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To your point Danger, I have lost family. I have also lost family to the vaccine. She was 30 years old and died of complications to Covid Vaccination getting her booster! She left behind a 3 year old daughter. She didn’t want to be vaccinated, but felt forced because of her job. Most likely would of survived a Covid infection. She’s dead now because of a jab she didn’t want.
Well I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Truly. But did actual medical doctors tell you she died FROM the vaccine?
VAERS is the social media of medicine. Nothing on VAERS is proven whatsoever, it is open platform and user submitted! I can go on VAERS right now and report that the vaccine gave me wings and a tail, but that DOESNT MAKE IT TRUE. Hence why we have scientists, doctors and clinical trials! The trials and research show the vaccines to be safe for 99.9999999% of people, a much better number than Covid is giving us. This is the most tested vaccine in history.

The rest of the radical right wing propaganda fake news you linked to there is not proven by science. Maybe try getting better sources. Breibart?! You can’t be serious! You do know that Bannon was ARRESTED on a Chinese Billionaires yacht, right! And yet you trust those kinds of people over thousands of American scientists and doctors. Ridiculous.
Pull your head out of your ass man. Actually getting RONA is safe fore 99% of the population. Enjoy your cardiac issues after your jabs. 100% of hospitalized patients in my joint fully vaccinated. You jabbers are super spreaders
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People far better off using therapeutics other than jabs every 6 months. We have a head respiratory ICU doc at a competitor hospital suing his own company for not being able to prescribe Ivermectin. Let that sink in.
Bro! Get your head out of your ass, bro! I saw a website that said 4,000,000 people have died from Invermectin bro! I saw on “a website” so it must be true! It was also in a hundred memes on facespace too bro!

Show me one large scale clinical trial that proves invermectin works against Covid. Until then, I’ll assume you’re just another right wing sheep believing all the garbage disinformation the Russians tell you on FB to keep Americans sick and divided.
Bro! Get your head out of your ass, bro! I saw a website that said 4,000,000 people have died from Invermectin bro! I saw on “a website” so it must be true! It was also in a hundred memes on facespace too bro!

Show me one large scale clinical trial that proves invermectin works against Covid. Until then, I’ll assume you’re just another right wing sheep believing all the garbage disinformation the Russians tell you on FB to keep Americans sick and divided.
I don't use social media. FB.... lol. Ivermectin has been used effectively with other drugs to treat Covid quickly. Monoclonal anitbodies, IV C & D. Several countries have put it to good use and have a lower death per 100,000 than we do.
I don't use social media. FB.... lol. Ivermectin has been used effectively with other drugs to treat Covid quickly. Monoclonal anitbodies, IV C & D. Several countries have put it to good use and have a lower death per 100,000 than we do.
Bro! Get your head out of your ass, bro! I saw a website that said 4,000,000 people have died from Invermectin bro! I saw on “a website” so it must be true! It was also in a hundred memes on facespace too bro!

Show me one large scale clinical trial that proves invermectin works against Covid. Until then, I’ll assume you’re just another right wing sheep believing all the garbage disinformation the Russians tell you on FB to keep Americans sick and divided.
Ivermectin was actually pushed by our own CDC prior to the emergency "vaccine" that is not a vaccine. Couldn't push any other therapeutics to make that happen. Maybe you should ask the head respiratory ICU doctor why he is suing his own hospital. No worries though, Phyzermectin coming on board in the near future at $800 a pill......

Pfizer Anti-Viral & Ivermectin Science Based Comparison
I don't actually need to do anything. I've already had Rona and have zero need for anything. Especially a jab that doesn't prevent the one thing it is supposed to....
I don't use social media. FB.... lol. Ivermectin has been used effectively with other drugs to treat Covid quickly. Monoclonal anitbodies, IV C & D. Several countries have put it to good use and have a lower death per 100,000 than we do.
So you admit that there are no actual scientific clinical trials that prove Invermectin works for Covid. Only your anecdotal evidence like “but several countries…”. You know what else they do in all those countries? Wear masks in public and social distance. I’m in Mexico right now and EVERYONE wears masks in public. And they’ve had 10 new Covid cases a day in the entire state of Quintana Roo, as opposed to tens of thousands in the US where all the right wing children cry victim all day about how a little piece of f#^*ing cloth is tyranny! What a joke.
Danger a force vaxer for sure.
I am 100% anti-vaccine mandate. If you choose to risk your families lives because you’re scared of a little owie on your arm, that’s on you. While the polio and measles vaccine mandates ended those pandemics, these vaccines don’t seem to stop the spread.
Ivermectin was actually pushed by our own CDC prior to the emergency "vaccine" that is not a vaccine. Couldn't push any other therapeutics to make that happen. Maybe you should ask the head respiratory ICU doctor why he is suing his own hospital. No worries though, Phyzermectin coming on board in the near future at $800 a pill......

Pfizer Anti-Viral & Ivermectin Science Based Comparison
Radical right wing propaganda is AMAZING! What’s more amazing? People actually believe this garbage! Thanks for the laughs buddy.

TITAN UP! ⚔️⚔️
Btw I love that you all treat YouTube sensation “Dr.” John Campbell as some sort of virology expert when he has a freaking PHD in “nursing education”!

Yes, that is a teaching doctorate.

But sure, yeah, trust some rando on YouTube instead of the global scientific community.
Radical right wing propaganda is AMAZING! What’s more amazing? People actually believe this garbage! Thanks for the laughs buddy.

TITAN UP! ⚔️⚔️
Jimmy Dore is a hard core liberal. Take it you didn’t watch the video. Uses Pfizer’s own documents as receipts. You have a hard on for right wing or something?
I am 100% anti-vaccine mandate. If you choose to risk your families lives because you’re scared of a little owie on your arm, that’s on you. While the polio and measles vaccine mandates ended those pandemics, these vaccines don’t seem to stop the spread.
Exactly. The Fauci Ouchie is not a vaccine. Glad we can at least agree on that. We'll see how many health problems come from the jabs down the road.
Oh my god are you serious right now? I’ve lost three family members and counting. I have two cousins and a close friend that can barely make it up the staircase 6 months after their infections. My wife’s uncle was hospitalized, my friend Kevins 38 year old wife almost died and was in the hospital for weeks and is STILL on oxygen. I’m super excited for you that you magically don’t know anyone that’s suffered from this, but almost everyone I know has a real life Covid horror story. And not just my friends who are nurses that are completely traumatized from the last two years.

I’m appalled that some of you genuinely believe that millions of government officials, doctors and scientists all over the planet are all part of some insane global conspiracy to “control you”! How are they controlling you!? I got my vaccine a year ago and went about my life. If anything is controlling you it’s your own paranoia and right wing disinformation.

I have lost family due to the flu to the same symptoms you described in 2017.

I will ask this... where the hell did the flu go, did it all of a sudden magically get cured?
I am 100% anti-vaccine mandate. If you choose to risk your families lives because you’re scared of a little owie on your arm, that’s on you. While the polio and measles vaccine mandates ended those pandemics, these vaccines don’t seem to stop the spread.

They don't. So it's basically like putting motor oil into your blood stream because it might make you taller....... hell, you'll get better results from fortune telling.
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