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Think about how far this gotten in just 1 year.

'Vaccine' is created, cool, it starts off "if you want it, you can get it"

then it goes "we'll give you money if you take it"

then it goes "if you're a healthcare worker, you *have* to get it"

then "every worker in a big company *has* to get it"

and now we have the ****ing Supreme Court having to rule on this.

All in a single year. And people don't bat an eye.

couple this with the fact that everyone knows it doesn't prevent anything.
It’s called a f*king global pandemic. And everyone with a brain knows the vaccines significantly help prevent serious illness and death. But you deny reality like a good brain washed monkey. Buh-Buh some guy cooking meth in a trailer in Arkansas told me on YouTube that thems vaccines is poison! I trust him more than millions of doctors and scientists! HE’S ON YOUTUBE SO HE MUST BE RIGHT!
What a f*king joke.
You are completely reading the charts wrong. Do more research on excess mortality.
The chart is pretty easy to read although it states “raw numbers of deaths from all causes”

Click 2019 for example.
There are 52 dots, 1 per week, with an associated number along the vertical line on the side. All of those dots fall between 50k and 60k. Can’t read the exact number, but it’s pretty close to a 55k avaerage.
55k x 52 weeks = 2.86 mil.
So for 2019, there were close to 3 mill deaths.

For 2020 the average is close to 60kx 52 weeks = 3.12 mil. There are a couple handful of weeks that are clearly higher.
When you add the outlier peak in March/ Apr and in nov/dec the difference above the avg is appx an additional 200k.

200k + the 200k higher avg = appx 400k difference in 2020 to 2019.

You can also see 2019, 18, 17, 16, and 15 all have a similar pattern each year with numbers slightly increasing each year.

2021 appears to finish the initial peak back to close, a little higher, than what we could expect to be “normal” followed with another smaller peak at the end of the year.

This also backs up the appx at least until 2020 which they don’t have or haven’t added.
US Data

This website also has appx the same numbers.
3,358,814 To 2,858,254 or appx 500k.
It does state COVID (#3 death cause) as the largely contributing not factor however added that heart disease, unintentional deaths, and Alzheimer’s all rose.

Deaths in America climbed by 18% in 2020—and Covid-19 wasn't the only cause
Danger, I’ll go a step further. I’ll pay for half your ticket! After this is done, I will be expecting a full throated apology eyeball to eyeball and a post in this thread of what you witnessed personally. I think these are agreeable terms. I’ll set it up with my boss tomorrow. We’ll have to make up a story that you’re interested in the field or something. You’ll also have to sign paperwork concerning being exposed to Covid. You can use my P100, I’ll wear an N95.
My wife HAD to get the booster for her job (in the medical field, but as an X-ray tech/mammography, so not ER work).
Once places like hers started mandating the booster, I imagine the military is shortly behind.

Edit: also knocked her on her a$$. Can’t recall either of the first two hitting her so hard.
Danger wouldn’t believe it knocked her down apparently.
What an absolute piece of garbage.

While he tries to make himself appear reasonable by saying don’t laugh at the minimal folks who legitimately can’t get or take the vaccine and die from COVID, he also blatantly states he sees no difference between advocating people do not get the vaccine and an official that doesn’t want to force a mandate of vaccines, you make you’re own decision.

This d1ckhead shouldn’t be allowed to write for a “reputable” news company like LA times OR it should be acknowledged across the board that LA times is 100% crap and is no different than NPR or whatever the far left/right websites.
this ^

Always follow the $$. This ain’t going away anytime soon.

if it were about "health and safety", they should want people to catch Omicron instead of making a new cocktail that will create a new, worse variant..

oh but there's shot 5, nevermind
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