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As a Titans fan, I find the overly political obnoxious ones on that board embarrassing. I think a lot of them are from other parts of the country. Even a number from other countries. I have no problem with a classic liberal. Most of those folks were good people at heart and reasonable. But the progressive version of that party is some kind of insufferable.

They can't stay on topic either. Someone starts a thread about a topic and it immediately gets hijacked. Then they start another thread about the same topic and that one too gets off topic. Everyone is bipolar too. You should see how often and quickly they keep changing their minds on Levis.

There is another board that I am on but it doesn't have much Titans traffic. Our fanbase deserves much better than Titans Report. They make us all look bad.
As a Titans fan, I find the overly political obnoxious ones on that board embarrassing. I think a lot of them are from other parts of the country. Even a number from other countries. I have no problem with a classic liberal. Most of those folks were good people at heart and reasonable. But the progressive version of that party is some kind of insufferable.

They can't stay on topic either. Someone starts a thread about a topic and it immediately gets hijacked. Then they start another thread about the same topic and that one too gets off topic. Everyone is bipolar too. You should see how often and quickly they keep changing their minds on Levis.

There is another board that I am on but it doesn't have much Titans traffic. Our fanbase deserves much better than Titans Report. They make us all look bad.
GoTitans is the pinnacle of Tennessee Titans football talk.
Yep, this board is the tits! I am in a Facebook group called Tennessee Titans Elite but I've never actually posted in it. I guess someone could make a goTitans Facebook page.
Yep, this board is the tits! I am in a Facebook group called Tennessee Titans Elite but I've never actually posted in it. I guess someone could make a goTitans Facebook page.
I’m in a CA titans fan page, it’s ok.
There’s also a couple other FB groups, titans Idiot Nation being my favorite. Lots of memes though.
As a Titans fan, I find the overly political obnoxious ones on that board embarrassing. I think a lot of them are from other parts of the country. Even a number from other countries. I have no problem with a classic liberal. Most of those folks were good people at heart and reasonable. But the progressive version of that party is some kind of insufferable.

They can't stay on topic either. Someone starts a thread about a topic and it immediately gets hijacked. Then they start another thread about the same topic and that one too gets off topic. Everyone is bipolar too. You should see how often and quickly they keep changing their minds on Levis.

There is another board that I am on but it doesn't have much Titans traffic. Our fanbase deserves much better than Titans Report. They make us all look bad.
Hahahaha! I hate it when people don’t stay on topic, too!
As a Titans fan, I find the overly political obnoxious ones on that board embarrassing. I think a lot of them are from other parts of the country. Even a number from other countries. I have no problem with a classic liberal. Most of those folks were good people at heart and reasonable. But the progressive version of that party is some kind of insufferable.

They can't stay on topic either. Someone starts a thread about a topic and it immediately gets hijacked. Then they start another thread about the same topic and that one too gets off topic. Everyone is bipolar too. You should see how often and quickly they keep changing their minds on Levis.

There is another board that I am on but it doesn't have much Titans traffic. Our fanbase deserves much better than Titans Report. They make us all look bad.

You sound political yourself.
All I know, which I admit is very little, is this is my go to place when I have a few minutes to spare. I have been here for quite a while. I was here before the titansonline shut down
I really hope someone can take over and do a job like Jeff did. I would be willing to pay a reasonable yearly fee to keep reading.
A lot of you guys are so knowledgeable and explain things well and I would hate to miss out on unbiased ( stretching it a little ) opinions and a lot of fun
Slowly our date with the IT executioner draws nigh. Will we receive a stay? This is becoming more of a cliffhanger than our upcoming season.

Am I dreaming? Does anyone see the green mile leading to the server room?
Well if anything deserves one last pigeon bomb, it’s this thread.

You're alive?!
After nearly 25 years, I’ve decided it’s time to let go of

Part of the reason is I’m giving up our PSLs so won’t be season ticket holders for the first time since ’99. I retired last year and we plan on moving out-of-state soon to be closer to family. The timing to retire seems right. My Titans money will now go toward greens fees and fishing bait.

I’ve made some good friends through this forum over the years. I’ve enjoyed meeting many of you at our tailgates.

