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Vigsted said:
Yet we were adamant about keeping him as a backup to McNair and refused to trade him?
I was pissed that we didn't get rid of him when we could've actually got something for him. I was never adamant about keeping Volek. I never thought he was anything more than a back-up that knew the system and I still don't.

2005 Oakland 4-12
2004 Oakland 5-11
2003 N.Y. Giants 4-12
2002 N.Y. Giants 10-6
2001 N.Y. Giants 7-9
2000 N.Y. Giants 12-4
1999 N.Y. Giants 7-9
1998 New Orleans 6-10
1997 Carolina 7-9
1996 Carolina 12-4
1995 Carolina 7-9

Yeah I can see he has a great track record recently.... or NOT!

Yep, now go back and post all of Billy's wins. Notice that Collins actually has some wins.

The packers pulling their starters early would have benefited collins not volek. Collins was playing the second quarter.
rcarie said:
Collins 3, Volek 0

What else?

Umm, you do know Volek hasn't even had the chance to start for a whole season, right? So any direct comparison on winning seasons, or even wins in general is right out the window due to lack of data on Volek.
That settles it...

Being an annual loser 73% of the time is better than a guy who was never a loser. Right rcaries? When did volek ever "lead" a team to a losing season? He was steve mcnair's backup!
Am i the only one?

Collins should start because he is bigger and a better blocker right? There are at least 3-4 reverses we might run this year in which a QB block would come in handy and the gigantic macho collins could be like a pulling guard! Can't you just see collin's with his 9.5 speed pulling out and really reaming a little cornerback? Volek can't do that!

I can't think of a single thing that collins can do better so let's use that one. Collins a jim everett wannabee!
Vigsted said:
Umm, you do know Volek hasn't even had the chance to start for a whole season, right? So any direct comparison on winning seasons, or even wins in general is right out the window due to lack of data on Volek.
Your the one that threw the season win record out there. He hasn't started for a season because everytime he gets the chance to start he sucks. You see, that's how guys earn their spot. They get put in and then they play well. They don't panic and get sacked in the endzone.
rcarie said:
He hasn't started for a season because everytime he gets the chance to start he sucks.

You must have a bad memory if you can't remember that Steve McNair, the franchise player of the Titans, was the #1 quarterback in all those seasons Volek was here. No way he would start over him and no way Collins would either.
RollTide said:
Being an annual loser 73% of the time is better than a guy who was never a loser. Right rcaries? When did volek ever "lead" a team to a losing season? He was steve mcnair's backup!

Never a loser??? How about never a winner! That's more like it. My point is that he has never done anything to earn the starting position other than just being on the team and that's not good enough. When he's in the game we suck. I don't need a stat book to tell me that. Defenses never need to worry that he might use his athletic ability to make a play because he never does. Not that Collins is gong to run on people but he's more athletic than BV. That's why he's been a starter and BV's been a back-up. It's not really that hard.
Billy has played absolutely terrible this pre-season. Against first string D's, we managed to get one (that's right, one!) TD with Volek behind center. That doesn't cut it. I'm tired of this team sucking and I'm tired of watching BV make us suck even worse. If he out plays Collins and wins the starting spot than he'll deserve but I'm not conceding the spot to him just because he's been on the team as long as he has.
Vigsted said:
You must have a bad memory if you can't remember that Steve McNair, the franchise player of the Titans, was the #1 quarterback in all those seasons Volek was here. No way he would start over him and no way Collins would either.
I remember quite well... How did Tom Brady earn his starting spot? What about Kurt Warner? The starter went out and they came in and made plays. Obviously, Steve was the man here and for good reason but at the same time he had absolutely zero compitition.
Vigsted said:
Still he has a "whopping" 3 winning seasons out of 11...
No argument here, he's not a great QB. But that's not to say that he isn't the better choice than Volek. Only one of them has proven to be a capable NFL starter.

Plus, the fact is, Collins has played on some pretty bad teams. Hell, the Raiders have been pitiful during his run there. And some of those Giants teams were bad, too. He isn't going to carry a team or make a bad team good. But at least he can rudder the ship.
RollTide said:
I can't think of a single thing that collins can do better so let's use that one. Collins a jim everett wannabee!

