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You and about a million other people.

Randy Savage been there, done that. And snapped into a slim jim. That's the rumor, and that's allegedly why the WWE distanced themselves from him.
Duke of Dorchester is the one that broke Steph in!! Even years before Savage!
Goldberg agreed to do more matches. So I guess we might get Goldberg vs Undertaker now.
That ECW special after RAW should be great. Loved the mix of hardcore plus great wrestling the classic ECW had. ECW 95 was one of the best years a fed ever had. Kind of comparable to WCW in 89 or 96. Where the stuff was great from top to bottom. Great wrestling plus good storylines also.
I don't think we get Goldberg vs Taker. I'd say one of 2 things happens:
1) Brock will enter like 10 or 12 in the Royal Rumble and get a ton of elimination til Goldberg enters in the mid-20s and they start brawling, ending with both going over the top. Upset that Brock has halted his shot at the championship, we get Brock vs Goldberg at Mania to settle the score.

2) Goldberg enters with a half dozen guys, eliminates everyone, then Brock ends up eliminating Goldberg, amd they settle the score at Mania.

I think the first script is more likely, because they allowed Goldberg to squash Brock un 90 seconds with 2 blows ... so, I'd imagine they want to build Brock back up to be a stronger and more motivated and dangerous beast now, by feeding him 8 or 9 guys in the Rumble.
The Realest Raw Review (12/12/16, pt 1)
We open the night with good promo by New Day to remind us that if they end the night with the WWE Tag Team titles, then they will officially have broken Demolition's record for longest tag team championship reign ever. Xavier Woods dedicates tonight's triple threat championship match to his grandma who has passed, which generates a "Grandma, grandma, grandma" chant from the crowd ... pretty cool moment.

Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match
New Day (c) vs Anderson & Gallows vs Sheamus & Cesaro
*** - Surprised we start here, maybe there's something more planned ... I hope. The match was entertaining, but too short. I would give it 4-stars, if it were longer. You have 6 guys eligible to tag in and out, and you really only have a couple tags. Could've told a much better story and built much more anticipation for the finish than they did with this match.

Looks like the New Day celebration party in their lockerroom will be a running theme for the night. Should get some laughs out of there. First celebration segment includes Big E eating a comically-large bowl of Booty O's and Steph toasting their record-breaking victory. But Woods mistakenly sprayed her with champagne, enraging her. Uh-oh, looks like trouble is abrewing! Kevin Owen presses a cold, wet, upset Stephanie for a chance to pitch an idea for punishment for New Day ... Y2KO title shots?
The Realest Raw Review (12/12/16, pt 2)
Braun Strowman vs Curtis Axel
Predictable squash match. Strowman shows off a couple new moves, all of them power moves. Continues to grow and learn on the job, and I love having the "enhancement matches" back on TV. It's the best thing to come out of the brand split, so far. He responds to Sami Zayn's challenge for a match by saying the Foley is protecting Zayn, as he should. Zayn instantly in Foley's face demanding the match, Foley tells him he can't beat Strowman flat out, and Zayn requests a release from his Raw contract. Foley says that if that's what Sami wants, then he'll get Daniel Bryan on the phone and work out a trade, right now.
** 1/2* - The match obviously doesn't get above 1 star, but the surprise of a SmackDown/Raw trade for Zayn at the finish was a great segment. Expected a match of some kind between Zayn and Strowman to be made for the upcoming PPV. Will be an interesting playout.

Ariya Daivari vs Lince Dorado
I've not been impressed overall with the cruiserweight division, but it's been picking up steam in my eyes for the last couple weeks. Having 3 champions in the first couple months wasn't a popular call with me. Dorado has a lot of counters and movements that remind me of the old WCW days, just when I'm enjoying the action, they interrupt the match. Luckily, it's interrupted by my favorite cruiserweight on the roster, Jack Gallagher. There was no winner or loser, really just a 5 minutes 205 Live on WWE Network commercial. lol

