley faces and bad acting to be the best part of the movie.

The funniest part was definitely towards the end when JT says, "I can go the rest of my life without having sex with you, it would just be really hard." and I yelled out, "That's what she said!" That was probably the only part every guy who was dragged there laughed at the same time.
I thought Captain America was enjoyable, people critique movies too closely. Sit back and enjoy the movie... i'd give it a 7.5/10

After taking a film classes in college it's hard for me to do that. All I do now is analyze every shot and the angle that they used, what I would of done, the lighting, etc... I'm really messed up in the head lol.

Captain America was alot better than Green Latern. Deuce did you stay to the VERY end and see the Avengers trailer :)

Nah. I hung around for the credits but only the ones using the old war propaganda posters- because I thought it was beautiful. Actually, that was my favorite part of the movie.

And I'm usually the type that can like mindless action flicks... this one was just boring.

So many flaws to point out really.

- When his best friend died, did anyone car? Since the character development was so poor, we didnt even get a chance to feel anything for him.
- Red Skull... we knew absolutely nothing about him. Just that he's some evil guy that targets "the whole world"... really? And he was just lame all around.
- The enemies were like even more dumb storm troopers. Faceless, robotic, and completely stupid.
- At not one is there any suspense. Because apparently Captain America can run mindlessly through 1,000s of lasers shooting around him but never be hit.... leaping 20 ft in the air, jumping through pits of fire, and even on the crash scene.... the movie was spoiled by the first scene in it. Way to kill the moment, guys.
Did he get hurt once as Captain America?... I can't recall. He never seemed to be in trouble.

I think people lower their standards a lot for comic hero movies- and I tried. But this was just bad in every form.
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