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Creeping-Cruds said:
Better than utterly mindless CGI-fests ala Fantastic 4 but not better than the 70's version.. Gene Hackman, nuff said..

Oh c'mon!! That's ridiculous! This modern one was crap, but gene hackman's absurdly campy and impotent Lex Luthor was just downright silly. Calling himself the greatest criminal mastermind in the world over and over ad nauseum....a fat bald guy to boot! He delivered the line as if he was thinking "I can't believe these dopes are actually paying me for this!".

But the biggest problem with Superman movies is....Superman. He has more power, strength and ability than any other superhero, but he can't vanquish a plain old bald human who's greatest supervillianous power is being greedy? On that alone, he couldn't even carry Spidey's or batman's jockstrap.

Oh, and poor Clark has girl trouble...GET OVER IT YOU WUSS! :irked: Guess who gets more poon: Superman or Tom Brady? I'll bet half of this forum scores more than Superman does. Sorry, but I got no time for a "superhero" who can pick up a train, a building, or an entire island made of kryptonite, but can't pick up a little action even if he showed up in the women's prison courtyard with a trunkload of governor's pardons.
Creeping-Cruds said:
That's a pretty broad array of movies, mostly far superior to stuff like Superman Returns..

what does this mean ?
except for there's a broad range of movies I can no longer stand to watch ?
avvie said:
But the biggest problem with Superman movies is....Superman. He has more power, strength and ability than any other superhero

and why does he not have a Kryptonite detector ?
he can sense a cat stuck in a tree in Malaysia, but doesn't have enough sense to avoid a huge island made of Kryptonite ?

hopefully someone, someday will come along and do for Superman what was done for Batman and Spiderman ..... or maybe the whole Superman concept is to cheesy to save
BlazingArrow#9 said:
I have tried three times to finish this movie and never could. With about an hour left in it I always find myself looking for the remote to change it.

actually, the last hour is probably the better half .. if there is such a thing
Puck said:
hopefully someone, someday will come along and do for Superman what was done for Batman and Spiderman ..... or maybe the whole Superman concept is to cheesy to save

Batman and Spiderman are probably more identifiable to the average joe, they are just humans with many weaknesses. Not Aliens with one weakness.

Makes for better storylines.
I thought that Superman Returns was a decent film. It certainly was not perfect, but I like the attempt it made. I thought that all the actors were pretty good. Including Superman. And the theme was decent, as he was fighting the one thing he couldn't control, time and change. So I liked the attempt at bringing the emotional element to it.

I also heard the Superman actor said that he'd be willing to make a movie with both he and batman. And I thought that would be interesting as Christian Bale's latest version of Batman and this Superman would be an interesting combination should it happen. He made it sound as if they were in discussion phase.

I thought it would have been interesting too if they had introduced aquaman in this series when Superman was drowining. Just resurface him and swim away when the girl gets there. Too bad. That could have been a cool moment.
IMO the way hollywood thinks that they have to dumb a story down each time they reinvent it is a major handicap. Batman was a great redux & Raimi has by & large done an excellent job on Spiderman.

Superman is a bigger storyline than Lois Lane & Lex Luthor. The Death of Superman storyline would make for a kick@ss 3 film story arc but no they have to churn out the same old crud.:grrhee: (no offense CC).

Shoot'em Up was a fun movie. nothing special, but if you like clive owen and sin city you'll probably enjoy this one.
I agree, when superman died. They should have ended it with the newspaper headline right there. Good ending. Done deal.
Puck said:
what does this mean ?
except for there's a broad range of movies I can no longer stand to watch ?

Without adjectives..
You tend to boast alot of newer Hollywood releases. I'm saying Hackman has been quite a few movies over the years that I personally prefer over that stuff.
Just to name a few..
The Unforgiven
Mississippi Burning
The Conversation
French Connection
Young Frankenstein
No Way Out

And for Avvie.. Yeah I'm on board with what you're saying about the Superman flicks.. I prefer the earlier one but wouldn't bother buying any of them...
Creeping-Cruds said:
Without adjectives..
You tend to boast alot of newer Hollywood releases

:eh?: i have no idea what you're talking about
I've posted on a few Hollywood movies - yes, but I wouldn't say I boast on them ... I think Hollywood ruins good movie ideas ..... but I'm not going to go watch a whole mess of Gene Hackman re-runs because of it

Just to name a few..
The Unforgiven
Mississippi Burning
The Conversation
French Connection
Young Frankenstein
No Way Out

ok,.......a nice list of movies I can't watch because Hackman's in them
don't forget Crimson Tide, Enemy of the State, Behind Enemy Lines
can't do it
It just goes to show you how diverse tastes are. I love Hackman, anything he's in I'm almost guaranteed to enjoy. Even if the movie blows I'll love Mean Gene's performance (I can't think of a single exception to that... I'm sure there has to be, I just can't think of one).

I was going to start rhyming off my fave Hackman performances, but I realized I'd probably just end up listing virtually every film he's been in. I'll cite Get Shorty because it hasn't been mentioned and he's just so damn funny in it.
just to clarify, I don't think Hackman is a bad actor
it's his pompous presentation that rubs me wrong
much like David Caruso does on CSI-Miami
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