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Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Here's the problem with this movie: in the first 90 minutes, there was too much talking, and we know talking isn't Bay's strength, so every time there was an extended period of dialogue, it was bad. Bay tried making a complex story, tying historic and iconic events with Transformers for that first 90 minutes, and it just didn't work for me and I found myself pretty damn bored.

The last 45 minutes is when Bay plays to his strengths, which was one long battle where Bay goes all out with the special effects, and the visuals were absolutely stunning. The collapsing skyscraper scene you see in the trailer was insane and by far the best scene.

The other problem was that there were too many new Decepticons got too little screen time, and they were all silver, so some of the fight scenes got confusing because it was hard to tell who was who.

I notice most people praising the first one, and I don't think that's because the first one was just that much better than the last two, I think it's because the first one was groundbreaking due to the audience seeing CGI and special effects taken to that level for the first time.

With that being said, it was an improvement over the second (which isn't saying much), if you liked the first one and for the incredibly stunning CGI and special effects (best one yet), it's worth the 3D admission. And if you plan to see it, it's a must see in 3D.

This one was also a lot more violent than the first two, not being a wuss about showing human deaths on screen.


I'm hearing some very drastic opinions on this film - one camp says it's drek, and the other says it's an improvement on the first two, especially in regards to the way Bay shoots the action (which usually is way too chaotic for me to even remotely enjoy whatever the hell is going on).

I don't know though - I have a plethora of DVDs I just bought on a whim, and I'm really intrigued by Horrible Bosses. Might have to pass.
The best way to get Hollywood to stop making these horrible 3D disaster action movies is to not see them. I refuse to see anything 3D because that technology should have stayed dead in the 70's.

Every time you pay to see a movie you're voting for it and telling Hollywood to keep doing what they're doing.
I second everything Geronimo said about Transformers.

The casting was great. There were a lot of funny appearances by actors you'd never expect in the movie.

I thought it was the best one... I didn't think I would like it without Megan Fox haha. It's still a Transformers movie and if you've seen the first two you've likely seen enough.

6.5/10 from me as well.
We went because the 3D trailer for Transformers looked amazing. Sadly, 3 hours of that wears on you - BADLY.
The actors are terrible. The story is la-hame. The idiotic typical Michael Bay "everyone looking up" scenes are the only laugh. The "Go USA" pandering dialogue is mind-numbing.
The girl's upper lip is too close to her nose. Stupid, stupid movie.
I never give a "scale of 10" rating normally - but for this one: 1 out of 10 (one for the trailer).

EDIT - If you guys like it, that's cool. Life is for enjoying the stuff you dig. I posted this mostly to save Kamikaz 3 hours of grief.
We went because the 3D trailer for Transformers looked amazing. Sadly, 3 hours of that wears on you - BADLY.
The actors are terrible. The story is la-hame. The idiotic typical Michael Bay "everyone looking up" scenes are the only laugh. The "Go USA" pandering dialogue is mind-numbing.
The girl's upper lip is too close to her nose. Stupid, stupid movie.
I never give a "scale of 10" rating normally - but for this one: 1 out of 10 (one for the trailer).

EDIT - If you guys like it, that's cool. Life is for enjoying the stuff you dig. I posted this mostly to save Kamikaz 3 hours of grief.

We do get that you hate everything that is popular.
We do get that you hate everything that is popular.

That is absolutely untrue. I dislike what I dislike. Transformers 3 would have been sht in my book had only 10 people seen it.
On the other hand I liked the last big buzz movie around here, The Hangover just fine.
We went because the 3D trailer for Transformers looked amazing. Sadly, 3 hours of that wears on you - BADLY.
The actors are terrible. The story is la-hame. The idiotic typical Michael Bay "everyone looking up" scenes are the only laugh. The "Go USA" pandering dialogue is mind-numbing.
The girl's upper lip is too close to her nose. Stupid, stupid movie.
I never give a "scale of 10" rating normally - but for this one: 1 out of 10 (one for the trailer).

EDIT - If you guys like it, that's cool. Life is for enjoying the stuff you dig. I posted this mostly to save Kamikaz 3 hours of grief.

The acting was bad, but it's Transformers, whatever, it wasn't bad to the point it became distracting for me. With respectable actors in this movie like John Turturro, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand... Shia LaBeouf was actually the one redeeming quality when it came to the acting.

You know directors can't break old habits, of course Bad is going to have the slow mo walk from the heroes with the epic music, and then follow it with the slow mo stare and kiss from the protagonist and love interest lol.

I agree about the story being lame, Bay was trying too hard to make a gripping story with Transformers and it didn't work for me. As I said, I was bored outta my mind for the first 90 minutes when it was too much dialogue, but I thought the last 45 minutes (after the invasion starts) was redeeming and highly entertaining, and even you have to admit Transformers sets the new bar for CGI and that collapsing skyscraper scene was incredible, unless you were too p*ssed off at that point to even care lol.

And dude, that chick was fine, that's just hatin' lol, if she made an advance on you, I thought anyone here would say "eww no, your upper lip is too close to your nose."

