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GoT said:
Lamont Thompson to him safety is luck
Cincinnati thew you out
cause you really suck
Lamont Thompson sucks

Did Lamont shag your girlfriend or what? Dude! The hate is out of control.:sad2:
Gunny said:
telling the truth isn't being a hater.

Having school girl crushes on a player doesn't make him a good player either.

I'm sorry but I just find this funny from a guy who has Hill as his avatar and sig, tell me you don't have a little crush on "Mr right place when someone else tips ball..."
HALL97ROX said:
I'm sorry but I just find this funny from a guy who has Hill as his avatar and sig, tell me you don't have a little crush on "Mr right place when someone else tips ball..."

Uh, Hall97Rox, isn't this a bit of the "pot calling the kettle" syndrome? Hall isn't even a Titan anymore!

Don't worry Gunny, Rey is a charming and cute guy. Have you been taking care of his shoulder injury?:ha:
HALL97ROX said:
I'm sorry but I just find this funny from a guy who has Hill as his avatar and sig, tell me you don't have a little crush on "Mr right place when someone else tips ball..."

I don't say he is a pro bowler and the best corner in the league.

Now Elf, if you want to stir things up between you and Gunny, Gunny can fend for himself. He doesn't need me or any other Reynaldologists coming to his aid.

I've read this thread and I don't think this chick is a moron. I read that back there. Somebody ought to take that back.

Gee Elf? You are drawing fire like a moth to a flame. Let me explain something to you. I'm a big Pacman supporter, and when he was drafted, arrested and out of camp I was the one really taking up for him. This is minor league compared to that spat fest. The point is L.T. has really underperformed, and as the post by Gotitans3801 indicates, people know what's up and they just want this team to be a winner again. It seems, based on Lamont Thompson's career as a Titan that there is a possibility that the team may be better off with another option. All this hard core rahrah is actually kind of fun because there is no post season to speak of and without it things might be a little less interesting. The fact of the matter is that Lamont has trouble helping underneath, gets lost in coverage and has a hard time in man. Also, he's a primary target to exploit with the deep passing game. When he's running people down that's usually because he's blown his assignment. I'm not going to go as far as say he sucks. I like him, but week in and week out there wasn't much that I could say for him because he wasn't playing to his potential. He does still IMO have potential and I do not think he should be given up on. I do however think he would be a disaster at SS but I have a feeling that is where he might go. I could be wrong, but in any case, Thompson is nobody to get worked up about. That is of course unless you are dating him, and that's totally cool. Stand by your man. I hope you prove all your doubters wrong.

Did Lamont shag your girlfriend or what?

SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Now Elf, if you want to stir things up between you and Gunny, Gunny can fend for himself. He doesn't need me or any other Reynaldologists coming to his aid.

I've read this thread and I don't think this chick is a moron. I read that back there. Somebody ought to take that back.

Gee Elf? You are drawing fire like a moth to a flame.

I draw fire cause heat attracts heat:ha:

Reynaldologists? Now I've heard it all!:sad2: See you fellas later, it's time for my pedicure. I should get a massage because you guys have stressed me out!:irked:
There is nothing sad about Reynaldology.
It's easier to put faith in than Thompolicism...

Oh, and there is a reason "Mr right place when someone else tips ball..."
is in the right place. He's got a sixth sense. :brow:

The one truth faith. :winker:

Why did you chose an Indian/Hindu picture in response to my post???? And all this love for Rey:suspect: I'm giving you the suspicious look.
Gunny said:
what kind of stupid arguement is that?
When a safety gets burned deep constantly, he sucks. You don't have to play the game to know that.

Since Ryan Leaf was a pro-QB does that automatically make him good?

Funny, they're both from Wash St. does Wash St produce busts?? Rien Long isn't all that bad, but certainly not worth a first as he was projected. Gesser??Devard Darling?? They might be the Duke of College Football.:hmm:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
That is of course unless you are dating him, and that's totally cool. Stand by your man. I hope you prove all your doubters wrong.

If this is true, then you fall into the same category as WoolfolksUncle, where your opinions hold as much water as a torn paper cup. Blinded by love:ha:
If this is true, then you fall into the same category as WoolfolksUncle, where your opinions hold as much water as a torn paper cup. Blinded by love
Now see there Elf? That's a classic example of what I was telling you about in regard to people screwing with eachother. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you are not dating Lamont, but I don't think it's a stretch to say you really dig dreadlocks, which makes you a perfect candidate for Reynaldology.
Why did you chose an Indian/Hindu picture in response to my post????
I just needed a comparable deity. Posting a picture of Rey wouldn't really make any point.

Ok basically, the prophet Gunny prognosticated the coming of a Great One...he would be become known by the number of his maker and have 3 times the potential of his draft slot his burden. Then Hill was drafted in the 7th round and took #21... (3)(7)=21 ... Gunny drank the Kool-Aide, and went on to make a number of startling predictions over the season.


