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There's no concrete evidence as to how this is spread. It's a new virus nobody knows about.

So my question is. How can the NFL lay the wood down on punishment for COVID violations? The NFL themselves know nothing about this new virus.

Actually, after 8 months of observing this in labs, hospitals and the field, we have a very good idea of how its droplets. It's more contagious than the flu but less contagious than the measles (you could just stroll into a room with a measles patient and be infected in less than a minute in the old days before vaccines). But that makes its ability to spread very effective. And indoor recirculating air room make more effective spreading although outdoors is not entirely safe either, especially in close quarters.

Still, the Titans -Vikings game was an interesting (and unintentional) experiment since the Titans had active COVID cases and apparently didn't spread it to the Vikings players during a football game. Was it luck? Maybe. But it is a data point that is useful.
PK fabricating a story is such a classic way to end his time as a Titans reporter. He “finally” broke a story and then an hour later it was blown up.

Actually, PK didn't break this, Steve Layman did at WTVF last week. But it didn't register nationally, probably since fewer people follow him on Twitter. It took PK (and his Twitter followers) and some actual photos of the event for the NFL to notice. And they aren't happy.
Actually, after 8 months of observing this in labs, hospitals and the field, we have a very good idea of how its droplets. It's more contagious than the flu but less contagious than the measles (you could just stroll into a room with a measles patient and be infected in less than a minute in the old days before vaccines). But that makes its ability to spread very effective. And indoor recirculating air room make more effective spreading although outdoors is not entirely safe either, especially in close quarters.

Still, the Titans -Vikings game was an interesting (and unintentional) experiment since the Titans had active COVID cases and apparently didn't spread it to the Vikings players during a football game. Was it luck? Maybe. But it is a data point that is useful.

Exactly, nobody knows how it's spread. You would've thought the whole Utah Jazz team would've caught COVID before it was a thing, not just 2 players.

That's why I say the NFL can't lay the wood down on punishment, due to the fact that nobody knows a damn thing about this virus.
Actually, PK didn't break this, Steve Layman did at WTVF last week. But it didn't register nationally, probably since fewer people follow him on Twitter. It took PK (and his Twitter followers) and some actual photos of the event for the NFL to notice. And they aren't happy.
Sounds like a technicality they "shouldn't get punished for, frankly.
Since the Titans haven't spread it to other teams the only punishment should be is fines...possibly forfeit a game, but hopefully the next (healthly) man up and play the game.

Personally I think a shutdown would be in everyone's best interest.
Actually, PK didn't break this, Steve Layman did at WTVF last week. But it didn't register nationally, probably since fewer people follow him on Twitter. It took PK (and his Twitter followers) and some actual photos of the event for the NFL to notice. And they aren't happy.

Did you notice the quotation marks around the word finally? I put them there for a reason.
Has no one from the Titans came out and just straight up said "This was before the memo went out that we couldn't meet outside of the facility"? Seems like a reasonable approach if that's what happened.
Please stop. Sweden is having its own problems right now. You've said crap like this before and you aren't helping the discussion.

Sweden Tries to Isolate Covid-19 Cases Without a Lockdown as Infections Surge
Nothing any of us says right now is going to do any good until we lift all of these stupid restrictions and get back to normal.

Whatever, some of you people must love being locked down for a BS virus that has a death rate in line with the flu for 99.97% of the people who catch it.

Like I’ve said, anyone for these draconian measures didn’t lose their job or lose a business they spent a lifetime building. We’ll probably see more deaths from suicide, drug overdoses and stress related heart attacks, etc. than this little bug.
Has no one from the Titans came out and just straight up said "This was before the memo went out that we couldn't meet outside of the facility"? Seems like a reasonable approach if that's what happened.

Yes. That has happened. Read A to Z sports article.
Exactly, nobody knows how it's spread. You would've thought the whole Utah Jazz team would've caught COVID before it was a thing, not just 2 players.

They weren't doing daily testing and everyone was quarantined for 14 days, so I'm not sure we know that they didn't.

For instance, we had a breakout at work around the beginning of April. About half of my building tested positive. The others weren't tested at all, even if we had symptoms. At that point the health department told me to stay home and don't go to the doctor or hospital unless I couldn't breathe.
Uh, no. The science doesn't support your assertion.

You're wrong. Review mortality rates from March versus now. And make sure the reports you read factor in ALL tests (negative and positive) in the NORMAL population which includes contact tracing. You will see a more accurate picture of the true mortality rate of Covid19 infection. There is simply a subset population that is at greater risk for severe disease and death. Gravely ill or hospitalized patients were the ones receiving the initially limited number of tests.

