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I find it utterly incredible that educated people truly believe that millions of people in the global mainstream media are all in cahoots as part of some vast conspiracy to conceal “the truth” about right wing pandemic conspiracy theories, right wing election conspiracy theories, and every other ridiculous unprovable notion that the modern right has pushed. It’s so outrageous and far fetched that I struggle to understand WHY people believe a random person on YouTube over millions of reputable journalists, scientists and doctors. I just don’t get it. Is it that folks get a sense of “belonging” by joining this group of self proclaimed “insiders who know what’s really going on”? Is it that “suspension of disbelief” is at work here.
I honestly don’t know.
There have never been millions of reputable journalists.
I also would never lump journalists in with doctors or scientists. 1 is a paid professional to exaggerate the truth or at least attempt to make boring entertaining.
It is not nearly as far fetched as you think for collective media to be on the same page, regardless of which stance on any topic.
News sources share info with each other all the time. All it takes is a “hot story” from “sources” and it spreads like wildfire among them all. Not limited to the US news by a long shot.

the point of listening to a YouTuber or any other opposing source is not an all in move to the other source. It does state that the major media outlets repeating themselves could be wrong. At a minimum, the fact that both could be wrong is what the actual term “trust the science” means. It’s not, trust one side (if even limited to two sides) of a science debate, it’s go test as much as you can yourself to prove theories.

the slogan “trust the science” as a whole has been pedaled over and over angina regarding Covid by dummies who clearly don’t know what that slogan means, otherwise they would at least ask questions about all the reported “science” that has so many holes in it.
How long did I hear about the pee pee hoax and Russians? You truly think peeps being paid by an entity are going to trash said entity? Not a peep about Hunter and the big man eh? Stripped from FB, Twatter, You Tube. Fact of the matter is, it’s political, it’s about power, and if you ain’t in, your out! Therapy is absolutely being held back for Covid! It’s jabs, masks, and shut your damn mouth! The US has the highest death rate per 100,000 in the world! Some in other countries that take certain medicines every Sunday have rates of way lower per 100,000. Cannot talk about that tho. It’s get your jab, wear a mask, and shut your mouth. Brought to you by Jabbers are Us! Conspiracy theories…. Lol
This is getting dangerously close to politics but because we’re talking about the media and it relates to pandemic coverage I think it’s okay.
Yes the media covered Russian collusion, because that is extremely important for all of us and there are mountains of evidence. As far as I’m concerned, there was no hoax as you claim. Zero evidence of a hoax. Lots of evidence of Russian interference in our elections.
As for the medias coverage of Hunter, was Hunter running for president? Didn’t think so. Is there any corroborating evidence to support these supposed emails? None. Why did Giuliani not provide the metadata that would have proved those emails came from Hunter? Because it’s all lies.
The media tends to only cover important things. Like this pandemic and Russians interfering in our elections (fact). They don’t cover one guy saying he stumbled onto some other guys emails that he is unable to prove actually came from the guy. But go ahead and believe everyone is out to get you. Y’all live in perpetual fear and hatred of all it seems like. Try to look at your fellow humans with a little love and understanding.
This is getting dangerously close to politics but because we’re talking about the media and it relates to pandemic coverage I think it’s okay.
Yes the media covered Russian collusion, because that is extremely important for all of us and there are mountains of evidence. As far as I’m concerned, there was no hoax as you claim. Zero evidence of a hoax. Lots of evidence of Russian interference in our elections.
As for the medias coverage of Hunter, was Hunter running for president? Didn’t think so. Is there any corroborating evidence to support these supposed emails? None. Why did Giuliani not provide the metadata that would have proved those emails came from Hunter? Because it’s all lies.
The media tends to only cover important things. Like this pandemic and Russians interfering in our elections (fact). They don’t cover one guy saying he stumbled onto some other guys emails that he is unable to prove actually came from the guy. But go ahead and believe everyone is out to get you. Y’all live in perpetual fear and hatred of all it seems like. Try to look at your fellow humans with a little love and understanding.
Lol! Nah my man, it was totally Covid related. All material other than jabs and masks are stripped from the MSM, and tech giants. It’s a fact! I’m not the one saying left wing this, left wing that, it’s you! You are on and on about “Right Wing” this and that. I just tossed you some red meat! There are therapeutic treatments being denied patients and their physicians! Fact! I can’t trust anybody being paid by big pharma to tell me chit about big pharma. Fact checkers my ass! Your facts suck, and so does the way this country is handling this issue. The free states are getting it right. Lock down states not so much. It is political, it is about power, and certainly about money! Not actual outcomes.
There are 190 million people in Nigeria. Their deaths per 100,000 for Covid is 2. It’s 246 per 100,000 here. Nigeria as a nation takes many anti malarial medications including others for River Blindness. Several of these drugs have shown to inhibit replication of SARS virus in the lab. Hmmmmm…. Interesting.
Seems like a lot of places around the world taking such drugs have an extremely low infection and death rate per 100,000. I mean so does Australia, but…. Prison isn’t a good way to live……
There are 190 million people in Nigeria. Their deaths per 100,000 for Covid is 2. It’s 246 per 100,000 here. Nigeria as a nation takes many anti malarial medications including others for River Blindness. Several of these drugs have shown to inhibit replication of SARS virus in the lab. Hmmmmm…. Interesting.
Hmmmmm…. It’s almost as if no one is being tested there. Because they’re NOT. I’m in Mexico and literally no one is being tested because it’s crazy expensive. Same goes for 90% of countries. Y’all ever think about that? Nope. And like I said previously, people actually take it seriously in countries without first world health care. EVERYBODY wears masks here, takes temp checks to enter every building, uses hand sanitizer nonstop and GUESS WHAT?! Vastly less cases than in America where half the country claims a little piece of cloth is tyranny and REFUSE TO MAKE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST SACRIFICE FOR THEIR COUNTRY.

