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Yeah Florida has frogs, and lizards running everywhere. I went close to this lake or something when I was 10, and I threw a rock and it hit an alligator on his head. He started coming towards me so I ran.
PhiSlammaJamma said:
Alligators and turtles are so fast on land you could not possibly believe it until you've seen it.

I have two turtles. And yes they are quick. You look away for a moment and they just dissappear. One of them dissappears for as long as he likes and I can't find him, but he does come back (he is named Titan by the way).

Luckily they dont have a way out of my backyard. I would have lost both of them by now.
Im afraid of snakes too, and have had to good scares:

1st one:

When I was 10 year old, a friend and I in summer use to got shooting with bb guns. My friends grandfather had two dogs that had their "house" sorrounded by a wired fence about 20 squared yards big. Once a snake about 1 m got into this fence, dogs went wild and scared, the snake too. The dogs in one corner barking, the snake in the other, rolled and with the head up, like ready to jump.

So, when we heard them bark we got there and started shooting at the snake with our bb rifles. Fearing the snake could be poisonig and could bite a dog. But we coulnt hit, or we could but did not harm it, so we had to aim for the head. We werent good enough shooters, so we opened the cage, the dogs went out like if they were on fire, and got inside this roofless cage each in one of the corners.

We began shooting and hitting the snake on the tail untill I guess the animal got fed up of it and then went very quickly straight to me. Had one bb loaded
got really nervous but really cant tell how I manage to shoot at it and then the snake just fell instantly dead about 2 feet of my feet.(isnt this sentence weird)

I guess I had a lucky shot and hit in on the head, but the freaky scary dogs went back inside the cage as soon as it was dead and bite it into pieces.
(Discusting). So I couldn´t check if the shot went to the head.

I was pale as dead and really scared when i saw the snake coming at me. Afterwards I remained pale for 20 minutes or so. No BS

2nd one

When I was 14, on an olive crop, i was looking for green asparragus that usually grow on the base of olive trees. Olive trees have low and very dense branches, so I crunched under the tree and was on my feet with my knees totally flexed about to cut an asparragus, when a snaked dropped from a branch and landed almost on my feet (right where the asparragus was).
I inmediatly jumped back (an incredibly long backwards jump), landed on my but, and went running away about 200 yards till y stoped.
Since, I always look up in the branches before getting under an olive tree, seriously. Even though havent seen another in 15 years.

SO I HATE DAMM SNAKES... They scare the hell out of me.:eek: :eek:
Bobo said:
Why would the majority not like him?

For a number of years, a large part of the Australian population thought his antics were an "act". There has been numerous stories in the media over the years suggestng that his larrikin persona was more damaging to Australia than it was good.

There was a percetion by some Australians that other countries would stereotype all Australians as being like Steve and that wouldn't be a good thing.

He was 100% genuine all the time. I saw him a couple of times at his Zoo (it's only 30 minutes drive from my house) and it didn't matter if he was in front of a camera or not. He was always exactly the same bloke.

On the issues of kids being upset, I can vouch for that. My son (6) was quite upset about it, and I took him to school the next day and there were a number of kids in his class who were still talking about it and how sad it was.
Gunny said:
I actually couldn't tell you if I was afriad since I haven't seen one. I have seen either the tail of one or it may have been a lizard, but that is about it.
Though two years ago I was playing cricket, my brother hit a six, went down the embankment and it landed something like 2 feet away from a snake.

The other team decided to get a new ball.:ha:

Where in Australia were you though? I don't really live in the bush area where you'd find snakes often.
I was in Perth for a month, yeah Perth is like the outcast city in Australia, there isn't another major city around there for miles upon miles. Also a Kangaroo attacked a car I was in, know how dangerous they are...

I've seen adders in England a couple of times, they're in really secluded places, and the only time you really see them is if they are sunning...or they're mating. They're poisonous too.

Where do'you live, Sydney, beware of the Sydeny Funnel Web, most poisosous spider in the world:suspect:
LazyManJackson said:
Also a Kangaroo attacked a car I was in, know how dangerous they are...

I think I would have died laughing if I had seen this.

I think I will completely lose it if I hear a dingo/baby story.
An Aussie mate I know (Randall) had his car ripped to pieces because of a Kangaroo, it tried to attack him but he ran off...
My brother almost hit a Kangaroo the other day.

But man, if you hit a Kangaroo with your car, they cause major damage.

LazyMan - I am in Melbourne.

Actually have a video of my brother, when he was three or four, getting 'punched' by a Kangaroo at a zoo in NSW.
Funny to watch..of course I will still in a pram at that stage.
LazyManJackson said:
An Aussie mate I know (Randall) had his car ripped to pieces because of a Kangaroo, it tried to attack him but he ran off...

bringing back memories

Western Reds, road trains, tropic of capricorn marker.

Dez, an Aussie buddy of mine, shot roos for a living when he was younger. They are mostly a nusience animal, at least in the bush. Dez worked for Telecom and installed phones in the Outback. Dez tells some great stories.
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