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If we give up Steve, it's going to be for some team's first round pick, whether anyone here thinks he's worth it or not. I'll say, I do. Odds may seem against it, but I believe in Steve's ability to make a comeback more than Eddie. I'd really hate to play against Steve.

But if NO wants Steve, I'll take their #2. Same with AZ, Miami, Baltimore, New York, Oakland, San Fran, Dallas, whomever. No way I give up a mentor and capable player for less. That move would be so much more decimating than anyone could expect. Well, I expect it, I guess.

If it did happen, I'm clearly taking a QB, and Volek can be the p'od Chandler for a while.

Maybe I do take Brick at #3. If the next pick is close enough - Jets, Oakland, SF - I take Leinart/Cutler. If Houston takes Young and Steve goes to NO, I'm gonna shock the world for the F'un of it and take Bush and Leinart.

But no no no....that can't happen. No way do I give up Steve. Too soon. We give up #9, we pick at least that high next year, no matter who we have. Sorry.
I can't think of any team that would be willing to drop a 1st rounder on a player that has at most two more good years. I'd be willing to trade him for a 2nd or a 1st from next year though if we can't work something out...
Starkiller said:
Look, they are going to come to a deal. There's no need to get worked up over what an agent says to the media.

I agree, this is just the agent trying to get his player paid the most he can, which is the agents job. There are probably several other teams willing to take Mcnair, but they arent going to give him any more money than we will.
Starkiller said:
Look, they are going to come to a deal. There's no need to get worked up over what an agent says to the media.
Agreed. Its just an agent trying to get more money. I think McNair will resign for less than 10 million.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Priceless. He's staying.
Reece lacks the balls to shove McNair off the boat.
They need to put something in his contract
about some secret off shore account.
That'll get-r-done.

Nope.... saying Reese has no balls is insane, damn he cut loose of Warren Moon after a MVP type season and a Probowl appearence. If Mcnair doesnt want to play ball, hes gone. Simple as that.
You have to remember, that was at the beginning of the salary cap, and the Oilers had to slash their roster to get under the cap. Moon had a big contract, so they traded him.
I looked it up.

Moon's contract ($3.25M) was pretty similar to Carlson's ($3M). But Moon was 38, had more trade value, and he hadn't gotten them to a Super Bowl when they were contenders. Plus, they thought Carlson would be better than he turned out (Billy Volek, anyone?).

Plus, Floyd Reese was a new GM and I'm guessing he did what Bud told him to do since Bud was far more involved on a day-to-day basis when the team was still in Houston.
Hellblitzer said:
Nope.... saying Reese has no balls is insane, damn he cut loose of Warren Moon after a MVP type season and a Probowl appearence. If Mcnair doesnt want to play ball, hes gone. Simple as that.
Well okay then...btw- I never said I wasn't insane...:lol3: How about this then...?
All of this hinges upon whether we take a quarterback with the first pick and who that said quarterback is. Maybe if Young is taken at #3 McNair stays, gets paid 8 million or something...If Leinart somehow falls to us then all of a sudden paying McNair a whole boatload of money doesn't make sense anymore and he either stays for as little as Reese thinks he can get away with or McNair buzzes off to the Raiders, Dolphins, or which case we would keep Volek, thus guaranteeing a losing season and another high draft pick to get that next stud offensive player we need. (RB) Then we can let Chris Brown fly to FA and really work on shoring up OL, LB, FS/SS...I'd say we'd really be poised to compete after one more crap year...

You really think that Reese would draft Young and ditch McNair?
That's kinda insane, I think. (on Floyd's part of course.)
I don't think Leinart can just step in and light it up either... In any scenario, our best bet is to keep McNair for another year or two and trade Volek. I doubt we do any better than a mid 3rd though. Probably more like a 4th.
Titans2008 said:
I don't think Leinart can just step in and light it up either... In any scenario, our best bet is to keep McNair for another year or two and trade Volek. I doubt we do any better than a mid 3rd though. Probably more like a 4th.
Agreed on the Leinart point. The question on my mind is whether the money spent tying up McNair could be better used in the way of obtaining defensive FAs. I just see McNair as crucial if Young is drafted but to a lesser extent with another draft pick. Trust me, I'm not trying to make a case for Volek MVP or anything...
If Reese had planned on McNair not taking a paycut and taking the $10M, and we will still be able to resign KVB and other defensive players, then I have no problem with him getting the money. If Reese did not plan on this and it will cause us to not have any cap to resign Kyle and other good defensive players, then we need to either get McNair's contract or release him.
What does the $10M mean?

Is it his total per year package that would count against the cap or just salary? In 2005 he made $9M in salary but counted $27.5M against the cap. Yes $27.5M! I don't see a single post that even mentions that. Looking at that comparison $10m doesn't seem so bad.

For a 12 year vet QB who has been a good player that is not an outrageous number and more likely he will play for a little less than that. But a $10m pay package means that he counts $17M less against the cap which is more than enough to get a reggie wayne or cato june on board. Wouldn't that be great to sign those 2 guys away from the colts?:greedy:
Tide- mac only cost us 7.1mil in cap hit last yr. He played for the near the vet minimum and then had the rest in restructured SB.

I think we all agree that Mac is not worth 10mil a yr. Problem is that he has old SB money that will hit the cap forsure to go on top of his base salary and new signing bonus.

I personally think that on the open market Mac would be worth more around 5mil a year.
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