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We? You and gunny are a couple now? What is this the bird cage?

Don't like my posts then put me on ignore but don't come off like some twit cry baby.

Since when is titan jeff the voice of god now? He lost and arguement and got mad. So? It's ok for him to attack me but go read his posts during those volek-collins arguements. My assessment was right on. Those were his positions and now after the fact both he, starkiller and many others look stupid because kerry collins failed miserably. That's why i refer to jeff fisher as an idiot often at the end of my posts because had collins delivered a good performance and a win we would have been calling the move brilliant..

Up until now i have done nothing to rub the noses of the pro collins crowd in the excrement of that horrible sunday performance. Should i? I was right! Collins had no business starting that game and it cost us. Veteran leadership my @$$! Coaches know best bullcrap!

Note: I went back and read every titan jeff post on the thread in which those quotes occured and my assessment was right on. I didn't mischaracterize a damn thing he said. He was out of line, dishonest and frankly very very wrong!

I was modestly supportive of the Collins move then he dropped a turd Sunday at LP field. I agree with you that Collins (versus Volek) starting that game no doubt was a major factor in the loss.

I've come to realize, however, my motivation really is just about getting a home win. We've had so few over past couple of years and I'm paying alot of money to feel bad about a team I support. I think that is the major reason I'm anti-Collins, Chow, Fisher, Schwartz, Reese and everything else now.

Fisher really is a decent HC. I recognize he is making "long term" decisions to try to steer the ship through the tempest of salary cap hell. Starting Collins is one decision he has made. We didn't get the win, so I'm as pissed as anybody, especially since he looked so bad. But as the cliche goes, the season is like a marathon, not a sprint. So I am going to lay off of everybody and stop flinging turds until game 5. If we are 0-5, Collins is still starting, our offense hasn't improved, then I'm calling for Fisher and Co's (including Reese's) head. If we win less than 6 games, by the end of the season same thing.

I am totally about getting some wins. Maybe we'll see why Fisher has made such a controversial choice before then and get us a decent win.

Having re read the whole Volek blew it thread I fail to see where TJ personally attacks you as opposed to attacking what your you were saying.. When I followed Brian's link to the 2004 thread it was like deja vu reading the way you make personal digs at people with your posts.

Your perception of other members posts is clearly different to the norm. I can't decide if this is down to atavism or autism but for now I feel atavism may be a little harsh.

The story on Collins-Volekgate is still unfolding & is too early to make judgement on as is Fisher's.
Creeping-Cruds said:
I'm a long timer over at and they have been calling for Thorny's head for years..

Been to their site many times over the years. I think I even have a Fraidy Cat shirt around somewhere from one of our tailgate roadtrips.

Love Ali G. by the way. Got hooked on him years ago in the UK.
I don't see how he dropped such a big turd!!! He made some bad passes but who doesn't. He had more good passes dropped than anything else. It's funny how the players are sticking up for him when they didn't for Volek??? I guess they don't know what their talking about and radical fans like RollTide do. Typical. Collins sure doesn't look like Joe Monatana but he did play well enough to win that game. Our recievers are god awful and they killed us all day and so did all the usless penalties.... Not to mention, our secondary had their lunch eaten all day... There was a heck of a lot more going on than just Collins. This is football, right?
rcarie said:
I don't see how he dropped such a big turd!!! He made some bad passes but who doesn't. He had more good passes dropped than anything else. It's funny how the players are sticking up for him when they didn't for Volek??? I guess they don't know what their talking about and radical fans like RollTide do. Typical. Collins sure doesn't look like Joe Monatana but he did play well enough to win that game. Our recievers are god awful and they killed us all day and so did all the usless penalties.... Not to mention, our secondary had their lunch eaten all day... There was a heck of a lot more going on than just Collins. This is football, right?

I have to agree to an extent. It's not Collins' fault that he only has two weeks experience with this team and just like any other QB in that position he would improve if he lasted long enough to gain some chemistry with the recievers. As far as I know none of us here works in the front office and knows exactly why things have gone down with the Volek situation and I don't see a different W/L outcome had Volek started...

There are so many other questionable weak spots on this team right now that it seems ridiculous to continue to blather complaint-wise about it when every single on of us knows Vince is going to take over this position very very soon...
Until the secondary deal with passing games at least as "good" (for lack of a better term) as The Jets it matters not who's throwing the balls for the powder blue...
I just said a turd, not a big turd. Truth is, it was a high risk play to start somebody who had been with team for a few weeks as opposed to 6 years and knew the Chow system better. A sub-par performance was bound to be poorly received (which it was). Cap that with the desperate need for a home win, and yes, it appears Collins (and those that put him in there) served up a turd.