I thought the 3D was great, wasn't a bunch of crap popping out at you like Avatar (which isn't the only use for 3D) but it added a lot of depth and it enhanced all the action scenes.

And even if you did want to see it for the 3D alone, if you hated the first two, surely you must have had a good idea of what you were getting yourself into before the movie started, which is why I assumed you had kids. :)
The acting was bad, but it's Transformers, whatever, it wasn't bad to the point it became distracting for me. With respectable actors in this movie like John Turturro, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich... Shia LaBeouf was actually the one redeeming quality when it came to the acting.

You know directors can't break old habits, of course Bad is going to have the slow mo walk from the heroes with the epic music, and then follow it with the slow mo stare and kiss from the protagonist and love interest lol.

I agree about the story being lame, Bay was trying too hard to make a gripping story with Transformers and it didn't work for me. As I said, I was bored outta my mind for the first 90 minutes when it was too much dialogue, but I thought the last 45 minutes (after the invasion starts) was redeeming and highly entertaining, and even you have to admit Transformers sets the new bar for CGI and that collapsing skyscraper scene was incredible, unless you were too p*ssed off at that point to even care lol.

And dude, that chick was fine, that's just hatin' lol, if she made an advance on you, I thought anyone here would say "eww no, your upper lip is too close to your nose."

I thought the 3D was great, wasn't a bunch of crap popping out at you like Avatar (which isn't the only use for 3D) but it added a lot of depth and it enhanced all the action scenes.

And even if you did want to see it for the 3D alone, if you hated the first two, surely you must have had a good idea of what you were getting yourself into before the movie started, which is why I assumed you had kids. :)

Dummies at AIC said that TF3 was the TF movie for folks who hated previous TF flicks. That coupled with the preview and a free evening was why we went. I assumed I would enjoy the flick (contrary to Mr. Gunny's comments) but aside from the improvement in 3D (in which the shine wore off after about 10 minutes) it felt the same as the others to me.

Honestly, I could care less about that chick (and yes, her face was annoying). I don't go to movies for T & A anyway. Never cared about Megan Fox either.
I went home and watched two episodes of Breaking Bad to make up for the mind numbness..
Dummies at AIC said that TF3 was the TF movie for folks who hated previous TF flicks. That coupled with the preview and a free evening was why we went. I assumed I would enjoy the flick (contrary to Mr. Gunny's comments) but aside from the improvement in 3D (in which the shine wore off after about 10 minutes) it felt the same as the others to me.

Honestly, I could care less about that chick (and yes, her face was annoying). I don't go to movies for T & A anyway. Never cared about Megan Fox either.
I went home and watched two episodes of Breaking Bad to make up for the mind numbness..

Not to mention there was too much "comedy" and Bay did a terrible job of spreading the comic relief. It started off with 30 minutes of seriousness, followed by 30 straight minutes of bad comedy.

I can understand if you hated all 3 and not a Bay fan, but if you hated Bad Boys and Bad Boys 2, then I'm just going to say, loosen up and just enjoy some fast cars and explosions for once. :D

Got a quick review for Inglorious Basterds?

I need to decide a movie within the next 20 minutes, and that is one of the very strong maybe's.

I originally swore I'd never watch that piece of crap looking movie, but I'm going to check my brain in and have an open mind about it.
Just watched Insidious, awesome horror movie! It scares you like a Horror movie should! scary things hiding in dark and stuff. the Demon thing was done great with the red face, they didn't reveal to much which made it better. The idea of the movie was great and well done. My wife was freaked out most of the movie. Watch this movie in the dark and you'll enjoy it.


Got a quick review for Inglorious Basterds?

I need to decide a movie within the next 20 minutes, and that is one of the very strong maybe's.

I originally swore I'd never watch that piece of crap looking movie, but I'm going to check my brain in and have an open mind about it.

It's good. Probably the best Tarentino flick since Pulp Fiction. Just watch it to see Christopher Waltz, as his performance is as f'ing advertised. I think Brad Pitt was a bit too hammy - I think I would have preferred less of a star in the role. But it's very funny, sometimes intense, consistently enjoyable. It gets very silly towards the end, but it's all in the spirit of fun, and I think it succeeds in that.

Just to get a point of reference on how I feel about Tarentino:

Reservoir Dogs - Love It
Pulp Fiction - Love It
Jackie Brown - Like It
Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Hate It
Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Neutral
Death Proof - Like It
We went because the 3D trailer for Transformers looked amazing. Sadly, 3 hours of that wears on you - BADLY.
The actors are terrible. The story is la-hame. The idiotic typical Michael Bay "everyone looking up" scenes are the only laugh. The "Go USA" pandering dialogue is mind-numbing.
The girl's upper lip is too close to her nose. Stupid, stupid movie.
I never give a "scale of 10" rating normally - but for this one: 1 out of 10 (one for the trailer).

EDIT - If you guys like it, that's cool. Life is for enjoying the stuff you dig. I posted this mostly to save Kamikaz 3 hours of grief.

