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THE53 said:

Here's another article praising Schwartz. I don't get it...

Perhaps if some of the Schwartz-haters knew something about the intricacies of football, you would appreciate Jim Schwartz as much as those who do understand the insides and outs of football do. If the insiders rave about him, you know that the guy is doing a good job with the materials he has on h and.
FightinTitan said:
Perhaps if some of the Schwartz-haters knew something about the intricacies of football, you would appreciate Jim Schwartz as much as those who do understand the insides and outs of football do. If the insiders rave about him, you know that the guy is doing a good job with the materials he has on h and.

Yes, because people haven't been happy with what you call "defense" the past couple years, they don't know the "intricasies of football". Give me a break. People who are anti-Schwartz don't like him because the defense has been garbage for a minute now. Maybe he isn't a bad coordinator (I don't know about his history pre-Tennessee), but he just doesn't seem to be working here. Maybe you're satisfied with the results here? Because I'm not. And I'm not one for extremes here; I have problems with the personel and the coaching at this point.
I don't claim to know the answers and I don't intend to try to change anyones mind but the cold hard fact is that the defense sucks.
They suck bad. Is it the DC? I don't know. This much I do know...

In the NFL, whether you are a player or a coach,
it does not matter what you have done.
What matters is what you have done lately.

The Titans D hasn't done jack.
(except for Vanden Bosh, Bulluck, Pacman, Hill) and actually...IMO...
nevermind my opinion...I think these guys are times...

...there is no consistency. Maybe that points to Swartzie...
I don't know...maybe I don't know the "in's and outs"...
(that has got to be the most condecending thing say on this topic)

The fact remains...the results...the proof is in the pudding...
Maybe not everyone is an "expert" on coaching but any nimrod can tell when their team gets handled week in and week out.

How many draft picks do you throw at a problem before you look elsewhere?
Your right about one thing. They do suck. Something needs to change that's for sure. I've defended Schwartz simply for the fact that I don't believe he is entirely the reason why they suck other than the talent on the team. Sorry to say that I don't think Fisher is getting as much out of this team as he should. Sometimes coach's need to be coached and that comes from Charlie Wise speaking about how Bilicheck coach's his coordinators along with his players. Fisher sets the tone for the hole team and right now the hole team stinks. Does the D suck? Yes. Does the O suck? Yep' So, the math is easy.
i just dont think schwartz can evolve very well as games go along. also he sticks with the same d scheme for every team we play... they know exactly what to expect... thats ok if we play sound fundamentally or have the players to back it up but we dont. good coaches are supposed to evolve their scheme as players change... i havent seen that since he became D coord
I may not know the "ins and outs" of football[BS copout], but one thing I do know is that under Schwartz, our defense cannot stop the run and has no attitude about them. I see other defenses with less talent and experience playing better, but most notably playing HARDER. Schwartz doesn't get the effort out of his players as he should, there is no desperation or all 11 guys flying to the ball like absolute madmen, that is what defense is, not scheming yourself to death. Watch the Bears defense of today, very youthful, had some injuries, but still they fly and they hit and they GANG tackle.

It doesn't matter how good our offense gets, our defense will still be our achilles heel with Schwartz at the helm. When you can't stop the run, your defense has officially hit rock bottom, and becomes soft, if that is what Schwartz-ites want, then let me say, you're all pu$$:es.
Jwill1919 said:
I may not know the "ins and outs" of football[BS copout], but one thing I do know is that under Schwartz, our defense cannot stop the run
You mean except for when his D led the NFL in run defense in 2003, right? Boy he sucked back then...

and has no attitude about them.
Success breeds that kind of attitude among the whole team. We aren't winning enough to generate one. The Colts D magically developed an "attitude" this year. Did Ron Meeks instantly become a better DC? Did Dungy become a better HC?

On the flip side, what happened to Baltimore's defensive attitude? Where did it go?

I see other defenses with less talent and experience playing better, but most notably playing HARDER.
Such as???

Schwartz doesn't get the effort out of his players as he should, there is no desperation or all 11 guys flying to the ball like absolute madmen, that is what defense is, not scheming yourself to death.
All defenses scheme. Do the Patriots not have schemes? Do Gregg Williams' defenses not have schemes?

As for players flying to the ball, you have to have good athletes to do it well. We just don't have enough speed on defense. No DC can make his players faster...
Starkiller said:
All defenses scheme. Do the Patriots not have schemes? Do Gregg Williams' defenses not have schemes?

As for players flying to the ball, you have to have good athletes to do it well. We just don't have enough speed on defense. No DC can make his players faster...

I know all defenses scheme, but that seems to be all he does, does he even take the field with the defense or just mail-in the gameplan??