Wow RT. I recall blasting Collins when we picked him up and even before that and you were defending the guy. I guess you saw what I saw in that preseason crap fest he threw out there.
Starkiller said:
.... Only one of them has proven to be a capable NFL starter.

Plus, the fact is, Collins has played on some pretty bad teams. Hell, the Raiders have been pitiful during his run there. And some of those Giants teams were bad, too. He isn't going to carry a team or make a bad team good. But at least he can rudder the ship.

I hope you are not talking about Collins because he has not proven squat. 3 of 11 is nothing. He had the same team year after year on the Giants. Same receivers, same RB same line, the D has gotten even better over time since he blew that game. He is a poor leader.

Last season he had Moss and Porter and should have been able to make that team work. Lamont Jordan ended up with 70 receptions last season because Collin has no vision. It is either deap or dump off no middle of the road for that guy. I am defiantly not a huge Volek fan. I think he throws ducks but I would rather had the unity Volek has had with the receivers in the past then Collins blowing it for us when it counts.

You take away last season and Collins has more INTs then TDs for his career. Don't tell me having arguably one of the best receivers playing right now did not bolster his stats.
Starkiller said:
No argument here, he's not a great QB. But that's not to say that he isn't the better choice than Volek. Only one of them has proven to be a capable NFL starter.

Plus, the fact is, Collins has played on some pretty bad teams. Hell, the Raiders have been pitiful during his run there. And some of those Giants teams were bad, too. He isn't going to carry a team or make a bad team good. But at least he can rudder the ship.

Rudder the ship? In reality Collins is an eyelash better than Ryan Leaf and if not for his high draft postion would have been either out of the league or playing backup. If Volek happened to be picked that early in the draft and was given the same opportunities I'm sure he could have mustered 3 winning seasons in 11 years. The bottom line, as you put it, is Collins is not going to carry a team and Collins on the last two years version of the Titans would have lost as many games as Volek and we would be calling for his head.

Now, because Volek gets dumped on everyone joins in the parade and starts making things out of proportion. Now Volek sucks but Collins, with Randy Moss and alot better talent around him last year is suddenly a guy who can rudder the ship. Let Volek throw to Moss and Porter and I'm almost sure he could put up as good or better numbers. If Volek sucks then so does Collins.
I'm not going to stick up for Volek but I'm sure not going to start saying Collins is any better. The only thing Collins has over Volek at this point IMO is he is bigger and might make it through the year. Other than that he is not one bit better IMO.
Soxcat said:
I guess that "one TD and a big chunk of that yardage was ONE PLAY" helps make up for the dropped balls. Volek's pass to Bennett comes to mind and I think that was against the starters.
The point is that preseason stats mean NOTHING and has NO impact as to why Collins is in camp.
RollTide said:
Whatever accomplishments volek has will not be counted and anything good that collins does shall be amplified. Is that it? You just won my arguement for me.
Bull. I am pointing out the use of preseason stats it a pathetic way to determine anything.

Do you honestly believe preseason stats had any decision on bringing in Collins?

Why is everything situational all of a sudden? Does every positive thing that young accomplished worthless now because he did it against second and third string guys? Was collins playing against a first rate fresh defense? I assume that if the opposing defense is 2nd string then so are the players around our QB. So why does that matter?
It was the PREseason, Tide. Vanilla defenses. Second-stringers. The stats mean NOTHING except to those who grasp for something because they don't have anything else.

I'm not saying Collins is a better option. Never have. But something happened at some point to make Fisher and Chow decide bringing in a very average QB on the downside of his career was a better option than going with Volek. And it sure as heck wasn't a preseason stat.
TitanJeff said:
Do you honestly believe preseason stats had any decision on bringing in Collins?

Then what did? Volek's been here for 6 years, yet they only just realised he wasn't starter material 2 weeks ago? If that's the case our coaches are horrible, downright inept at evaluating players...
My personal belief is that it's Fisher's love for veterans. The same reason that sees Piller and Olson start over younger players with more potential is also what brought Collins into replace Volek.
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