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WoolfolksUncle said:
You folks know what. I will go on record right now saying: THIS YEAR after his first offseason workout (first healthy offseason) (physical and technique workout) since becoming a Titan, an improved Andre will emerge at camp, battle Hill for the spot and earn not only his teammates respect (which he has anyway), but all of you fans. I started to say non-supportive, but I can't make that claim. A few of you may be supportive and just disgruntled. My challenge to you is to come back and show just as much support as you do criticism. Now don't get upset, what else would you call it, whether you believe it is warranted or not, it is criticism. So just as I did during the season at the times he shined, I will ask for your applause (Arizona game in particular, Baltimore and Miami games also).

#1TitansFan, #90, adamwinn51, bigtitan53279, Carpy, ChitownTitan, CriticalTheory, Da Architek, dman050586, DynamoSupremo, FAN1, GoT, GoTitans3801, Jwill1919, LJ, Luca, Mex#1TitanFan, robert3093, SephirothSK, thnom, TitanFan4Life, Troupe4Prez, tyrant539, wg53

He's finally a FA after this season right?
You know... if Andre Woolfolk does well this season and then leaves via free agency... I hope he goes to Denver, blows up the AFC west and makes us wish we never let him get away. That would be a dream for Woolfolk, playing for Denver I mean... I acknowlege that Andre has fallen short here but I don't understand why he takes so much heat when there are others on the roster that are sub-par. Seems to me people enjoy being critical... and that's fine by me. Folks have their dispositions, and they never are going to be the same and it's better that way, I suppose...Still, just the same I want only the best for our players. I hope that I am right for my homer fed support of Woolfolk. It's faith. That's all it is. Faith has no rationale really...It's just a manifestation of hope.
I look at it like this. Woolfolk was a 1st round pick in his 3rd year and was beat out by a 7th round rookie. Obviously Hill has some flaws in his game but the coaching staff had more confidence starting Hill than Andre despite Hill only being a rookie. No way the coaching staff makes that move if they even think these guys are equal in talent. They felt that Hill was flat out the better CB of the two.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I acknowlege that Andre has fallen short here but I don't understand why he takes so much heat when there are others on the roster that are sub-par. Seems to me people enjoy being critical...

You started this thread, twice! What did you expect, us to come on here and say what a great player Andre Woolfolk is, when clearly he isn't? C'mon SEC, you're better than that.:hmm:
Riverman said:
Use KVB as an analogy-

Two ACL's is not the same thing as completely underachieving, not even the same proximity. I wish Woolfolk had torn out his ACL's, so at least I could make an excuse for how bad he is.
Riverman said:
Several of you appear to have a real lack of objectivity when evaluating Woolfolk.

These are the same people that think players walk onto the team great. They don't see that coaches and coordinators, atleast the good ones, have a knack for making players better. Such as Romeo Crennel, Belicheck, Miami's coach seems to have made the Dolphins better already, etc. My philosophy is all the players have talent. Some may have a little more but they can all compete. The key is teaching them how to transfer their raw skills onto the field. That being said, i think Woolfolk like Dyson can improve playing somewhere else.
Jwill1919 said:
You started this thread, twice! What did you expect, us to come on here and say what a great player Andre Woolfolk is, when clearly he isn't? C'mon SEC, you're better than that.:hmm:
No. No I didn't. I started this thread a second time to appease RollTide in his assertion that I was labeling people and trying to set up a situation to dis them with some kind of hater tag, which is not what I have done, nor do I inted to. I also redid this thread because I mistakenly submitted the other poll as non-public which was a mistake on my part. In all liklihood I am flat out wrong about Andre, but I hope that is not the case. Still, it seems to me that being critical to Woolfolk is hip, but that is just my perception. I'm not one that tells people what they should think because I acknowlege on my own that many members here know the ends and outs of the league, our organization, and coaches better than I. The replies to this thread have been thought provoking and I think on the whole it has been a productive dialog. I appreciate you giving me credit for being realistic though.
Jwill1919 said:
Two ACL's is not the same thing as completely underachieving, not even the same proximity. I wish Woolfolk had torn out his ACL's, so at least I could make an excuse for how bad he is.

I'm assuming you realize that Woolfolk's has had legitimate performance impeding injuries.

Two ACL injuries are indeed more severe than the injuries Woolfolk incurred. However, Woolfolk did play through and return quickly from his injuries. And even though KVB's season's were tanked, he was still considered a bust pick by Arizona fans and coaches and released.

