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Brian said:
Would simply cutting him without an offer have been less of a slap in the face?
TitanJeff said:
To me, yes.
I agree, but then many of the same people knocking the Titans for "slapping him in the face" would be knocking them for kicking him out the door. It's addition by subtraction. Roos is ready.
Starkiller said:
Why not? Backups are people, too... :ha:

He had to know the day they drafted Roos his time was coming to a close. I don't think anyone is shocked here. Hopkins will put on the good face because he'll be a part of the local media in a few months.
Soxcat said:
To think they should have offerred an few extra mill a year just to be nice is moronic.
I don't have a problem with the release. I think it was the right move. But why offer an insulting amount to him to stay? I don't see it as anything positive for either side and possibly furthers the eroding some players feel about the organization.
Brian said:
I agree, but then many of the same people knocking the Titans for "slapping him in the face" would be knocking them for kicking him out the door. It's addition by subtraction. Roos is ready.
Here's how I handle this. I release a statement to the press saying that due to the CBA mess, the current cap situation and the fact that it was an ideal time to rebuild the offensive line while the team is "retooling" for a playoff run that the organization must say farewell to a big part of the franchise's history. You tout his accomplishments. You wish him all the best. You make it look like you are saying goodbye to a member of the family.

Yes, it's sugar-coated BS but it's public relations and something I think has been forgotten at times by the Titans front office.
oh well, now brad has the time to go back to doing what he really loves...
Abusing Women.

OUCH. Now that is a slap in the face Eh?
TitanJeff said:
Here's how I handle this. I release a statement to the press saying that due to the CBA mess, the current cap situation and the fact that it was an ideal time to rebuild the offensive line while the team is "retooling" for a playoff run that the organization must say farewell to a big part of the franchise's history. You tout his accomplishments. You wish him all the best. You make it look like you are saying goodbye to a member of the family.
Does this work for you?: "We had to terminate Brad Hopkins. You’re all aware of that. Brad has been a great player for us for a long time. We have not severed the relationship with Brad. Brad wanted the opportunity to go out and look around. He deserves that. He’s going to go venture. If he can find a place that he feels good about financially and from a football standpoint, whether playtime or whatever, then he may not be here. If he can’t find that, if he can’t find something that suits him, then he may be back. Again, we have not severed that relationship. We can’t say enough good things about Brad. He’s been a great Titan for a number of years and a great football player and a great person" - Floyd Reese March 2, 2002
It does. I think Reese did a nice job yesterday. Great damage control.

Maybe this was the plan all along and they didn't think Hopkins' agent would talk before yesterday. But Reese was "unavailable for comment" when the story broke.
It's possible that the Titans only made him the offer because they might have thought there was a chance that he wanted to finish his career in Tennessee. As long as they made it clear that they knew the offer was below market value, I think it was a good move to at least give him the opportunity.
Yes, Hopkins received a slap in the face, but people forget sometimes that the NFL is a mean business. When it comes time for contracts, there is no place for warm fuzzy feelings.

However, Hopkins should have taken that league minimum and made this his last year in the league. He won't go to another team and get the treatment he would have gotten if he had stayed a Titan. Eddie George should have been everyone's cautionary tale. It's better to be a low paid King of your team/city than an old dude holding on in a new city/team.
elfinmagic53 said:
It's better to be a low paid King of your team/city than an old dude holding on in a new city/team.

hard to claim that when you are a known wife beater.
Gunny said:
hard to claim that when you are a known wife beater.

Oh yeah, I forgot, he's also got that 1.3 million a year child support/alimony payment to make to the ex wife that he did OH SO WRONG.:sad2: Yeah, Hopkins is the devil. Maybe he simply can't afford to take the league minimum.
I don't think its a slap in the face for a vet who's playing at a minimum level to be paid the minimum level.
elfinmagic53 said:
Oh yeah, I forgot, he's also got that 1.3 million a year child support/alimony payment to make to the ex wife that he did OH SO WRONG.:sad2: Yeah, Hopkins is the devil. Maybe he simply can't afford to take the league minimum.

maybe he shouldn't live beyond his means. Child support and alimony can go down based on your pay. Doesn't happen often but it can
Judges are reluctant to put those on their docket. You don't get put on the family court bench if you hear those types of cases.
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