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You can't use that picture... the receivers were clearly all running the wrong routes. Mariota was looking where they were supposed to be and they were not there.
Yes, he was staring at the check down option , but never saw him. Amazing ability to get through his reads.
Sorry, but that sounds like an excuse. Teams contained Mariota in the pocket and bull rushed him up the middle because they know that he panics and won't get rid of the ball. Many of the sacks he took were after the 2.5 second mark, the league average for QBs to get rid of the ball. He absolutely cannot hold onto the ball or try to escape in those situations, yet he attempted to time after time.

Again, half of his sacks took place in 3 games, all of which involved us trailing the opponent and them blitzing Mariota at will. That's on the QB to get rid of the ball, not the OL to give him all day when defenses were bringing the house. And he was hit 0 times while attempting a pass. He constantly attempted to bail and gave up on plays, which is why he was sacked so many times.

I don’t know what else to tell you man. I give you a very elaborate response as to why sacks are taking place and say that all phases of the game share blame.

You can continue to act as if the o line wasn’t a problem but that’s just ignorant.

I have already broken down that picture for you in another thread. D lineman has hands up to bat the check down. You claimed he should have “stepped to his left”. That’s exactly what he did in real life and he got sacked by the guy Lewan is guarding. By and edge rusher who didn’t rush past the QB no less.... interesting how it all comes full circle.

No sense in arguing with someone who isn’t even open to a discussion. All the say is “that sounds like an excuse”. Lol give me a break.

Our problems weren’t just Mariota. They weren’t just the O line and they weren’t just the WR’s. But you are an absolute fool if you think all 3 didn’t cause their own problems last year.
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You can't use that picture... the receivers were clearly all running the wrong routes. Mariota was looking where they were supposed to be and they were not there.

Yeah a D lineman with his hands up probably had no affect on a check down throw.

I mean I feel like I’m a pretty honest Mariota supporter. He’s had 2 pretty bad years back to back and definitely needs to improve his pocket awareness. He has some big questions he needs to answer but when people overlook obvious details (like a D lineman with his hands up right in line with MM8 check down throw) I really have to question their overall judgement of things.
Why we ever gave kline that contract is beyond me. That move specifically made me question JR's IQ. Kline has been terrible since day 1.

I think at least 2 of the interior guys need to go. Unfortunately, I'm losing faith in JRs decision making and I believe he'll either bring them all back or only let 1 go. He'll probably just let Spain walk even though he's much better than Kline.
We need to just go ahead and move Conklin over to guard and let Kelly start at RT.

With the way Kelly played this season, I don't see why not. He was a monster. This will also allow us to give Conklin an easier job with less re-injury risk. Not to mention we can save a few million by cutting Klines garbage ass.

We can then address the other guard spot by signing a stud FA. We could sign a center or guard really. Apparently Ben Jones is just as good of a guard as a center. If no good free agents left we gotta address it in round 1 or 2.
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I don’t know what else to tell you man. I give you a very elaborate response as to why sacks are taking place and say that all phases of the game share blame.

You can continue to act as if the o line wasn’t a problem but that’s just ignorant.

I have already broken down that picture for you in another thread. D lineman has hands up to bat the check down. You claimed he should have “stepped to his left”. That’s exactly what he did in real life and he got sacked by the guy Lewan is guarding. By and edge rusher who didn’t rush past the QB no less.... interesting how it all comes full circle.

No sense in arguing with someone who isn’t even open to a discussion. All the say is “that sounds like an excuse”. Lol give me a break.

Our problems weren’t just Mariota. They weren’t just the O line and they weren’t just the WR’s. But you are an absolute fool if you think all 3 didn’t cause their own problems last year.

You're seriously going to blame some guy's hand for him being hesitant to throw the football? That's poppycock, man. He's an NFL QB, ffs. These guys should be blowing our minds with their ability, not getting excuses made for a disasterous outcome because they had a small obstacle to overcome.

Also, if you have all of that athleticism, yet allow a guy with man boobs to catch you in space, then I have a hard time believing that you are playing to the best of your abilities. Russell Wilson and Aaron Rodgers would have shrugged off man boobs like it was nothing and made a play. If your response is, "he isn't Wilson or Rodgers", then that is the most accurate thing that you've said all day.

The OL had some rough games. But we faced blitzes as much as anyone. He's making everyone's job more difficult, and he's simply not going to survive and we're going nowhere until he can figure out how to deal with defenders around him
another “it’s nobody’s fault but mariotas!!!!” thread. someone please just merge this will all the other anti-marcus threads.
Mariota definitely needs to get it figured out but you guys are crazy if you think the OL was any good this year.
You're seriously going to blame some guy's hand for him being hesitant to throw the football? That's poppycock, man. He's an NFL QB, ffs. These guys should be blowing our minds with their ability, not getting excuses made for a disasterous outcome because they had a small obstacle to overcome.

Also, if you have all of that athleticism, yet allow a guy with man boobs to catch you in space, then I have a hard time believing that you are playing to the best of your abilities. Russell Wilson and Aaron Rodgers would have shrugged off man boobs like it was nothing and made a play. If your response is, "he isn't Wilson or Rodgers", then that is the most accurate thing that you've said all day.

The OL had some rough games. But we faced blitzes as much as anyone. He's making everyone's job more difficult, and he's simply not going to survive and we're going nowhere until he can figure out how to deal with defenders around him

You clearly have never played sports. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.

QB’s should never have their passes batted at the line and definitely should never get sacked by someone who weighs more than them.