His play was at best poor. He admits it himself. I'm not going to deny his supporting cast sucked also, but they were not brought in 3 weeks before the home opener and started above those who know the system better. Collins had balls batted down, poor throws, hasty progressions and no mobility resulting in a few sacks. That's all on him- not his receivers. Volek would have done better.

Still, I'm going to back him and Fisher for 5 more games to get a win. They blew it with the easiest one on the schedule, so they better make up for it with a surprise win.
Riverman said:
Volek would have done better.
All speculative. Billy sure hasn't done much better in the past even after being in the system for 5 or 6 years. You pretty much know what your getting with Billy. Of course, they hoped that Collins would've played better but they were hoping the same thing when they let Billy start the first two pre-season games and he laid a big fat egg... I seriously doubt they wanted to bring in another QB if they didn't have to. There are those who will blame this loss on Collins and he does deserve partial credit but no more than anyone else. How anyone who watched that game can say that it was all Collin's fault is beyond me.
rcarie said:
All speculative. Billy sure hasn't done much better in the past even after being in the system for 5 or 6 years. You pretty much know what your getting with Billy. Of course, they hoped that Collins would've played better but they were hoping the same thing when they let Billy start the first two pre-season games and he laid a big fat egg... I seriously doubt they wanted to bring in another QB if they didn't have to. There are those who will blame this loss on Collins and he does deserve partial credit but no more than anyone else. How anyone who watched that game can say that it was all Collin's fault is beyond me.

I don't recall reading anybody stating it was ALL Collins fault. I agree 100% that it is speculative (aka opinion) that Volek would have done better. But no more erroneous than to suggest his 4th quarter play almost brought us back.

I also think Collins is serving as the whipping boy for the fans frustration with the team producing so few home wins. It isn't his fault he got the call to come to camp just a couple of weeks before the season, but when he said yes and signed- it did become his responsibility to produce some wins now he is here.

I think I feel like most fans. I'd like to see this QB decision produce some victories. On a positive note- at the team appears to be coming together to support him. Maybe that will produce some locker room chemistry.

Maybe you have comprehension difficulties because i didn't complain about a personal attack i complained that a poster wrote that i mischaracterized his position and you used that as an example how i am. My point is that i didn't misstate his position at all.

When a poster says that billy volek "can't read and can't make quick decisions" i have a right to assume he is saying that volek sucks so when he comes back to me with hands on hips crying that he never said volek sucks i think he is full of it..

Jeff was making an arguement that he probably didn't believe in just to be a pain in the @ss only to complain later.

Your obsession with personalities is funny. I'm concerned that a unprepared bloke with a history of poor play is about to start his second game for us and you are more obsessed with me.

I made my case against collins with facts, stats and logic and was told that the coaches know better. Well do they?

As for you grow up and get an identity of your own. Start with your own sig.....
RollTide said:
Since when is titan jeff the voice of god now? He lost and arguement and got mad. So? It's ok for him to attack me but go read his posts during those volek-collins arguements. My assessment was right on. Those were his positions and now after the fact both he, starkiller and many others look stupid because kerry collins failed miserably.
After one game I guess we can go ahead and name the Super Bowl Champion too.
You know, it's pretty easy to sit back and rip the Titans but really when you look at it; Chad Pennington played a pretty damn good game. I mean really! He made some really nice passes that were right on the money. That's the best I've seen him look in two years. Some of his recievers were covered and he stuck it in there. Not saying we shouldn't have done better or anything, I'm just saying Pennington looked pretty solid. Who knows they may turn out to be a pretty solid team this year..

I'm really sruggling here aren't I:hmm:
The Don said:
Been to their site many times over the years. I think I even have a Fraidy Cat shirt around somewhere from one of our tailgate roadtrips.

Love Ali G. by the way. Got hooked on him years ago in the UK.

Cool, then you and I can sit back and have a laugh over all the silly hoopla here.. We know the REAL meaning of futility!!
Can't wait for the Borat movie this fall!!
RollTide said:
When a poster says that billy volek "can't read and can't make quick decisions" i have a right to assume he is saying that volek sucks so when he comes back to me with hands on hips crying that he never said volek sucks i think he is full of it..

Wrong bamaboy

TJ did NOT say Volek sucks, that is a general statement. TJ had an opinion that he thought Volek lacked in specific areas.

You in fact put words in TJs mouth when you claimed he said Volek sucks.

Your constant leaps of illogic are astounding - yet consistent.

BTW Gannon and Collins both suck. And they both sucked in 2003 when you said that Gannon was the best QB in the NFL. Man I NEVER get tired of pointing that out.
RollTide said:
Maybe you have comprehension difficulties

:ha: funniest thing I ever read. RollTide telling someone else they have comprehension difficulties.

Man that is gold.

As for you grow up and get an identity of your own. Start with your own sig.....

says the man with a quote from Bear Bryant. How original.
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