Gunny was a better prognosticator than ^this guy^ this season.
The universal relegion is COLTS SUCK and everybody knows it and if they deny it they are deemed witches and burned.:coltssuk:


Reynaldology and COLTS SUCK coexist quite nicely.
Reynaldology's ranks are a little thin but the one truth faith lives on.
It's been a long two seasons. Madness, isn't it? :ha:
Actually I wasn't a fan of the dreadlocs, but they're starting to grow on me. Not literally growing on me, but liking them:sad2: As for Reynaldology, I will never be a convert. I know Rey and I refuse to worship at his feet! If I even tried to worship at Rey's feet, uh, he might get the wrong idea and it may cause a misunderstanding:hmm:

The little gohper or whatever that cute little furry thing in the picture is absolutely adorable. I'd feed it popcorn kernels and squirrel food if it showed up on my back deck.

I am a Colts fan throughout the playoffs, sorry. I will be making the pilgrammage to Indy and be prepared to cheer them on to the Super Bowl! Since the game is in a warm dome, I can wear my Colts tube top:ha:
That's alot of Titans games to attend
only to turn around and score playoff
tickets to see the Colts "legendary" run.
Go and cheer hard for your Colts. :ha:
I guess your safety is better than mine afterall! :ha: :sad2:

When the Titans and Colts play do you just root for the home team?

How do you know Rey?


I'll just try to think of you as this type.
Gunny said:
I am certain Kanye West sang a song about your type.

Now see, you're simply being a jerk if you're referring to the song, Golddigger. I attended college and grad school, so I make my own money. Can't be a golddigger if you have your own gold.

Besides, why would I go and date a homeless guy. I can see it now. Having romantic dinners down by the Cumberland, looking longingly into each other's eyes as our dinner roasts over the trashcan fire. Then we retire to his cardboard box house.:hmm:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
That's alot of Titans games to attend
only to turn around and score playoff
tickets to see the Colts "legendary" run.
Go and cheer hard for your Colts. :ha:
I guess your safety is better than mine afterall!

When the Titans and Colts play do you just root for the home team?

How do you know Rey?


I'll just try to think of you as this type.

I told you that I was a chick who liked football. And, actually, they aren't "my" Colts, but I gotta cheer for the AFC South team. When the Titans play, I'm always rooting for them.

As for how I know Rey.....:banned: I would tell you, but my mouth seems to be covered:banned:

Oh and I'm much to mischievious to be Dorothy the Good Witch.
elfinmagic53 said:
The little gohper or whatever that cute little furry thing in the picture is absolutely adorable.
It's a groundhog. Groundhog Day is February 2nd. It is said that if the groundhog sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of bad weather, and if he doesn't, that spring will be here soon. The comparison between Gunny and the groundhog is one that they are both prognosticators or predictors.

I think you take Reynaldology a little to seriously Elf. Nobody ever said anything about worshiping at Rey's feet. It's all about being an enthusiastic fan of a longshot underdog that won a starting job. For some reason you seem to be an enthusiastic fan of Lamont. I really don't see what there is to get so excited about with Lamont. The coaches faith in him is erodeing. I don't see how it can not be eroded based on some of the performances he turned in this year. It only helps that Tank has stunk too because that helps Lamont seem better by comparison. Then again Lamont hasn't got an injury to hide behind.

Meanwhile Hill has been relatively solid for a rookie. Nobody is calling for his head. Opposite Hill on the other side is Pacman, athletically superior for sure but seems to be some kind of mental midget when it comes to keeping his cool. Together they will grow and help the DB's become a strenth. Hill had better watch his back because don't count Woolfolk out. Woolfolk is not content to be some nickel corner. This is Andre's year.
elfinmagic53 said:
As for Reynaldology, I will never be a convert.
This statement says to me that you do not like Hill and he does not belong on the Titans, let alone with a starting role. To be a Reynaldologist all one has to do is be a fan of the guy. You don't get sacraments or anything.
elfinmagic53 said:
but I gotta cheer for the AFC South team.
You have got to be joking. How can you watch your team, the Titans, get owned year in and year out (6 consecutive losses) and still muster up the sportsmanship in the postseason to cry, "GO COLTS!" and dress as a fan and all that? Wouldn't it be more fun just to watch them get beat? Or is this some strange rationale that says the Titans aren't that bad if the Colts mow over them...they mow over everybody...???
This is how I feel about the Colts...

I'll get you my pretty..and your little dog too!
I'd rather watch a good Denver team take it to them. As much as I bitterly dislike Pittsburg I'd still root them on to win over Indy on the virtue they are not my divisional opponent. But that's all good. I used to think like that when I was in grammar school. Now I'm just a bitter old man I guess! :ha:

Speaking of school, it's my interpretation that you are done with school and currently in a professional field, so I'm going to ask what it is you do at work?
elfinmagic53 said:
I am a Colts fan throughout the playoffs, sorry. I will be making the pilgrammage to Indy and be prepared to cheer them on to the Super Bowl! Since the game is in a warm dome, I can wear my Colts tube top:ha:

You lost me at "tube top" (Sorry, I've been in the desert for six months) :))

Reynaldonology and "Colts Suck" is like two very similar sects of the same Shia and Sunni muslim. Wait-:winker:
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