Since you appear interested in absolutes only, I'll take a minute to spell it out more slowly. The KVB analogy is valid because he was considered an "underachiever", "injury prone" player who would never be able to live up to expectations. The simple matter of fact is that either 1) Arizona gave up too early on him or 2) he didn't flourish under their system. These are both points I've been trying to make for Woolfolk's case here in Tennessee.

I'm not interested in making you or anyone else a Woolfolk fan. I just want people to think more rationally.

Personally, I think Woolfolk is a class act and WILL be an upper echelon NFL DB. I just hope it's with the Titans.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
In all liklihood I am flat out wrong about Andre, but I hope that is not the case. Still, it seems to me that being critical to Woolfolk is hip, but that is just my perception. I'm not one that tells people what they should think because I acknowlege on my own that many members here know the ends and outs of the league, our organization, and coaches better than I. The replies to this thread have been thought provoking and I think on the whole it has been a productive dialog.
Good post.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
The replies to this thread have been thought provoking and I think on the whole it has been a productive dialog. I appreciate you giving me credit for being realistic though.

No prob.
Riverman said:
I'm assuming you realize that Woolfolk's has had legitimate performance impeding injuries.

Personally, I think Woolfolk is a class act and WILL be an upper echelon NFL DB. I just hope it's with the Titans.

Every guy who steps on the field has performance impending injuries, some persevere, some just keep in their pocket as a defense mechanism so when they make a mistake they have something to relate it to.

Here is where I really think the situation gets grey. I don't really care what kind of person a player is, albeit, not a mass murderer, I only care about what kind of player the person is. It may sound extremely fickle, but the majority of these guys weren't raised properly, but they're not on Parenting Showcase, they're being showcased and paid to be football players. Some people hate Pacman because of what kind of person he is, I LOVE Pacman because of what kind of PLAYER he is, with the passion he brings to the game. Nowadays, you can't find many players who go out and play every snap with the kind of childish abandon, instead of talking through their agents and holding out for cash. Granted Andre Woolfolk is a nice guy, that doesn't translate to CRAP on the football field. So I would be interested to see how many people voted, "he's not a bust" because they think Andre is a nice guy and hope he does well.

I will say this, I DO hope that Andre plays well, I never want any Titan not to succeed(unlike many of you who wanted Pacman to fail greatly) and i will root for him until it is not beneficial for the Titans.
Jwill1919 said:
Every guy who steps on the field has performance impending injuries, some persevere, some just keep in their pocket as a defense mechanism so when they make a mistake they have something to relate it to.
... Granted Andre Woolfolk is a nice guy, that doesn't translate to CRAP on the football field. .....

I will say this, I DO hope that Andre plays well, I never want any Titan not to succeed(unlike many of you who wanted Pacman to fail greatly) and i will root for him until it is not beneficial for the Titans.

Two responses- the last topic first.

1) I assume you're talking about others in regards to Pac-Man. I've been behind him since he showed up in camp.

2) Class act doesn't equal "nice guy" in my book. Class act character DOES often translate into excellent field play. It often defines who will rise to the top despite medium talent or adverse injury circumstances. The list of examples is exhausting.

By no means am I suggesting that anybody gets a pass on field performance or accountability. If Woolfolk has more receptions caught on his side, more YAC, less INT's, passes deflected, more TD's etc than others with equal playing time then he should get demoted.

Occasionally, fans like to use a player as a whipping boy for the entire team's poor performance.
Well, at least I know it's not something in my water...

Riverman said:
I'm assuming you realize that Woolfolk's has had legitimate performance impeding injuries.

Two ACL injuries are indeed more severe than the injuries Woolfolk incurred. However, Woolfolk did play through and return quickly from his injuries. And even though KVB's season's were tanked, he was still considered a bust pick by Arizona fans and coaches and released.

Since you appear interested in absolutes only, I'll take a minute to spell it out more slowly. The KVB analogy is valid because he was considered an "underachiever", "injury prone" player who would never be able to live up to expectations. The simple matter of fact is that either 1) Arizona gave up too early on him or 2) he didn't flourish under their system. These are both points I've been trying to make for Woolfolk's case here in Tennessee.

I'm not interested in making you or anyone else a Woolfolk fan. I just want people to think more rationally.