Sidenote: NO RIVER BLINDNESS MEDICATIONS OR ANTIMALARIALS HAVE BEEN PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGAINST COVID IN CLINICAL TRIALS. But that doesn’t matter to some people. They just want something to complain about and want to cry about how everyone is out to get them.
Your facts suck.

And this my fine feathered friends is what’s wrong with America. A rather large contingent of people have decided that facts that they disagree with (or think “suck”) are not actually facts, because they don’t like them. Eeeeeeeverything that disagrees with their indoctrinated narrative is “fake news”. Well guess what, I’m gonna BLOW some minds right now…. FACTS ARE FACTS.
Hmmmmm…. It’s almost as if no one is being tested there. Because they’re NOT. I’m in Mexico and literally no one is being tested because it’s crazy expensive. Same goes for 90% of countries. Y’all ever think about that? Nope. And like I said previously, people actually take it seriously in countries without first world health care. EVERYBODY wears masks here, takes temp checks to enter every building, uses hand sanitizer nonstop and GUESS WHAT?! Vastly less cases than in America where half the country claims a little piece of cloth is tyranny and REFUSE TO MAKE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST SACRIFICE FOR THEIR COUNTRY.

Sidenote: NO RIVER BLINDNESS MEDICATIONS OR ANTIMALARIALS HAVE BEEN PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGAINST COVID IN CLINICAL TRIALS. But that doesn’t matter to some people. They just want something to complain about and want to cry about how everyone is out to get them.
Any evidence of crazy excess deaths in Nigeria for you to point to? Testing is so important? Nigerians falling to death out of the sky? Sounds awesome to wear masks everywhere. What sacrifices have you made? A jab and a mask!? You care for people with Covid? You go into the room, start IV, chest compressions!? Virtue signal much! GTFO. Your mask is useless as is your jab. Get used to it.
And this my fine feathered friends is what’s wrong with America. A rather large contingent of people have decided that facts that they disagree with (or think “suck”) are not actually facts, because they don’t like them. Eeeeeeeverything that disagrees with their indoctrinated narrative is “fake news”. Well guess what, I’m gonna BLOW some minds right now…. FACTS ARE FACTS.
I find it very interesting how much we suck! Our money paid for vaccines, lockdowns, etc. yet total failure. Got Covid, go home until you are too sick to save. If not, glad ya made it. It’s backwards medicine. Here in Virginia, treatments are based on equity. White male, Fack off! Black/Latino- hey got some monoclonals for ya. Pretty sad really. An effective treatment early denied for race. Should have gone all in on these treatments period, with a focus on an all inclusive run… nope, this administration shakes the fist and spites the hand.
I find it very interesting how much we suck! Our money paid for vaccines, lockdowns, etc. yet total failure. Got Covid, go home until you are too sick to save. If not, glad ya made it. It’s backwards medicine. Here in Virginia, treatments are based on equity. White male, Fack off! Black/Latino- hey got some monoclonals for ya. Pretty sad really. An effective treatment early denied for race. Should have gone all in on these treatments period, with a focus on an all inclusive run… nope, this administration shakes the fist and spites the hand.

I pulled my comments from the other thread a long time ago. I get triggered about Covid because I've been in medicine for 30+ years.