You didn't at least like the casting and random appearances?

I thought that was the best part. I wouldn't have paid to see it... And I'll never see another 3D movie in my life, but it was better than the other two IMO. These aren't supposed to be great movies with great acting.
Inglourious Basterds

MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better movie than trailer, and I'm glad I decided to give it a chance. In my earlier post, I said I'd check my brain in before giving this a chance, thinking it was what the trailer indicated: a silly, lazy, mindless point A to point B movie of nothing put a bunch of rogue soldiers, lead by Brad Pitt, slaughtering Nazi's in a over the top fashion for over 2 hours.

With that being said, it is silly, there are some over the top killing (which were well executed and didn't feel unnecessarily and out of place) and it's more historically inaccurate than Pearl Harbor by a mile , BUT Tarantino's spin tells a gripping and intelligent story. It's 2 and a half hours long, and for the first 2 hours, it is heavily dialogue driven. If that's not what you want from this, and you want to pay for 2 and a half hours of Nazi killin', then don't bother, you'll hate it.

The movie is pretty much 2 main stories that intertwined for a final act (which gets violent, Tarantino style), and The Inglorious Basterds only actually take up about a third of the movie. And in case you're wondering... yes, Tarantino does bust out all the lessons from Tarantino Film School, with his heavy use of artsy symbolism and film references. And one of my small knocks would be he overdid 'em a little, at times it felt too unnecessarily and a little corny. Someone needs to tell Tarantino for this next film, "the less, the better." But I don't see Tarantino as the negotiable type. Speaking of "the less, the better", when I say the first 2 hours is heavily dialogue driven, I mean precisely that. There were some very, intense dialogue scenes, including the first scene, which IMO was brilliant and has to be one of the best opening scenes I've ever seen... but with that being said, there were a lot of unnecessary dialogue that got boring. Bear with me here, fanboys, IMO, The 3 very long talking scenes actually would have worked better if they were shortened a little, my problem was that once they build you up and you feel the tension and you're getting all into it, it starts to drag out and you're left there thinking "well, are y'all actually going somewhere with this?" And it wouldn't have made those scenes any less effective if they were shortened. In fact, the movie would have even been better if those spare minutes would have been used on giving The Inglorious Basterds Chapter more screen time, particularly more lines for B.J. Novak, that or give Michael Fassbender more screen time, which I'll get into more in a bit.

Brad Pitt... sorry Kami, but I loved him in this movie, I thought he was funny, perfectly cast and got just the right amount of lines before he started to get annoying. Now, you see a lot of Brad Pitt in the trailer, but Christoph Waltz aka The Jew Hunter, was the star of this movie, he was incredible and has to go down as one of the best villains of all time. I thought everyone in the cast that got a significant amount of lines, was great... I was a little disappointed that Michael Fassbender (New Magneto) got such a small part and definitely thought he should have gotten more screen time... he sold the tavern scene.

Wrapping this review up, along with the acting, there were some top notch moments of directing and writing (despite some of the unnecessarily dialogue). There were just a few minor flaws that prevented this from being a 9/10 movie. If you're a movie buff and/or the slightest fan of Quentin Tarantino, this is a must watch.

A very enthusiastic 8/10.

P.S - It's early and I can't be arsed to proofread, so excuse the typos.
Horrible Bosses.. meh, should have gone to see Transformers to at least look at eye candy.. wasn't as "hilarious" as some make it out to be, just constant vulgarity, but "mfer jones" was the only good part about it. Charlie from Always Sunny is good, Bateman bores me and Sudekis is a joke =/

You didn't at least like the casting and random appearances?

I thought that was the best part. I wouldn't have paid to see it... And I'll never see another 3D movie in my life, but it was better than the other two IMO. These aren't supposed to be great movies with great acting.

Turtorro is probably the lone bright spot since the inception of this franchise. I like the other guys when they are in other movies.. Malkovich' character appeared to be the sad victim of bad editing maybe. No explanation for it otherwise (except maybe that this was a Transformers movie and you should be trained by now to accept huge question marks in even the simplest of logic).
Inglorious Basterds is easily one of my favorite movies and Tarantino's best, IMO.

I agree it's his best too, I think people are hesitant to rank it over Pulp Fiction because of its "classic label" which is understandable. But 5-10 years from now, I think Inglorious Basterds will be looked at as the Tarantino film.
Turtorro is probably the lone bright spot since the inception of this franchise. I like the other guys when they are in other movies.. Malkovich' character appeared to be the sad victim of bad editing maybe. No explanation for it otherwise (except maybe that this was a Transformers movie and you should be trained by now to accept huge question marks in even the simplest of logic).

Victims of a bad script too as there were quite a few respectable actors that looked like bad actors in the third one... Shia was actually the one decent quality when it came to the acting, for the first time in the franchise he showed some range and emotion.
I've always been under the impression that Inglourious Basterds was Tarantino's best movie.

That's always been my opinion, at least.

There's too much boredom spread throughout the rest of Tarantino films. Basterds doesn't have the long drawn out boring scenes that could have been cut.
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