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Of Course it's an opinion piece! I don't think it claims anything more than that. I just don't think it's a vicious attack and biased against him more than it is valid opinion. Of course the guy doesn't know anything, but he's saying Young has had three shots where the public got to see how he's handling himself in preparation for the NFL, and he hasn't handled those well...

Hoffa, while Peyton hasn't won the big game, and I'll always dog him for it, I don't think I can argue with him being a success in the NFL. While I don't like the guy's additude, he works his *** off, and is a pretty damn good QB. Young can do amazing things, but he'll be better if he puts more time in preparing...
How has he not handled himself well in terms of character? By not wearing a suit when meeting the president? It is a frivolous article with no real basis.

How do you know how much time he is putting in?
I may be against us drafting Young, but I don't see character as a concern. He may be a bit immature, but I haven't seen anything that makes it sound like he's any kind of a problem.
VolnTitan said:
How do you know how much time he is putting in?

You don't. But wouldn't you be real scared if he had been studying like crazy and still got a 6?
FYI, Leinhart is the one who seems to have more immaturity problems, at least from what I've read and heard. Young is a fairly humble guy, and the disses on Young in that article (fairly baseless article for the most part IMO) weren't that big a deal (it's called being 20 years old).

The author sounds stuck in the 60s to me. I don't really want Young, but I know BS when I read it.
Yes, it is a sign of how you handle yourself when you don't wear a suit to meet the president, it also sticks out because everyone else was properly dressed.

The bigger issue is preparation for the Wonderlic and choosing his agent.
As to "how much time he is putting in", I have no idea. Not the point. The point is that he was either unprepared for the Wonderlic, which is a bad sign, or he really is not very bright. Maybe you don't put much stock in it, but it's a pretty damn easy test, and that low a score at least isn't a good sign. Anyway, the article was more based off of how he is handling his opportunities so far, and saying that if he doesn't step up when he gets to the NFL, he's in for a rude awakening. I really don't think it's that crazy a point.
The whole time I was reading this article, I kept thinking "Did Young beat up Whitlocks son or something?" :ha:

Disclaimer: Before I get a smart-*** response, it's a joke...:ha:
My friend tells me this guy is somewhat notorious to bash Texas players.

Just FYI to consider the source, that's all.
pking34 said:
I DO think Young has gotten the worst pre-draft counsel and management I've seen in a while.

Dont forget about Ricky Williams hiring of Master P. Master P got him some garbage most incentive based deal and it didnt work out for Ricky so intime he figured it out and fired him.
Master P was not his agent. He was an owner of the agency company to which Ricky signed to.
titanbuoy said:
Playing quarterback in the NFL is the equivalent of getting in the sack with Jenna Jameson. Oh, everybody wants to do it, but it can be an incredibly humbling and "short" experience:ha:

I think there are a lot of guys willing to take a chance on being humbled... :howdy:

You make a good point. The kid is just young and maybe he should have better people to represent him. I don't see any attitude problem with young or lienart.

Why do people insist on talking about things that are irrelevant? If vince young's stock falls the chances of us getting bush goes down but some posters seem to think it goes up. :suspect:

As vince young's stock goes down it is more negative for us because nobody will want to trade up to get him.
MadAboutMcNair said:
...but I'm not dumb enough to be angry if the team gets VY.
:ha: I'm dumb enough to get angry if we pass on him.:grrr:

About this Kami said... it's BS. People write stuff like this to strike nerves and conjur up emotion. It's all about money and selling a story. This is just an example of sensationalistic journalism IMO. Funny, I'm not used to seeing this type of editorial written about a gifted athelete. Read it over again. It sounds like it's written about some crooked politician... I didn't see the phrase "Tennessee Waltz" in there but it wouldn't be that far out of place.

It is kinda nimwitted to go and see the President not wearing a suit but then again, for all we know VY might not care for the president, his party, or his politics & policies. Yes, it is hard to imagine a political mindset of a guy who scores a 6 on his wonderlic but it's not like the one doing the editorial asked VY for his input. The editorial is severely slanted as it should be because that is the nature of editorial journalism. I do think this guy was a bit rough on VY, even if he is retarded.

Seriously i am a conservative who mostly votes republican but if bill clinton had invited me to the white house i would be there in my best suit. It's about respect and appropriateness and nobody should be that partisan. But i'm a little older and understand what the office of the preident means and the historical importance of it. Maybe young doesn't

A minor thing but still not good.
maybe he hates Bush? Maybe he doesn't care?

But whether the guy wears a suit or not to meet the President wouldn't affect my opinion of him as a football player if I were GM/Coach.
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