Personally, I think Woolfolk is a class act and WILL be an upper echelon NFL DB. I just hope it's with the Titans.
Brian said:
Good post.
Jwill1919 said:
You started this thread, twice! What did you expect, us to come on here and say what a great player Andre Woolfolk is, when clearly he isn't? C'mon SEC, you're better than that.:hmm:

Whew, I had typed the world's longest post, left then returned and it messed up... you are all spared ... trust me. Now Will, you talk like he runs a 4.6, never made a play at all, and just suits up for the heck of it. As a matter of fact, you talk like the entire Titans defensive coaching staff is full of idiots. Wasn't Fisher a DB. Don't you think he would completely demote Andre all the way down if he had no skills, no talent, no ability. They see a heck of a lot more than any of us do. That is why they are who they are and all of us including all of you are who you are or do whatever you do. After this offseason of training for Andre, get ready to repent of your anti-Titanic sins, yes I said Anti-Titans Sins. Yes, if the Titans coaches are still behind Andre being an effective Titan, regardless of your interpretations of Hill starting now. You see, they are really not just behind Andre, they are behind all their players becoming as effective and successful as possible, why, it makes the team that much better. All of your negativity is unheard by the ears that count though... thank God.... for your sake. None of that mess would be considered constructive. You know if you ever gave him credit for his successes, then I would not complain about your posts. Instead you completely disregard them. Come on, with your rebuttals to this post so I can post them. Bottom line, if you were real fans, you would back all your players, especially those that give a 110% effort and Andre does, he is never lazy in any approach, period. Not only are those of you that clicked that top choice haters .... Your FAKERS, FAKE FANS. Me, I am 100% legitimate Broncos/Titans Fan, truth, I am both and there is nothing you can say or do to Refute it.
WU, I can understand why you would be upset by this thread and possibly it was started to get you a little riled up. I also think the jury is still out on Andre though I am not as hopeful as you are. Hope you are right though. But to say that people are fake fans for hating on a player is crazy. I am a fan of the Tennessee Titans the franchise and I will follow them whereever they go. Players come and go. They may be good for a while then they may suck or they may never be good. A fan has the right to criticize a player, dislike him, rip him whatever, without not being loyal to the team. I was haiting on Eddie George when I thought he needed to go but I was still a loyal fan. Bottom line being pissed at people ripping your boy does not give you the freedom to rip everyone's loyalty. I mean they people are spending there free time posting on a Titan fan sight. That shows loyalty my friend. Oh and how long before Wolfolk came to Tennessee were you a titan fan? Just currious if you are a loyal fan or loyal to Wolfolk?
WoolfolksUncle said:
You know if you ever gave him credit for his successes, then I would not complain about your posts. Instead you completely disregard them. Come on, with your rebuttals to this post so I can post them. Bottom line, if you were real fans, you would back all your players, especially those that give a 110% effort and Andre does, he is never lazy in any approach, period.

Just in case you missed it about 5 posts ago: Post #51

I will say this, I DO hope that Andre plays well, I never want any Titan not to succeed(unlike many of you who wanted Pacman to fail greatly) and i will root for him until it is not beneficial for the Titans.

Plus, to call us all haters who back the organization is naive, remember, we're backing the organization, you're backing your Nephew, who's the loyal person in that respect. You are as bit of a Fairweather fan, because the minute Andre leaves, you'll stop being a Titan fan and go somewhere else. At least we are being loyal to the one constant, the organization.

WU, don't turn this thread into a hate thread, we've been very respectful in our discussion, we don't need you're biased opinion clouding everything we've built.:winker:
get ready to repent of your anti-Titanic sins?

oh damn...


adamwinn51, I didn't start this thread to get W.U. riled up.
I stated this thread so one group could tell another, "I told you so." next year... That and I wanted to know where people stood... people that weren't going to post in a feeding if you'll excuse me...I've got to go back to playing pacman.
i'll say this with no hesitation -
NOBODY is really performing at their top level (w/ KVB as exception) in this particular scheme.
we've been handed our hat on so many occasions, and sometimes you just gotta wonder if these DB's are being placed in incorrect position to make plays (in cover / zone schemes, etc...)
now if they're getting beat in "man" coverage thats another story
and man gets difficult when pressure isn't being supplied by the lines.

there's plenty of fingers to point around. but you gotta wonder how these guys would perform under better coaching / schemes

it's hard to knock any of these guys considering the leadership

i wouldn't be surprised to see top tier DB's struggle in this system
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