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GoT said:
last of all heres a tip for you - use American english or something similar instead of Ebonics. That way people can understand what you are attempting to impart.

translated into Ebonics:

heres uh tip fo' ya - use da American english or somethin' kinda like it stead o' Ebonix. That way peeps can dig' what ya iz trying ta git across .

jus' like mammy and Orenthawl James

OH and its called HUMOR, feel free to put me on ignore I promise I will not care one bit.
:boom: :thumb:
GoT said:
heres a tip for you - use the english language instead of Ebonics or whatever. That way people can understand what you are attempting to impart.

translated into Ebonics:

heres uh tip fo' ya - use da english language instead o' Ebonics or whatever. That way peeps can dig' what ya iz attempting ta impart.

just like mammy.

OH and its called HUMOR, feel free to put me on ignore I promise I will not care one bit.
Got scoot up a little closer, open those eyes up a little wider now dig this.

Lets gets something perfectly 180 degree straight here 1st of all I don't have to do anything for anybody on here.

Since you want to talk about english and what not find one post of mine where my post was pure ebonics like you are trying to imply you can't HOESBY!!

Also since english is a hot debate I would like to inform you that alot of the words you speak buddy are African in origin. Thats right bet you didn't know that you ignoramus

Contemporary English words that orginated from Africa
Bad mouth
cowboy (Know your history on this one)

Know your history buddy before you speak
He's not even speaking in "ebonics". If you can't get the meaning of "beasting" then you need help friends. :ha:

If I can read what he's saying, then so can all of you. Lames...:sad2:
KamikaZ said:
He's not even speaking in "ebonics". If you can't get the meaning of "beasting" then you need help friends. :ha:

If I can read what he's saying, then so can all of you. Lames...:sad2:
Thats real it's really amazing how some of these guy are so ignorant.

I use one word that somebody doesn't know "Drank" and i'm using ebonics wow the stupidity. How hard is it to understand "BEAST" and that surely wouldn't be ebonics.

Thats like if someone who lives in the country or a state that is traditionally country and they use a word I don't know. I'm going to say they're speaking like "Rednecks"???? c'mon now how stupid would that be.

Fools like NOT are sad pathetic people who in the hell spends their time trying to tell someone about english on a football board?

NOT Obviously you understand me enough to quote and reply to my post.
CriticalTheory said:
Got scoot up a little closer, open those eyes up a little wider now dig this.

Lets gets something perfectly 180 degree straight here 1st of all I don't have to do anything for anybody on here.

Since you want to talk about english and what not find one post of mine where my post was pure ebonics like you are trying to imply you can't HOESBY!!

Don't get mad at me because you ran out of summer's eve, this is not an english class you feeble, crusty toe nailed, Goonie looking
no life growth having HOEBUCK.

Also since english is a hot debate I would like to inform you that alot of the words you speak buddy are African in origin. Thats right bet you didn't know that you ignoramus

Again, it is MR. GoT to you.

nobody asked you to do anything, do whatever you want. I'm gonna follow your lead you TOWDUMP - there I just made up a bad name for you and if you question it you are just an ignoramus.

use whatever percentage of Ebonix you like you TOWDUMPSBY

Again it is called humor, apparently that is an elective in Compton Middle School - graduated highest in your class by a whole foot.

Here's some Southern words for ya you West Coast TOWDUMP

1) HEIDI - (noun) - Greeting

2) HIRE YEW - Complete sentence. Remainder of greeting. Usage: "Heidi, hire yew?"

3) BARD - (verb) - Past tense of the infinitive "to borrow". Usage: "My brother bard my pickup truck."

4) JAWJUH - (noun) - the state north of Florida. Capitol is Lanner. Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck and took it to

5) BAMMER - (noun) - the state west of Jawjuh. Capitol is Berminhayam. Usage: "A tornader jes went through Bammer an' left $20,000,000 in improvments."

6) MUNTS - (noun) - A calendar dvision. Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I ain't herd from him in munts."

7) THANK - (verb) - Cognitive process. Usage: "Ah thank ah'll have a bare."

8) BARE - (noun) - An alcoholic beverage made of barley, hops and yeast. Usage: "Ah thank ah'll have a nutter bare."

9) IGNERT - (adjective) - Not smart. See "Arkansas native". Usage: "Them Bammer boys shore are ignert!"

10) RANCH - (noun) - A tool used for tight'nin' bolts. Usage: "Ah thank ah left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago."

cousre it is a little disconcerting to ponder what Europeans called their mothers before they were Africanized. :hmm:
Cowboy has its roots in the English language.

Most words on that list trace back to European languages, except for those that originated in slang, and percolated in to common usage.

But to suggest that they trace back to African languages is a false claim.
CriticalTheory said:
Thats real it's really amazing how some of these guy are so ignorant.

I use one word that somebody doesn't know "Drank" and i'm using ebonics wow the stupidity. How hard is it to understand "BEAST" and that surely wouldn't be ebonics.