The basic situation is that viruses have been around since the beginning of time. Covid is another virus strain that causes acute respiratory distress- it is airborne. It is damn near impossible to avoid being exposed to an airborne virus. That is what the attempts at social isolation/distancing, masks, etc have attempted. It is a mitigation process, not elimination of the risk. It is damn near impossible to prevent exposure. Traditionally, we have approached disease conditions and the prevention as the responsibility of the individual, not the community based on the above premise that it is damn near impossible to prevent exposure to an airborne virus short of living in a plastic bubble. One can not prove a particular individual's lack of participation in mitigation measures directly resulted in the infection of another individual. For this reason, the burden of prevention has traditionally (and correctly IMO) been placed upon an individual not wanting to be infected. It is foolish to suggest that a mask can prevent you from spreading a virus to another, but NOT be equal in protecting you from being infected by a non mask wearing individual.

Covid has a couple of unique factors that made it particularly hard to prevent transmission. One, it has a delayed onset of symptoms while shedding virus. In other words, infected persons didn't know they were infected until long after spreading virus. Another is its very high rate of infectivity if exposed.

There are only 2 ways to keep from getting infected when exposed which is immunity. Either you have been exposed to live virus before and survived to develop antibodies or you were exposed to an attenuated vaccination form to develop antibodies. That's it.

Unfortunately, the whole Covid pandemic was too profitable to politicians and businessmen to resist getting involved and politicizing the process. Politicians became doctors and doctors became politicians and that's whey we have such unclear and constantly changing public guidelines.

Honestly- the first message should have been:

1. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to die, regardless of what we do.
2. You can reduce your chances by participating in the mitigating measures.
3. It is your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.
4. Get the vaccination when we have it if you want the best chance to protect yourself.

We messed up IMO with all the shut down of commerce, education and subsidized the entire country basically. We've let the genie out of the bottle in our public response.

Influenza is also an airborne respiratory distress causing virus that kills tens of thousands a year in the US and mutates annually. We'll never "beat it" either. We've reduced it by having a vax program annually. That's where the Covid will go with annual mutation vax "boosters" for new strains. Boosting a vax without adding specific antigiens does little to improve the resistance to develop the disease. That's why vaxed folks are also getting Omicron.

- I'm tired of writing. I could go on about how many hundreds of thousands of unused vaccine doses are nearing expiration on the shelf. Or how much money is being made by "rapid" home test kits which are being recommended for nearly everyone. Which asymptomatic persons are getting + results and not knowing what to do with them. Or the ever changing attempts to NOW reduce the effects on the economy in the name "we now know more".

In summary, deadly pandemic viruses are nothing new. This one is among a line of many that have been deadly. What is new is how chose to politicize our response to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of people with latent ill defined effects.

Just really disappointed how the CDC and our government responded.
I pulled my comments from the other thread a long time ago. I get triggered about Covid because I've been in medicine for 30+ years.

The basic situation is that viruses have been around since the beginning of time. Covid is another virus strain that causes acute respiratory distress- it is airborne. It is damn near impossible to avoid being exposed to an airborne virus. That is what the attempts at social isolation/distancing, masks, etc have attempted. It is a mitigation process, not elimination of the risk. It is damn near impossible to prevent exposure. Traditionally, we have approached disease conditions and the prevention as the responsibility of the individual, not the community based on the above premise that it is damn near impossible to prevent exposure to an airborne virus short of living in a plastic bubble. One can not prove a particular individual's lack of participation in mitigation measures directly resulted in the infection of another individual. For this reason, the burden of prevention has traditionally (and correctly IMO) been placed upon an individual not wanting to be infected. It is foolish to suggest that a mask can prevent you from spreading a virus to another, but NOT be equal in protecting you from being infected by a non mask wearing individual.

Covid has a couple of unique factors that made it particularly hard to prevent transmission. One, it has a delayed onset of symptoms while shedding virus. In other words, infected persons didn't know they were infected until long after spreading virus. Another is its very high rate of infectivity if exposed.

There are only 2 ways to keep from getting infected when exposed which is immunity. Either you have been exposed to live virus before and survived to develop antibodies or you were exposed to an attenuated vaccination form to develop antibodies. That's it.

Unfortunately, the whole Covid pandemic was too profitable to politicians and businessmen to resist getting involved and politicizing the process. Politicians became doctors and doctors became politicians and that's whey we have such unclear and constantly changing public guidelines.

Honestly- the first message should have been:

1. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to die, regardless of what we do.
2. You can reduce your chances by participating in the mitigating measures.
3. It is your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.
4. Get the vaccination when we have it if you want the best chance to protect yourself.

We messed up IMO with all the shut down of commerce, education and subsidized the entire country basically. We've let the genie out of the bottle in our public response.

