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McNair is an easy answer, but I have always been a big fan of his.

Other than him, OJ Small...
Only the recent ones...

Benji Olsen
Reynaldo Hill
Overalls said:
I thank you for your apreciation of the players of that long dead team the Oilers, but I don't see what they have to do with this thread.

Brad and Steve might disagree with you.
I am a WVU fan first, titans fan second so all WVU players that were and are titans

Bo Orlando
Wes Ours
John Thorton

and of course PAC MAN

so funny to see how the fans have started to accept him, i remember i couldnt even read this board a few months ago because i got so pissed at all the negative posts about PAC
Earl Campbell
Steve McNair
Warren Moon
Mike Munchak
Ray Childress
Robert Brazile
Larry Moriarty (just kidding)
Brazile.....HM to Rob Carpenter

Lathon.....HM to Bubba McDowell

Wycheck.....HM to Randall Godfrey

Pacman.....HM to Travis LaBoy
Brian said:
Andre Woolfolk
Carl Pickens
Greg Comella

Oops, wrong list.

Right list
Andre Woolfolk
Keith Bullock
Pacman Jones
Eddie George
Steve McNair
Derrick Mason
Nice post newbie

pacmanjonesfan said:
who are your favorite titans.they can be past or present.mines is first pacman jones,keith bulluck,steve mcnair,and jevon kearse
Congradulations on your first post and a collective "welcome" to the forum.:applause:

I am the Great Bipolar, King of Fools.

You have been chosen.
For your declaration you have been rewarded.
Your gifts include an avatar and signiture.
They are your sheild and sword.

This is your signiture. (if you choose it)
It has chosen you.
This is an avatar.


Consider it yours.
It's acts as a cloak.
Much like Perseus used his Mirror Sheild to deflect the gaze of Medusa...
Use your avi to sheild yourself from the heat Pacman's foe-paws bring.

Use them wisely.

Your control panel will guide the way.
Use the force and check PM pacmanjonesfan.
You have earned your stripes Jedi.

"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you, hm? And well you should not, for my ally is the force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."


Brian said:
Enough said.

:suspect: :fish: :chairwack

Oh, this is it, I get it............

I forgot, you have been crowned the "King of the GoTitans Message Board!!"

BiPolar, Actually, I had put him on ignore for awhile, along with a couple of his Kingly Buddies but what the heck, last game of the year you know... The board needed a king, besides, we already had a Peyton searching for his ring, and Tom Brady carrying the ring ....
View attachment 1423

Only fitting to have a King.....It should be an honor
I liked how Brian formatted his favorites so being the unoriginal kind of guy that I am I'll just copy him;

Ken Burrough
Elvin Bethea
Earl Campbell
Robert Brazille... HM Vernon Perry

Warren Moon
Drew Hill
Ernest Givins
Cris Dishman .... HM Ray Childress

Samari Rolle
Steve McNair
Jevon Kearse
Lorenzo Neal... HM Derrick Mason

Steve Mcnair
Pacman Jones
Antwan Odom
Keith Bulluck... HM Kyle Vanden Bosch (hopefully he's not just a one year rental)

edit: DOH! How could I forget Munch and Matthews... sheeesh.

Dan Pastorirni
Earl Campbell
Robert Brazille


Warren Moon
Bruce Mathews
Ray Childress
Lamar Lathon


Steve McNair
Lorenzo Neal
Steve Mcnair
Keith Bulluck
Andre Woolfolk
Carl Pickens
Greg Comella

Oops, wrong list.
First and foremost I do not have a problem with Andre, his play, or his contract. You're my buddy and I just want to get in the middle of this because I happen to have poor judgement.

Honestly Wolfman the post above is actually pretty funny and I'll tell you why. Brian may actually really dislike the play of Andre. Well if that is the way he feels, and he has felt that way for as long as I have been on this forum, it's not like he's going to wake up tomorrow morning and decide the past is the past.

What does that have to do with the post in the box? It's just funny because he only posted that for two reasons. #1 Because it made him laugh when he thought it up. #2 He knew he count count on you seeing it and getting a rise out of you.

That's all. Sure, he may genuinely dislike
Andre's play, contract, haircut, choice of pet or whatever...
...but that is his opinion.

Have you noticed that Brian is
the only one that hammers Andre?
Sure, I've seen serious discussion
between the "hardcore analyst" posters
that was critical of Andre but it's not
like that group of 5 or 6 or what have
you were smacking your nephew.
They were probably just being honest.
That is what they do.
I'd just be happy it did not read...
NOBODY said:
Andre Woolfolk
Eddie Berlin
Al Del Greco

Oops, wrong list.
Relax Wolfman, I know you are sick of it but
he was just yanking your chain.
I think you gave him what he wanted with the angry post.
Maybe Brian is just a natural fomenter.

I do know that I have called him out on it in the past
(for messing with you about Andre)
and he responded to my imputation with dignity.

Just put him on ignore already.
From the past

Eddie George- All Time Favorite Player
Jevon Kearse
Frank Wycheck

I don't exactly care for a single Titan that plays today until they get some attitude not one player playing today for this team. Will be on my favorite list.
Steve McNair and Keith Bulluck will forever be two of the Greatest Titans players of all time IMO
Enjoy your new stadium. The Oilers would have. DOH!

Overalls said:
Earl doesn't
Overalls, do you know the difference between how the Browns relocated to Baltimore and how the Oilers relocated to Tennessee? The Oilers were under no obligation to anyone to change their name, insignia or colors. (or for that matter handover records) We borrowed the unused name "Titans" from the Jets. That was was their name before they renamed. Just like the Houston Texans name was taken from the shelf of the KC Chiefs. You might have already known the latter there but it's obvious that you don't know what you are talking about in regards to Oilers/Titans. When the Oakland Raiders returned to Oakland did they reclaim their old records they left behind while leaving their current records in Los Angeles? What of the Rams then? And the Cardinals? And the Colts? Did those teams have to "start over"? I bet you insinst still that Eli plays for the New Jersey Giants, even since they recently re-put NY on the head gear?
Bud Adams is not Art Modell and
Art Modell is not Bud Adams.

Although the city of Cleveland kept the franchise's name "Browns", and the team's history when it left, Houston's status as the home of the first two American Football League championships did not save the city's AFL heritage. Unlike his support of an old-line NFL city (Cleveland) in holding on to its tradition, NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue did not intervene when Bud Adams declared that no other Houston football team could ever use the name "Oilers".source
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