Thats like if someone who lives in the country or a state that is traditionally country and they use a word I don't know. I'm going to say they're speaking like "Rednecks"???? c'mon now how stupid would that be.

Fools like NOT are sad pathetic people who in the hell spends their time trying to tell someone about english on a football board?

NOT Obviously you understand me enough to quote and reply to my post.

Again it is MR. GoT to you there late to those Compton humor classes TOWDUMPSBY guy

I am not hung up on spelling or anything else like that, you obviously would not know a joke from shinola. So untwist your GQ boxers and spritz some Axe or do anything else you like cause you obviously do not understand that I was making a joke you left coast TOWDUMP:))
Slackmaster said:
Cowboy has its roots in the English language.

Most words on that list trace back to European languages, except for those that originated in slang, and percolated in to common usage.

But to suggest that they trace back to African languages is a false claim.
Another attempt to discredit Africa and it's contributions not trying to get on you but this type of stuff never fails.

One in every 5 Cowboys of the American west were in fact black. If you look at the annual north-south migration pattern that the cowboys followed. It bears no resemblence to European cattle keeping patterns but it is analogus to the patterns of Fulani Herders. Fulani's lived or live through Nigeria and Sudan a few other places.

The Texas Longhorn is actually an African Cattle they were on the 1st Slave ships to mexico.

The Fulani's oversaw the expansion of British/Anmerican cattle, they were the ones who introduced "Open Grazing" to the American Cattle industry.

Thing is like around 1865 the Africans who responsiblity were Cattle were refered to as Cowboys and thats in plantation records!!!. White herders called themselves CattleMen to set themselves apart.

That North-South pattern I spoke of is directly related to the Fulani migratory patterns of their cattle herders.

Lets be real here African contributions are all through America just no one wants to speak on it. Hell the Africans fueled the economy during slavery basically building America no one can deny that.

If you do not believe me look up Historian Peter H.Wood
CriticalTheory said:
Another attempt to discredit Africa and it's contributions not trying to get on you but this type of stuff never fails.

One in every 5 Cowboys of the American west were in fact black. If you look at the annual north-south migration pattern that the cowboys followed. It bears no resemblence to European cattle keeping patterns but it is analogus to the patterns of Fulani Herders. Fulani's lived or live through Nigeria and Sudan a few other places.

The Texas Longhorn is actually an African Cattle they were on the 1st Slave ships to mexico.

The Fulani's oversaw the expansion of British/Anmerican cattle, they were the ones who introduced "Open Grazing" to the American Cattle industry.

Thing is like around 1865 the Africans who responsiblity were Cattle were refered to as Cowboys and thats in plantation records!!!. White herders called themselves CattleMen to set themselves apart.

That North-South pattern I spoke of is directly related to the Fulani migratory patterns of their cattle herders.

Lets be real here African contributions are all through America just no one wants to speak on it. Hell the Africans fueled the economy during slavery basically building America no one can deny that.

If you do not believe me look up Historian Peter H.Wood

What's your point? America is an amalgamation of several different cultures. Not one single culture is responsible for where we are today. But really...who cares about the patterns that the cattle and cowboys used....
GoT said:
Again it is MR. GoT to you there late to those Compton humor classes TOWDUMPSBY guy

I am not hung up on spelling or anything else like that, you obviously would not know a joke from shinola. So untwist your GQ boxers and spritz some Axe or do anything else you like cause you obviously do not understand that I was making a joke you left coast TOWDUMP:))

"There is a Flag on the play Flagrant use of Horrible humor, no one is laughing 15yd penalty plus ejection from the thread"
well Critical Theory I'll give you one thing. I was gonna ridicule you about Mexican Slave ships, but I looked it up instead and you are correct about that. Slavery was outlawed by 1830 in Mexico, then the whole Texas thing, but still I learned something and I thank you for that.
CriticalTheory said:

"There is a Flag on the play Flagrant use of Horrible humor, no one is laughing 15yd penalty plus ejection from the thread"

well the original joke was like a page and a half ago (fo-net-ick-lee?). Other posters thought it was slightly humerous at least - heck so did I or I would not have posted
wg53 said:
What's your point? America is an amalgamation of several different cultures. Not one single culture is responsible for where we are today. But really...who cares about the patterns that the cattle and cowboys used....
If you learn how to stay out of other people business I wouldn't have to explain this to you.

Slackmaster said Cowboy had no African origin he's not at fault for it but it's another case of trying to discredit African Contributions. I simply came back with the facts stating that Cowboy is of African origin.

Slack cared enough about it, I did so someone does care learn something but of course you aren't trying to see that.

So Basically my points are

1. Stay out of other peoples business
2. Cowboy is of African Origin
3. Both me and Slack Cared
GoT said:
well Critical Theory I'll give you one thing. I was gonna ridicule you about Mexican Slave ships, but I looked it up instead and you are correct about that. Slavery was outlawed by 1830 in Mexico, then the whole Texas thing, but still I learned something and I thank you for that.
Unless you want to continue it's all good, just a disagreement between us.

Have a Beer, better yet some "Drank" lol
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