Influenza is also an airborne respiratory distress causing virus that kills tens of thousands a year in the US and mutates annually. We'll never "beat it" either. We've reduced it by having a vax program annually. That's where the Covid will go with annual mutation vax "boosters" for new strains. Boosting a vax without adding specific antigiens does little to improve the resistance to develop the disease. That's why vaxed folks are also getting Omicron.

- I'm tired of writing. I could go on about how many hundreds of thousands of unused vaccine doses are nearing expiration on the shelf. Or how much money is being made by "rapid" home test kits which are being recommended for nearly everyone. Which asymptomatic persons are getting + results and not knowing what to do with them. Or the ever changing attempts to NOW reduce the effects on the economy in the name "we now know more".

In summary, deadly pandemic viruses are nothing new. This one is among a line of many that have been deadly. What is new is how chose to politicize our response to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of people with latent ill defined effects.

Just really disappointed how the CDC and our government responded.
Excellent post
I pulled my comments from the other thread a long time ago. I get triggered about Covid because I've been in medicine for 30+ years.

The basic situation is that viruses have been around since the beginning of time. Covid is another virus strain that causes acute respiratory distress- it is airborne. It is damn near impossible to avoid being exposed to an airborne virus. That is what the attempts at social isolation/distancing, masks, etc have attempted. It is a mitigation process, not elimination of the risk. It is damn near impossible to prevent exposure. Traditionally, we have approached disease conditions and the prevention as the responsibility of the individual, not the community based on the above premise that it is damn near impossible to prevent exposure to an airborne virus short of living in a plastic bubble. One can not prove a particular individual's lack of participation in mitigation measures directly resulted in the infection of another individual. For this reason, the burden of prevention has traditionally (and correctly IMO) been placed upon an individual not wanting to be infected. It is foolish to suggest that a mask can prevent you from spreading a virus to another, but NOT be equal in protecting you from being infected by a non mask wearing individual.

Covid has a couple of unique factors that made it particularly hard to prevent transmission. One, it has a delayed onset of symptoms while shedding virus. In other words, infected persons didn't know they were infected until long after spreading virus. Another is its very high rate of infectivity if exposed.

There are only 2 ways to keep from getting infected when exposed which is immunity. Either you have been exposed to live virus before and survived to develop antibodies or you were exposed to an attenuated vaccination form to develop antibodies. That's it.

Unfortunately, the whole Covid pandemic was too profitable to politicians and businessmen to resist getting involved and politicizing the process. Politicians became doctors and doctors became politicians and that's whey we have such unclear and constantly changing public guidelines.

Honestly- the first message should have been:

1. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to die, regardless of what we do.
2. You can reduce your chances by participating in the mitigating measures.
3. It is your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.
4. Get the vaccination when we have it if you want the best chance to protect yourself.

We messed up IMO with all the shut down of commerce, education and subsidized the entire country basically. We've let the genie out of the bottle in our public response.

Influenza is also an airborne respiratory distress causing virus that kills tens of thousands a year in the US and mutates annually. We'll never "beat it" either. We've reduced it by having a vax program annually. That's where the Covid will go with annual mutation vax "boosters" for new strains. Boosting a vax without adding specific antigiens does little to improve the resistance to develop the disease. That's why vaxed folks are also getting Omicron.

- I'm tired of writing. I could go on about how many hundreds of thousands of unused vaccine doses are nearing expiration on the shelf. Or how much money is being made by "rapid" home test kits which are being recommended for nearly everyone. Which asymptomatic persons are getting + results and not knowing what to do with them. Or the ever changing attempts to NOW reduce the effects on the economy in the name "we now know more".

In summary, deadly pandemic viruses are nothing new. This one is among a line of many that have been deadly. What is new is how chose to politicize our response to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of people with latent ill defined effects.

Just really disappointed how the CDC and our government responded.
To your point, our tiny 12 bed ER has 35 patients. Most here for Covid tests for which we have run out of. Mild symptoms for nearly all. What a mess! Our leadership telling people to go get tested is straining the ERs.
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To your point, today our tiny 12 bed ER has 35 patients. Most here for Covid tests for which we have run out of. Mild symptoms for nearly all. What a mess! Our leadership telling people to go get tested is straining the ERs.
A long standing premise in medicine is don’t order a test if you not going to do anything with the results.

if the CDC is now changing result guidelines in the event of a positive test based on reduced severity, they should be supporting not testing for asymptomatic contacts.
A long standing premise in medicine is don’t order a test if you not going to do anything with the results.

if the CDC is now changing result guidelines in the event of a positive test based on reduced severity, they should be supporting not testing for asymptomatic contacts.
I mean if the disease isn’t advanced, we just send em home. The messaging is really bad right now, and now people are scared.
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