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Gunny said:
they're the same person.
Palpatine or the Emperor ?

The Emperor Palpatine, perhaps the greatest tyrant the galaxy has ever known, started his career as a modest and unassuming senator in the Galactic Senate. It was this senator's manipulative ability that won him acclaim and propelled him to mastery of the galaxy.

At first, Senator Palpatine seemed incorruptible, vocal regarding abuses of power, but once he gained leadership of the Senate, he showed his true nature - power-hungry and intolerant. Little is known about his climb to power, but his actions are unmistakeable. After introducing the New Order, he declared himself Emperor, shortly thereafter destroying the Jedi and dissolving the Senate.
My gd , I just re-realized how bad Episodes 1-3 suck

and yes, now I even include Episode 3

I thought it was a good movie when I saw it in theatres, but after watching a few times on DVD, I see way through the flaws

take for instance the fight on the Volcan planet. the fina battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was close t ordering on excessive. My wife even eluded to it after the fight carried on to its upteenth location
if these dudes were the best lightsaber duelist in the entire galaxy - they sure couldn't hit worth a Sh*t.
and WHY did Obi_wan just leave Anakin laying there at the edge of the river ? knowing that the burns were enough to seal of the bleeding (why didn't he sense that crap from the force ?) He shoulda sliced Ani's head off right there and been done with the evil tyranny that would come

the worst part about it is that Knights of the Old Republic is a MUCH better story (IMHO). as a matter of fact, the backstory alone is better Episode 1. Hell, the backstory alone is a movie. considering there are only 2 games - this franchise has AT LEAST 3 GREAT movies in it

Damnit man, Palpatine and Vader have NOTHING on Revan and Malak
You know your season isn't good when when your
"You know your season isn't good" thread turns into
a full blown Star Wars discussion.
Puck said:
Damnit man, Palpatine and Vader have NOTHING on Revan and Malak

ahh no. Revan and Malak isnt close as Palpatine and Vader.

they are just straight up good vs bad.

and why did Obi Wan leave Anakin on the river -

a) because you'd think when you cut up someones arm and two legs as well as half there body burning they'd die.

b) it didnt seal the wounds according to those Star Wars fanatics his hate through the force kept him alive until Palpatine came along or some crap like that.

the final sabre fight was good. who cares if they miss it isnt real.
Okay, I'm going to weigh in with my novice Star Wars opinion...
I figured Obi-Wan left Ani for dead because of sentimentality...
Funny how Luke eventually killed Vader more or less...
perhaps Obi-Wan lacked (or possessed) to much/little heart to finish him off.
Maybe Obi-Wan was too pure...
Like I said...novice opinion...I'm not steadfastly going to defend it...
just a thought.

or maybe Lucas figured he could sell more movie tickets in the long run.
In my words...
sec330bp said:
more or less
and ironically that's why it's "funny"...
...and seemed to be kinda a parallel in a way... I feel like one of those "Star Wars fanatics" :geek:

about this sealing wounds bunk...
Ani was just lucky that Emperor Palpatine was there to scoop his stump a$$ off the side of that lava river bank.

I wasn't luck ehh, Starkiller?
Old Sparky Robes used the force I suppose? :ha:
You know your season isn't good when...

One of the most active posters on your message board devotes himself to a rookie 7th round pick who has had just as many horrible plays as good ones.
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