As for having good players to fly to the ball, that is total BS, you are losing all credibility SK. Hustle is a Habit, and we have too many bad habits on defense. Hustling to the ball breeds tenacity, more guys around the ball means more possible fumbles and recoveries, not to mention less missed tackles. If we had a DC that preached tenacity as much as he preaches "kiss you sister", then we would be light years better. I coach High School football, and we don't have the best athletes on the field, but we make up for it with our hustle, and the little things.

Yes, the Pats scheme, but you watch one of their games, their guys are all over the place, flying around and gang tackling.

There is no excuse for the lack of effort being put forth by our defense, the axe must fall.

For crapsake, we had Bo Orlando making plays in the secondary and he wasn't a third of the athlete we have now, we had all 11 running to the ball on every play, it is not ok for the Titans to EVER play like this, rebuilding or not.
It's not an issue of hussle. Do you think Brad Kassell isn't giving his all? Hell, just take a look at him at the end of the game today, with blood streaming down his face. But the fact is he just isn't athletic enough. He isn't a starting-caliber NFL player.

That's what Schwartz has to deal with, a bunch of guys who aren't good starters. He has 2 rookie CBs and 2 average (at best) safeties in the secondary. He's got Kassell at MLB. Sirmon hasn't played up to his 2003 form since the torn ACL. KVB is the only quality DE.

This ain't high school football out there. Coaches can only do so much in the NFL with sub-par talent. How many of our starters could start on other teams? Bulluck, KVB, and Haynesworth certainly. Starks on a few teams, perhaps. Anyone else?
Good points. It's almost a given that the Talent will be better next season, so we'll know what the deal is better by this time next year. I'm hoping I and others are wrong about Schwartz.
Hmmm.....Why is KVB our only quality DE?? maybe because he has a non-stop motor??? Because I know he's not the most talented DE on our team. If our whole defense played with as much hustle as KVB, it wouldn't matter the talent level, except of course the two corners, it's all about attitude and getting to the ball.
Schwartz resembles the dolts cause the :coltssuk:

Rickey "where's Henry so we can toke some blunts?" Williams gouged MbSGWb's D when it counted. Fisher punted back to the Fish cause he was counting on his D to make a stop when everyone - even MbSGWb - knew the Fish were gonna pound RW. Well the Fish did their part but, as usual, Dher Schwartzie's D was unable to do anything when it counted.

2004 Schwartzified D allowed 27.4 ppg
2005 Swartztrogen D allowing 25.4 ppg - yeahha progress!

yes it will be a happy day when some chump - I mean MoneyBall Super Genuis Wonder GM names Schwartz as HC. I can't wait.
Starkiller said:
KVB isn't the most talented DE on our team? What are you smoking???

One could make the arguement that Odom is more "talented", in that he has more upside. I wouldn't argue that necissarily, although I will note that this is KVBs only good year in his career. That said, I still wouldn't argue it. :ha:
Starkiller said:
It's not an issue of hussle. Do you think Brad Kassell isn't giving his all? Hell, just take a look at him at the end of the game today, with blood streaming down his face. But the fact is he just isn't athletic enough. He isn't a starting-caliber NFL player.

That's what Schwartz has to deal with, a bunch of guys who aren't good starters. He has 2 rookie CBs and 2 average (at best) safeties in the secondary. He's got Kassell at MLB. Sirmon hasn't played up to his 2003 form since the torn ACL. KVB is the only quality DE.

This ain't high school football out there. Coaches can only do so much in the NFL with sub-par talent. How many of our starters could start on other teams? Bulluck, KVB, and Haynesworth certainly. Starks on a few teams, perhaps. Anyone else?

I dunno. I think there is a certain level of "hustle" lost with these guys. Motivation just doesn't seem to be there as a unit, although there are guys like Jones, Bulluck, KVB, Haynes, and Kassel (like you said, he's just not that talented). It's hard to draw the line between "drive" and "talent", but theres still a line, and this defense crosses over both of them IMO.
KamikaZ said:
I dunno. I think there is a certain level of "hustle" lost with these guys. Motivation just doesn't seem to be there as a unit, although there are guys like Jones, Bulluck, KVB, Haynes, and Kassel (like you said, he's just not that talented).....

If albert haynesworth showed up with his work boots on every game all game tha man would have 15 sacks and be the most talked about guy on our D. he has hustle about 5 plays a game... when he's pissed or he thinks he could make a big play
paraconspiracy said:
If albert haynesworth showed up with his work boots on every game all game tha man would have 15 sacks and be the most talked about guy on our D. he has hustle about 5 plays a game... when he's pissed or he thinks he could make a big play
actually, haynesworth has been one of the guys chasing plays down. i've seen him make tackles 5-10 yards down the field on a regular basis this year.
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