Special thanks to Titanium and Laserjock who started this as the Tennessee Oilers Fan Page back in the late ‘90s. I appreciate both your friendship and support all these years.

And thanks to all of you who made this a fun place to be a part of for such a long time.

I'm posting this now so everyone has a chance to start scouting options for your Titans talk fix and to revisit some of the more classic threads before we shut it down sometime in late July.

Go Titans.

Hey guys! Sorry I’m late in responding…..

It’s been quite a ride this past 25 years! When I started the Tennessee Oiler’s Fan Page, Social Media wasn’t what it is today. So to get any news about the team posted on the website, I would scour the Tennessean (at that time PK was the beat writer) at wee hours of the morning and post his articles so that the very few of us (Ha) that were interested in what was going on would have the latest info on the team.

It was on the Fan Page that I met David Dumont. Most of you “old timers” would Remember him as Diehard Dave. Dave and I started the campaign to get a Tennessee Oilers license plate. I will skip the history and everything we went through to get that plate approved in the Legislature, but after many, many bumps in the road, after many stop signs were flashed in our faces, we never gave up and found ourselves being invited to the Training Facility conference room to work on obtaining 5k signatures and $25 deposits so that we again, could get it passed. We did! We got everything approved and now we needed a design for the plate. Bob Hyde with the Titans knew a great designer to design the plate so he contacted our own Big Kahuna, Jeff Fuqua. Jeff designed the first TN Titans license plates!

A few of the original posters may or may not have known, that we had a few of the TN Oiler player’s wives posting on our message board using different monikers but would private message me about incorrect info that poster’s would occasionally post. Cherryn Wycheck and Lisa Norgard became regular posters on the Forum and no one had a clue it was them. It was fun for me to watch these ladies get into word wars with fans that thought they knew more about their husbands than they did, all the time the poster not knowing who they were talking to. Fun times!

I remember having to temporally ban GoT (sorry Chris lol) several times in the beginning of The TN Oiler’s Fan Page for absolutely giving big time grief to the few Houston Oiler fans that decided to become TN Oiler fans when the team moved. He also threw shade to Houston Oiler Fans that were not happy with the team relocating. GoT was relentless and offended many . Those were the days!

Some of you participated in a few of our Tailgates that Dave was able to talk Kroger into donating food and supplies for that we held in Bellevue. We would meet at Kroger in the morning, and Kroger would have a pallet of hot dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks, buns and supplies. We received amazing support from them and we created amazing memories at our tailgates that also attracted some of the Oiler “Brass” that would show up, like Jeff Diamond.

Jeff Fuqua contacted me through the Fan Page and we started talking about joining forces. I was relieved because a graphic designer I AM NOT! Jeff taught Graphic Design at O’More College of Design, and he was eager to help and I was glad he was! was born after the name changed from Oilers to Titans and Jeff designed and se up the entire page! became THE Fan website for the Titan’s and remained that way for years.

Several of you have attended our goTitans Tailgates over the years, and we have created so many great memories and made so many great friends and for that I’m very grateful!

Jeff and Betsy’s son Davis, and my and Alan’s (Laserjock) son Brandon basically grew up together at the goTitans tailgates and remain good friends today, even though they live in different states. Jeff isn’t the only one that is retiring. I retired in March, and Alan is retiring this summer. We have bought a home in Anthem Arizona and will be moving there within the next couple of months. Anyone want to buy PSL’s? LOL! We’ve got 6 of them to sell . We have already purchased club level seats for the Arizona Cardinals next to my sister and brother-in-law, but the Titan’s will ALWAYS be #1 in my heart and we’ll be cheering them on from afar.

We sold 4 season tickets to 4 of our PSL’s this season, but still have our two seats in the South Endzone that we have sat in since day 1, so we will most likely be taking a couple road trips back to Nashville to watch our Titan’s play this year. I’m excited to see what could be the best WR core in the NFL with the Titans! And of course, I have become a huge Levis fan and foresee him becoming our franchise QB of the future! goTitans!

Tricia aka Titanium
If anyone takes it on and wants to charge something nominal such as $30 a year I believe there would be a group of us that would stay for such a rate. I believe this to be one of the two best sports message boards I am on and the other one I pay a fee to avoid advertising and help the owner of the site out. He has three levels, free with advertising, and two different levels of contributions.