Well, everyone has a WWE talk show these days, so here's a new episode of The Rollins Report with guest Kevin Owens. hahaha Opens up with Rollins again calling out Triple H. Rollins says the purpose of the show is to find out if he needs to worry about Owens being at ringside for the Road Block PPV match between Rollins and Jericho. Owens bring his own stool to site on the stage, refusing to get in the ring with Rollins. Owens says he's not here for the Rollins report, he's here to make a major announcement ... concerning New Day and Steph? Best Friends title match. To show that their friendship is back on good terms and they're ready to work together, Jericho comes out and beat Rollins down, pledging to put him on the DL. Reigns comes out to even the odds, and the babyfaces stand tall as we go to break. Very odd booking here. You give KO and Y2J a tag title match later in the night, then make them look weak by having them get beat up and then run away?
The Realest Raw Review (12/12/16, pt 3)
Rich Swann (or Mini Kofi) gives a promo after we look back at his victory for the belt on 205 Live. The only purpose of the segment was to provide some context to WWE Cruiserweight triple threat match at Road Block, since nobody saw what happened at 205 Live to set up the match.

TJ Perkins vs The Brian Kendrick
Again, the purpose of the match is to provide context for the triple threat match Sunday ... to declare a clear favorite for the fans to expect to win, more than anything. There was a few botches and clear misses that were oversold as Mike Tyson knockout punches, but a very solid match overall. I love the mat wrestling contrast to the usual high-flying of the cruiserweights. Kendrick is so much better at selling the action and telling stories than he was with his first run, and a lot of that may be the comfort of working with people his size. Kendrick goes over clean, to sell that he has the momentum going into the match a couple weeks after losing his belt, but he got his knee worked over and will have an injury to sell going in.
** 3/4* - Not a lot of action, but some great storytelling and set-up for the PPV.

Following the match, we find out why they made KO and Y2J look weak right after giving them a title match ... it was actually to make Rollins and Reigns look strong. Because Foley approaches them backstage to inform them that since Steph gave KO and Y2J an opportunity without consulting him, he is here to do the same for Reigns/Rollins, because the main event is now another tag team triple threat match for the belts: New Day vs Rollins/Reigns vs Y2J/KO ... first signs of tension between the babyface GM and heel commissioner?

An awesome video promo to set up the first ever WWE women's iron man match Sunday. It will be a 30-minute time limit, instead of the traditional 60-minute. Banks vs Charlotte may be feud of the year ... best feud in a long time, and best ever in women's wrestling. Can't wait for that WWE DVD documenting all of it from NXT to WWE.

Bayley vs Alicia Fox
Bayley may be the most fun-to-watch woman in wrestling ... and that's just her entrance. lol But the match itself isn't very interesting. Alicia Fox is basically a jobber, there's no doubt who's going to win, and there's not going to be any time given to the match to build an actual story. They're trying to sell a story a Bayley flirted with Fox's man ... but it's nothing to the fans are going to get behind.
1/2 * - Basically, just a way to keep Bayley fresh in our minds while Charlotte and Banks finish up their program.
The Realest Raw Review (12/12/16, pt 4)
Rusev and Lana (Nashville residents, by the way) cut their usual Russian > USA promo, then cut into Enzo and make a sexual reference he was clearly hesitant to make and stumbled through. lol Cass has to come out to defend Enzo's honor, since Enzo is selling the beating from last week. Cass cuts the usual tightly-scripted promo with slightly less emotion and flow than Siri, then goes over in a brawl with Rusev. Enzo met a man's wife in a hotel room, took his pants off, got caught ... but somehow is being sold as the babyface in the situation. Not since Mae Young gave birth to a gooey hand on live TV have I understood a storyline less. :p

Sami Zayn vs Jinder Mahal
The match is being sold as possibly the last time the Raw audience will see Sami Zayn, and he's going over strong early. Jinger takes over the match, as the announcers are totally ignoring the action and focusing solely on how insane Sami Zayn is for wanting a rematch with Braun Strowman and Foley is doing the correct thing in protecting Sami. Zayn with a quick comeback, but sulks the bittersweet for a moment on the ropes, selling the fact that he may be leaving the show, and out come Foley with a contract in hand ... is it a SmackDown contract? Is it a Road Block contract for a match with Braun Strowman? We will find out ... right after this commercial break. :D Foley says he has just hung up with Daniel Bryan and has worked out a trade, it only requires Sami's signature on the dotted line, if it is really what he wants. Zayn says he will stay, if Foley will sanction the match with Strowman, but Foley won't. So, Zayn says he will sign. Foley says Daniel Bryan offered a straight-up trade for a talent they view as "equal" to Sami, and that talent is Eva Marie. Sami gets crazy, getting physical with Foley at one point and nearly knocking him over, and said he doesn't want this ... he wants Strowman, damn it! Foley says to remember this moment in time on Sunday night, when he is in a fight with Strowman at Road Block, revealing there's no ink on the contract he's holding ... there was never a trade, it was just a test. So, Sunday there will be a 10-minute time limit match with Strowman, and Foley will not step in to save him, again. WWE never mentions time limits ... so, I'm comfortable going ahead and predicting a 10-minute time limit draw Sunday. hahaha
**** - The match was bland and predictable ... if it had been better, this is a 5-star segment. The promo afterwards was simply awesome ... no surprise, it involved Foley and he can have a compelling, emotional promo arguing with a steel chair, if needed.