And causes of death in persons that did not have a Covid test were declared as a result of Covid simply if they had symptoms. That was a tactic by epidemiologists to help raise awareness ("sound the alarm") that pandemic levels of infection of a deadly virus was forthcoming. As testing became more widely available, Covid began to declare itself more deadly in a subset population and more like a run of other respiratory viruses in the vast majority of the population.
This is the most Paul Kuharsky thing ever.

What a loser.

PK is a loser. He lost the AFCS beat writer for ESPN about 7 years ago. Has some lame website. Tried to be super snarky to get viewers. His career has been circling in the toilet for years. This is a desperate move to try to revive it. But he's too dense and unlikable to understand that the really good reporters and beat writers implement a degree of diplomacy to advance their careers.

So yes- I agree with you. PK is a loser.
What about in the rest of the world?

yep. But rest of the world really because viruses are viruses and do what viruses do. They run through a population until immunity is developed. Masks, social distancing, etc only MITIGATE the spread and buy time. With all the measures in place, with time the virus will hit everybody. It's unavoidable. What we've done with these measures is attempt to buy time for a subset population at risk for death in hopes we can get an effective vaccine developed and distributed.

Nobody wants to hear this, but this really is the tail wagging the dog. Traditionally in the US, our approach has been that populations at high risk are responsible to protect themselves. If you're at high risk, you stay home. You and your loved ones wear masks to prevent spread to you. You ask others to wear masks around and if they don't then you avoid them. Our government has even protected the financial livelihoods of those populations with the family and medical leave acts, mandating that persons receive monies and their jobs are protected until they return.

Covid presented a challenge initially because it was a novel mutation of an old virus that had a long latent period and we now know can have sustained micro-aerosolized spread. Very high infectivity ("r factor") in closed populations. That's why NYC/Seattle were hit REALLY hard at first. And all the deaths we saw there were not because this was a brutal "kill all" persons virus, but rather there are very large absolute numbers of "high risk" persons in very large populations. That's why all the bodies were piling up (though dramatized".

Anyway back to your question, because it appears you at least are interested in the reality of this virus. Historically, the world has faced respiratory viruses that have hit populations and killed many. The flu is one of the most recent. I could list about 10 that folks would recognize, but the story is the same. Virus spread can not be stopped. Only mitigated until we can establish immunity via vaccines or herd immunity. And that's what all this hysteria is about. Unfortunately, in the US you have unscrupulous politicians and liberal leaning media agencies that have hijacked the science to promote their political agendas of unrest/dissatisfaction with the current administration. The economy has been undermined. (And IMO, not by accident).

So yes, I do think we are going to see Covid 19 discussion, restrictions, infectivity reporting etc all improve post election. In the US due to the politics and worldwide because of the natural course of viruses. I'm so damn sick of the issue. I've seen hard working entrepeneurs get bankrupted over restrictions and lower socioeconomic citizens with little capital reserve who rely upon assistance become desperate simply to attain daily bread. This was all an avoidable situation. Makes me really sad, all politics aside.
PK is a loser. He lost the AFCS beat writer for ESPN about 7 years ago. Has some lame website. Tried to be super snarky to get viewers. His career has been circling in the toilet for years. This is a desperate move to try to revive it. But he's too dense and unlikable to understand that the really good reporters and beat writers implement a degree of diplomacy to advance their careers.

So yes- I agree with you. PK is a loser.

I've posted this a few times, but at some point when he was the beat writer, he had asked for thoughts on an upcoming Titans draft pick. I posted something. He asked me to explain. And I posted a couple of paragraphs. He posted that was the dumbest take that he'd ever heard.

...then pretty much posted the exact same take on his blog. I'd be totally cool with him using my take (hey, I gave it away for free), but the fact that he had to insult me first totally soured me on him. I've interacted with other sports writers on social media and they treated me with respect and have even given me credit if they liked my take.
PK is a loser. He lost the AFCS beat writer for ESPN about 7 years ago. Has some lame website. Tried to be super snarky to get viewers. His career has been circling in the toilet for years. This is a desperate move to try to revive it. But he's too dense and unlikable to understand that the really good reporters and beat writers implement a degree of diplomacy to advance their careers.

So yes- I agree with you. PK is a loser.
But the good news for him is DoorDash is hiring.
and he'll break a story about no hand washing or something like that......
Ya know, I do cringe every time a dude leaves the urinal and Marches right past the soap and water. Makes me not want to ever shake hands with people... Paul probably a pee and go guy but rats out others.
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