Hey Jesse! It’s been fun interacting with you since the beginning of time lol. Lot’s of good memories! *Cheers*! :beerbang::howdy:
Hey guys! Sorry I’m late in responding…..

It’s been quite a ride this past 25 years! When I started the Tennessee Oiler’s Fan Page, Social Media wasn’t what it is today. So to get any news about the team posted on the website, I would scour the Tennessean (at that time PK was the beat writer) at wee hours of the morning and post his articles so that the very few of us (Ha) that were interested in what was going on would have the latest info on the team.

It was on the Fan Page that I met David Dumont. Most of you “old timers” would Remember him as Diehard Dave. Dave and I started the campaign to get a Tennessee Oilers license plate. I will skip the history and everything we went through to get that plate approved in the Legislature, but after many, many bumps in the road, after many stop signs were flashed in our faces, we never gave up and found ourselves being invited to the Training Facility conference room to work on obtaining 5k signatures and $25 deposits so that we again, could get it passed. We did! We got everything approved and now we needed a design for the plate. Bob Hyde with the Titans knew a great designer to design the plate so he contacted our own Big Kahuna, Jeff Fuqua. Jeff designed the first TN Titans license plates!

A few of the original posters may or may not have known, that we had a few of the TN Oiler player’s wives posting on our message board using different monikers but would private message me about incorrect info that poster’s would occasionally post. Cherryn Wycheck and Lisa Norgard became regular posters on the Forum and no one had a clue it was them. It was fun for me to watch these ladies get into word wars with fans that thought they knew more about their husbands than they did, all the time the poster not knowing who they were talking to. Fun times!

I remember having to temporally ban GoT (sorry Chris lol) several times in the beginning of The TN Oiler’s Fan Page for absolutely giving big time grief to the few Houston Oiler fans that decided to become TN Oiler fans when the team moved. He also threw shade to Houston Oiler Fans that were not happy with the team relocating. GoT was relentless and offended many . Those were the days!

Some of you participated in a few of our Tailgates that Dave was able to talk Kroger into donating food and supplies for that we held in Bellevue. We would meet at Kroger in the morning, and Kroger would have a pallet or hot dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks, buns and supplies. We received amazing support from them and we created amazing memories at our tailgates that also attracted some of the Oiler “Brass” that would show up, like Jeff Diamond.

Jeff Fuqua contacted me through the Fan Page and we started talking about joining forces. I was relieved because a graphic designer I AM NOT! Jeff taught Graphic Design at O’More College of Design, and he was eager to help and I was glad he was! was born after the name changed from Oilers to Titans and Jeff designed and se up the entire page! became THE Fan website for the Titan’s and remained that way for years.

Several of you have attended our goTitans Tailgates over the years, and we have created so many great memories and made so many great friends and for that I’m very grateful!

Jeff and Betsy’s son Davis, and my and Alan’s (Laserjock) son Brandon basically grew up together at the goTitans tailgates and remain good friends today, even though they live in different states. Jeff isn’t the only one that is retiring. I retired in March, and Alan is retiring this summer. We have bought a home in Anthem Arizona and will be moving there within the next couple of months. Anyone want to buy PSL’s? LOL! We’ve got 6 of them to sell . We have already purchased club level seats for the Arizona Cardinals next to my sister and brother-in-law, but the Titan’s will ALWAYS be #1 in my heart and we’ll be cheering them on from afar.

We sold 4 season tickets to 4 of our PSL’s this season, but still have our two seats in the South Endzone that we have sat in since day 1, so we will most likely be taking a couple road trips back to Nashville to watch our Titan’s play this year. I’m excited to see what could be the best WR core in the NFL with the Titans! And of course, I have become a huge Levis fan and foresee him becoming our franchise QB of the future! goTitans!

Tricia aka Titanium
Jeff Diamond... have not thought of him in quite a while - LOL

great write up Trisha. Those were the times, back when the Titans seemed to care about local fans. Did not last that long - looking back - but was great while it lasted.

Congratulations to you and @Laserjock for retiring. I have been retired since late 17 - its great!

I hope this was not an eulogy
Isn’t this thread about goTitan’s retiring along with TitanJeff? Why did it end up posting about a Levis Porn video? C’mon guys…..

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