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I doubt he's trying to make excess money. Probably just trying to gin up enough revenue to keep the site afloat since some of us are too tight fisted or poor to pay a monthly fee. Doubt that would work if that is the intended purpose. But as a free patron I don't feel inclined to give him a hard time for that. I thought about joining the Blue Crew but if the site is unstable it will be a no brainer. The limited guest viewing was in hopes that more people would join, but I doubt that helps the cause either. I'd guess the opposite actually.
I don't mind donating but why would I pay for something when I have no idea what type of site i am going to open on a day to day basis?

When people buy a product, they want consistency. It's like going to a restaurant ordering the same dish, and getting something completely different each time you show up. There's no quicker way to run people off than doing that.
That should make the Levis haters veeery happy.
I think the opposite. We really need this whole season to evaluate Levis. If this injury is long term then he will definitely get a pass for the season. I want to know this season if Levis is it or not. I don't want to go beyond this season with Levis if he's not the guy. That's why his injury will set us back if it's long term.
I think the opposite. We really need this whole season to evaluate Levis. If this injury is long term then he will definitely get a pass for the season. I want to know this season if Levis is it or not. I don't want to go beyond this season with Levis if he's not the guy. That's why his injury will set us back if it's long term.
Now if we can just create a dedicated Will Levis Mayonnaise comic book subforum

When I click the Home button it takes me to a page wanting me to subscribe and makes it appear I am no longer logged in. Logging out and back in hasn't changed anything for me.
I’ve been on my phone. Apple if it matters. Haven’t really had any issues outside figuring out the new layout.
Do you not have AdBlock? I can honestly say that I don't have any issues with ads on here.
I do have an ad's currently working but at one point there was a "we see you're using an ad blocker" pop up that wouldn't let you do anything if using one ... I'm guessing with all the recent changes, it isn't enabled but I'm sure it will be again. Happens on a lot of sites and it gets annoying having to disable ad blocking to go to specific sites that use the adblocker detection.

I understand the logic. I can handle a few ads (or donate to prevent them) but it seems the strategy is "109 ads per page so they have to subscribe to get rid of them!"
I don't mind donating but why would I pay for something when I have no idea what type of site i am going to open on a day to day basis?

When people buy a product, they want consistency. It's like going to a restaurant ordering the same dish, and getting something completely different each time you show up. There's no quicker way to run people off than doing that.

What is missing? I am expanding to assure this site can survive for years to come. No posts were deleted and I have left the old navagation until I have time to build the old one so you can still find things for sections not built yet, I also spent several hours today adding everyone whom had registered since day one to a new "titans talk" usergroup so the titans forum is the first forum you see plus will be keeping the shoutbox exclusively for this group to use still. Then after that I imported 14,000+ members from a old hockey site I ran for years and lost the domain as never received notice from GoDaddy to renew. So that made me give up the site at the time from the thought of starting over on a new domain. I was done with running my own forum until Jeff pulled the plug on you guys. Running a forum again, I decided to go full steam ahead and now building off a dream I had of a forum idea working great and here we are. So it's still the same old "consistent menu", just now with more options.
I understand the logic. I can handle a few ads (or donate to prevent them) but it seems the strategy is "109 ads per page so they have to subscribe to get rid of them!"
Was never nor is my intent. As I explained a few times, I'm new to using Adsense and still learning best ad placement along with fighting to stop to many ad locations. My old hockey site I had hockey shops and things of that nature as ad sponsors, so I had full control as with Google, they like to throw new ad places at sites at random. Hopefully the site will grow to where businesses want to pay to advertise vs using Adsense that i'm lucky I make $2 a day from. Which would be even worse if people could block the ads. I feel $5 is very worth it for not only to be ad free, but also all the robust features the site has.
I'll be around but barely. This website is just too hard for me to navigate through. I think there's a reason why the original posters rarely post on here. Tried to tell Mike that he just needs to cater to Titans fans and nothing else since this is a brand new site. It's a massive neighborhood with vacant homes.
Take care, good luck at TR or where ever you end up. This site will be a WIP for several months, but I see it as worth it. Your in to help it grow or your out, either is fine by me. Of course a lot of areas are still vacant or not even built yet as this went live less then 12 hours ago. This site wouldn't survive just catered to Titans, I'm spending out of pocket every month. Expansion will bring membership from other teams and hopefully generate enough revenue that I break even running this site.
Good night, after reading all the rude comments of a select few.. fuck it.. stay, leave.. don't really give a fuck. To those that messaged me privately to send support and encourgement I think you. Sorry to the person that felt they had to post it private to me due to the mentioned select few jackamoes.

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