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No reason to be mental about this. The vaccine is very effective at preventing deaths and people go to the hospital because they can't breath. Yes, not many are dying but there are still people dying. A contractor that I worked with died recently and he didn't have to. There have been over 300 million vaccine shots given with very few bad side effects. It just makes sense.

Also, one of our employees who was dead set against the vaccine is home because his wife is very sick. I'm sure she wasn't vaccinated either. Again, she got very sick. What if she died because of his bull headedness?

And by the way stay away from the JJ vaccine. It is not as effective and has had most of the bad side effects like heart issues. Be smart.
few side affects? Tell that to my aunt who stroked out within a day and a half of said shot. I get it, but it’s a choice. One that you and I make for ourselves.
Who are those people who died? Had heart problems? Where is the evidence, except on conspiracy web sites or news feeds or OANN? Medical science isn’t perfect nor 100 %. People die getting their gallbladder taken out or from minor surgery. It happens. The absolute idiocy blows my mind. I pray for those of you who refuse to believe this is real. What is the end game of a fake vaccine? Do any of you understand the shear magnitude of the conspiracy it would take to pull that off ?

You ignore Russian roulette with your life and the life of others, How many people THAT THINK JUST LIKE YOU a have to die before you believe this? I brought up Phil Valentine because he is a perfect example. He wished before he died he had taken this serious. Trumps entire family has had the vaccines. Graham, De Santis, Abbott, McConnell, Majorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Nehls all of the extreme right wingers have had the vaccine. Why would they do it if it were fake or a conspiracy?

Talk to your Doctor. Get the vaccine. It’s now FDA approved. It’s safe and will save your life.
Where is your proof that those who have already recovered from Covid do worse than those vaccinated? I’ll wait, or maybe you can check out the Cleveland clinic study- result, those who have natural antibodies from recovery as good or better than the jab.
Actually the vaccines work at preventing hospitalization and death. ~90% of those in the hospital and or die are unvaccinated = fact. Thus, if you are vulnerable at all (age, pre-existing conditions) you should get vaccinated.
Is THAT what they sold the vaccine as... LOL
I'm fully vaccinated, I've never has Covid, got sick last weekend. Headache, nauseous, sore, achy, stuffed up big time. I went and got tested..I was negative.

Such a bizarre time we are living in...common colds still happen but the difference is we can't assume it's a cold.
well... sane people can
Hope Vrabel gets better soon, although it would be kinda cool to see Jim Schwartz get his long overdue chance at being titans coach.
Where is your proof that those who have already recovered from Covid do worse than those vaccinated? I’ll wait, or maybe you can check out the Cleveland clinic study- result, those who have natural antibodies from recovery as good or better than the jab.

Where did I say that? I’ll wait….
did you read the important note * attached to that article. It’s pre-release non peer reviewed.

Then looking at number breakdowns. Less than 1250 people were previously infected and then got complete vaccinations. That’s a really low number for a study.
Yes, I did. Study was of 50,000 +. Lot of ‘peers’ disagree on a lot of chit as well. Can you sight me a study of natural immunity not being protective? I’ll wait.
Where did I say that? I’ll wait….
Avoiding my point! Nothing wrong with that. Are those that have had Covid already, like myself, any less protected than those that have been vaccinated? This goes to our team as well. To say there is not risk is not true. Even the CDC is saying that if you’ve had Covid, wait three months. Why? I have antibodies, to force me jab is not based in any scientific study I’ve seen. Produce otherwise.
did you read the important note * attached to that article. It’s pre-release non peer reviewed.

Then looking at number breakdowns. Less than 1250 people were previously infected and then got complete vaccinations. That’s a really low number for a study.
I’ll also ask you about pregnancy. Since most of the vaccines were given after January to the public, how is it possible to answer these types of questions? Usually it takes 4 years for long term study, but yet, we need 3 shots now. I dunno, I’ve heard credible MDs on both sides! Obviously the FDA coming down on this is more political than anything else IMO. I’ve been eyeball to eyeball with the Covid from the start, and I’ll walk away very soon! My life, my decision!
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