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Gunny said:
Normally books are better than movies when they try and base it pretty much on the same storyline. Bourne never did that.

Oh I'm definitely with you on that one. There's so much that you can put into a book that can't be fleshed out in a two hour movie.

The Da Vinci Code is a great example. They tried to cram a lot of it into Tom Hanks narrative. It doesn't work,the movie feels rushed. It did good numbers at the box office because of the hype surrounding the book even though it was crap.

Good enough to green light the prequel Angels & Demons which again I can't see being any good for the same reasons.

I didn't think the DVC was that great of a book in general.It was ok but the hype was bigger than the book. I did enjoy looking up the works of DaVinci to see Brown's implications rang true. It was interesting stuff but the churches indignation at Brown's plot felt like a bit of crying over spilt milk. Made him a lot of money though.:yes:

I enjoyed Angels & Demons more but I can't see the movie having the supernatural ending that the book had.
Da Vinci is definitely over-rated as a book. Movie was ok.

Angels and Demons was good, I also liked his other one, Digital Fortress.

I didn't know Angels and Demons was going to be a movie. Is Tom Hanks playing Langdon again?

watched this the other night
something tells me that this could have been done in 30 minutes shorter of time with a lot more DaVinci and alot less code
I honestly can't figure out why there was so much emphasis on the flashbacks of the "Princess" and such little emphasis on the details of MM and what/why the HG had to do with it all

good book
mediocre movie

My recommendation : Read Dan Brown's book instead :shakehead:
Poseidon is a perfect example of where things are going in Hollywood. Don't count on seeing too many grand scale movies that aren't completely CGI in the future. Sad.
Bobo said:
I'm trying to think of movies I liked better.....that's tough.

I give up :ha:

The old saying don't judge a book by it's movie usually applies..
Can't wait to see how dumbed down Matheson's I Am Legend ends up being...
KamikaZ said:
Because the idea pool in Hollywood has been dry for years. Original ideas are wearing thin for so many studios.

The last original idea I've seen in a movie is "Being John Malkovich", which I seriously doubt was a Hollywood flick.
Last 3 movies I watched.


Good movie that seems to get lost in Damon's other, more recent success.



One of the more interesting films to come out recently. To do with oil mostly. One of those movies you will watch twice and the 2nd time will catch on with what it was about.



One of my most favourite movies because it combines my favourite game ever with stunning CG, great fight scenes and basically an eye candy movie that really pulls it off.

Gunny said:

One of the more interesting films to come out recently. To do with oil mostly. One of those movies you will watch twice and the 2nd time will catch on with what it was about.


Clooney is making some poignant films outside of his mainstream work. He's a good guy.
Childress79 said:

Clooney is making some poignant films outside of his mainstream work. He's a good guy.

Too true. I think the guy is marginally talented as an actor; not bad, but not fantastic. He does however have a great eye for quality scripts. He still makes some big budget cheese to facilitate his making of films such as Syriana, but I think when all is said and done Clooney will have left behind a really impressive body of work.
Saw 2 flicks over the weekend..

The Number 23 What happened Jim? You used to be in good movies...
This flick was a total turd. If you need twenty minutes to explain the twist in a horror flick, you're watchin a dud.
Best part was getting to hear She Wants Revenge's excellent tune "Tear You Apart" during the sex parts...

Disturbia If you've seen Fright Night you've seen this, minus the vampires.. Actually had some fun tension and cool atmosphere but it was the same ol same ol beyond that...
Dukes of Hazzard

one of the worst uses of a license ever
they did get Daisy right ... that's about it


best part was the "I'm just smokin up some meat for the BBQ" line Willie had
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