Hahahaha what a dumba** response.
Read this article

Here are the highlights (courtesy of TGO at TR):

“found that the Titans allowed the fewest QB hits in the NFL by an extremely wide margin. “

“When you combine sacks and hits the Titans quarterbacks were actually the 5th best protected group in the NFL.”

“The Titans QB hits total was comprised of 68.1% sacks, almost 10 percentage points higher than the next highest team.”

“After going back and re-watching all 47 of the Titans sacks allowed in 2018, I believe that the mystery of the high number of unassigned sacks AND the mystery of the low percentage of QB hits can be explained by the same factor: a tendency for Marcus Mariota to pull his eyes down and look to run when his first couple reads aren’t open.”

These are partially incorrect conclusions. There is a big difference between sacks and hits. Qb hits can still be TD passes or First downs. Sacks are usually drive killers so there is no equating them to hits to suggest he was protected well. He wasn’t overall. The one thing the article points out correctly is that this is not ALL on the OL. Backs TEs and the QBs take blame as well. Our recievers play a part in this as well in the sense that if no ones get coverage sacks and hits and force the qb to run. To assign all unassigned sacks simply to Mariota trying to bail is misleading at best. I didn’t rewatch every sack but I watched every game...some more than once.

But the biggest problem is OL problems as they make up the majority of assigned sacks. Kelly played better than Conklin. Adding a quality LG and perhaps moving Conklin to RG are ways to boost the OL. Giving Mariota more time is one way to knock down some of those assigned and unassigned sacks. Getting Walker back and adding another quality WR would also help a LOT.

Of course, Mariota improving and not taking sacks he doesnt need to take will help as well.

And Henry running all season like he did this Dec would be a tremendous help in keeping us out of a ton of 3rd and longs.
Last paragraph states what many thought and needs to be added into the consideration of why Mariota needs replaced. He holds the ball too long and maybe “unassigned sacks” should actually be assigned to the guy responsible for taking them, Mariota.

So a coverage sack should be blamed on the qb? Why do t you just make all sacks Mariota fault. Doesn’t matter if OL gets beat or our guys aren’t open...that’s on Mariota, right?

The whole point of the article is to appear reasoned (any one who watched our games KNOWS we didn’t have the 5th best protection around the league)...but is really to bash Mariota. Suggesting the OL is not at fault (5th best protection) and ALL unassigned sacks are Mariotas fault is just making stuff up to bash the qb. And I see the article doesn’t account for pressures in which he turned into positive runs, big plays first downs or TD’s...saving some others from a poor stat. Is it fair to say some of those unassigned sacks are on Mariota? Absolutely! He made more mistakes this year than he should have. Is it fairy to say that he tends to hold onto the ball too long? Absolutely!

Is it fair to put half the sacks on him when a large number of those aren’t his fault? No.
So we didn't attempt many passes,and didn't allow many hits. Sounds about right.

FWIW, Seattle had fewer pass attempts and far more QB hits allowed. No team with as few QB hits allowed as us were anywhere close to the number of sacks that we "allowed". Andrew luck was hit more times than our QBs, yet sacked 29 fewer times. How the hell do you explain that?

On the whole...we were one of the most sacked in the league in raw numbers. When you add the context we threw it half as much...that should tell you how poor the protection was.

Think of it this way. Qb hits mean better protection overall than qb sacks. Why? Because the qb has the time to get the ball off. When sacked...he doesn’t. So sacks are FAR worse than hits.

So jumping for joy we had fewer hits is the wrong conclusion. Taking a huge number of sacks kills the offense and THAT is the problem!
On the whole...we were one of the most sacked in the league in raw numbers. When you add the context we threw it half as much...that should tell you how poor the protection was.

Think of it this way. Qb hits mean better protection overall than qb sacks. Why? Because the qb has the time to get the ball off. When sacked...he doesn’t. So sacks are FAR worse than hits.

So jumping for joy we had fewer hits is the wrong conclusion. Taking a huge number of sacks kills the offense and THAT is the problem!
Our sacks surrendered is not a representation of the quality of the protection. It's a representation of a QB who has always taken far too many sacks, going back to college, drops his eyes and attempts to bail the pocket early. Now defenses have someone waiting for him when he does.

Half of his sacks occurred in 3 games, even we fell behind early and experienced a sack fest. If the QB knowingly holds onto the ball too long it tries to scramble when he's well aware the blitz is coming, the sack is on him. He took fewer than 2 sacks per game, otherwise.

Also, to your point about coverage sacks- the amount of separation that our receivers required in order for Mariota to get them the ball is part of the issue . Our top 3 receivers averaged more yards of separation per Target than virtually every top receiver in the league .

Essentially, if he didn't have clean protection, and our receivers didn't kill their coverage assignments in order to get wide open, he was very likely to take a sack. It's not asking for too much to expect our #2 pick to be able to elevate his supporting cast or be capable of performing under less than ideal circumstances. So far, all we're getting for Mariota are excuses
Anyone who watched our games this year knows our pass protection was the biggest reason we gave up sacks. Our rbs and tes did a pretty bad job overall on helping out the oline. That's why we didn't feature henry until late in the season, his pass pro sucks. Yes mm8 holds the ball to long, but on a lot of those plays our very young receivers aren't getting the separation needed. Add to that, the fact that our play calling was decent at best all year you are going to get more sacks than you should. I completely agree that mm8 can get rid of the ball faster and move around in the pocket better. But, to suggest he's the primary reason for this issue is ridiculous.
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