WWE Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match
New Day vs KO/Y2J vs Rollins/Reigns
*** 3/4* - Incredible match that accomplished a ton. By far the best and most productive match of the night. First, they teams went 20 solid minutes and no real down time in the match ... so, kudos there. The audience was hooked in and unsure of the finish all the way. It put a final wrap on the Best Friends storyline. It solidified New Day's ability to claim they are the best tag team ever, while now making it possible for them to drop the belts to Anderson & Gallows soon (probably at The Rumble) without looking weak or losing any momentum. They beat every tag team on Raw (and some that were made for one night only, just to further strengthen them), so they are able to not defend the belts at the PPV Sunday without losing any face as fighting champions. Finally, the show ended with Reigns standing over a fallen KO holding both the US and Universal belts over his head, giving him some strength going into Sunday.

Overall, I'd give the show a solid B. There was some downtime filled with predictable matches, but the matches were purposely predictable and served a purpose to advance storylines. And the ending of the night wasn't predictable ... I was fully expecting the night to end with KO/Y2J as the champions. Anytime I can get fooled by the main event, it's a good night in my eyes. :)
Not to burst your bubble, but they really don't hit each other, unless you count forearms to the top of the head a punch. Just a good aerobic workout.
Wow, I just now started reading up on it, and it appears you may be right. This is truly enlightening! How long has this sham been going on? Was it real back during the Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan days?

You're not going to believe this, but I've started digging deeper, and I'm finding out all kinds of stuff. Like, apparently, Will Smith isn't even a troubled Philly youth who moved in Bel-Air to live with his rich uncle, eventually becoming a western Cowboy before joined the U.S. Marine corp and aspired to be an astronaut and eventually settled into helping the government fight and cover-up aliens, before becoming the greatest boxer in the world.

George Clooney never even escaped prison and led his friends on a goose hunt for a lost treasure in an attempt to stop his kid's mother from re-marrying!

They're both just people who pretend to do them things for the purpose of entertainment ... in their circles, they're referred to as "actors". Who knew?

I'm beginning to wonder if Tom Hanks ever actually played RB for Alabama and told the president that he was shot in the ass during the war. I know it probably happened, but I just don't know what to believe, anymore. :(

Infact, if my research is correct, it appears that all scripted forms of entertainment may very well be fake. It may be too early to official declare that, but the early signs are pointing in that direction, for sure. How'd you come across this nugget of wisdom, and how'd all the rest of us miss it? This is earth-shattering stuff, going to change the way I look at the world going forward ... honestly, you've probably just changed my entire life. :p hahaha :D
You seemed so into it with your scouting reports and all. I thought you might be hallucinating or something. Glad you are back down to earth.....
You seemed so into it with your scouting reports and all. I thought you might be hallucinating or something. Glad you are back down to earth.....

Nope, will always continue to enjoy what entertains me. :p Will have a similar one for smackdown tomorrow. :D
Nope, will always continue to enjoy what entertains me. :p Will have a similar one for smackdown tomorrow. :D
Maybe I am just getting old, but it doesn't have the same allure it once did. The last good heavyweight battles were with Orton, Triple H, etc. I don't hardly watch anymore. I guess you know they are coming to Nashville the 28th?
Maybe I am just getting old, but it doesn't have the same allure it once did. The last good heavyweight battles were with Orton, Triple H, etc. I don't hardly watch anymore. I guess you know they are coming to Nashville the 28th?

Yea, it's getting WAY better the last year. But it hasn't really been great since Vince bought WCW. It'll never be like that, again.
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