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You realize many people can’t just choose to isolate?

They have to return to work. They have no choice. You think the people at Walmart want to be there exposing themselves and their families to this virus? Like they are just so honorable they are wanting to lay their lives down for Costco and Target? Foh. They have to feed their kids and keep their lights on.

The government is forcing people back to work at meat packing plants.

States are throwing people off unemployment who will not return to work.

People don’t have a choice.

We could provide them with security and a choice but we have no desire to. They are expendable to this economy.

If Daryl at Walmart drops dead from rona we just plug another uneducated and unskilled worker into his place making poverty wages to keep the gears turning.
You do know, no one is stopping you from volunteering to support as many unemployed families as you want.

Just go stand out in front of the unemployment office and ask who wants you to pay for them until they decide it is safe to return to work.

Keep us updated on all the families you support.
Coronavirus model from IHME doubles projected US deaths to 134,000 as social distancing fades - CNN

I estimate we'll see numbers even higher than that. Why? Because stupid. And, we have a lot of stupid in America. So, I say expect a 1/4 million dead Americans by election day.

Hard to see how the Republicans can spin that into a win. Time will tell.
And we KNOW the models are very accurate. I mean they were spot on when this first began. Oh, wait... never mind.
You do know, no one is stopping you from volunteering to support as many unemployed families as you want.

Just go stand out in front of the unemployment office and ask who wants you to pay for them until they decide it is safe to return to work.

Keep us updated on all the families you support.

That’s some Facebook dad, Rush Limbaugh level of brain dead.

Nothing is stopping you from snorting a fat line of Covid-19 if it’s not serious.

We have social welfare systems in place for a reason. When they break down it is a reflection of underfunding and bad policy.

When 70k people die from a pandemic in six weeks that collapses your fragile Starbucks economy and pushes your healthcare system to the edge of failure it is a reflection that maybe the entire card table needs to be flipped.
Well at least 70,000 people are dead as of today, probably more, that number isn’t really slowing down and won’t as the country begins to open back up rapidly.

We took a look around and said we have to put Meemaw, Papaw and those pesky young people recovering from cancer in the dirt by the thousands to save Dairy Queen and Hobby Lobby.

More people died in six weeks than in all of the Vietnam War.

It’s a service economy. It can’t function even in the short term without people going out serving or being served.

Grocery stores are essential, they’re open. Farmers are working. The logistics systems in between are working. Essential businesses have never closed and the economy still ate ****. We don’t make anything anymore. We aren’t an innovation based or manufacturing based economy anymore.

Hospitals are struggling because it turns out they can’t survive on actually doing what they are supposed to do which is treat sick people and save lives. If Randy and Carol aren’t coming in for their yearly colonic that is marked up 800% the healthcare industry can’t survive as is.

So rather than radically change things and try to move towards an economy that is more stable and better serves needs over the wants of people in this country we have to push the mass poor and working class people into a Bataan death march to serve Karens their coffee so the floor doesn’t completely fall out from the economy.

I’m just wondering what level of mass death the American people are willing to accept to number one, preserve their political identity and number two ensure that nothing has to fundamentally change about how we go about our daily lives.

I’d like to see a number. A quarter million dead? Civil War level deaths? Is that acceptable?

We’ve already written off the population of Neyland Stadium or a small American city as basically viral bullet sponges for this economy.

The government and media has done a fantastic job normalizing all of this though. You have to give them credit for that.

If you could rewind to Thanksgiving 2019 and someone tells you that by June next year at least 100k people will be dead you wouldn’t believe them.

“We will be seeing the equivalent of a 9/11 every day in this country by next summer”

You wouldn’t believe them.
I see a fair amount of guesses and assumptions in here.

You assume business can’t run if open because soooooo many people will Ben sick and dead, but it’s a guarantee they can operate when the government shuts them down or locks down the people that are able to support the business. Lockdown or not, there’s appx 349 million people in the US that did not get the virus (appx 350 mil population).

Hospitals are struggling for a multitude of reasons, one of which is bigger than the virus itself and how they get their money. Why would hospitals have to lie about diagnosing people with COVID that don’t have COVID? Money.

I’m not sure what mass death you’re referring to if people protect themselves. Either don’t go out (your choice), wear proper protective gear (your choice) or potentially expose yourself with nothing (your choice). I agree that maybe the elderly and weakened immune folks should probably lean heavily towards the first option, but no one should be getting forced into any of them.

Farmers are actually struggling due to the lack of customers because of lockdown, so just because they can physically work doesn’t mean the lockdown hasn’t affected them.

But, continue to be naysayer and enjoy your lockdown (which you could still do even if opened up).

You realize many people can’t just choose to isolate?

They have to return to work. They have no choice. You think the people at Walmart want to be there exposing themselves and their families to this virus? Like they are just so honorable they are wanting to lay their lives down for Costco and Target? Foh. They have to feed their kids and keep their lights on.

The government is forcing people back to work at meat packing plants.

States are throwing people off unemployment who will not return to work.

People don’t have a choice.

We could provide them with security and a choice but we have no desire to. They are expendable to this economy.

If Daryl at Walmart drops dead from rona we just plug another uneducated and unskilled worker into his place making poverty wages to keep the gears turning.

Daryl should worker harder to get a better job. Or better yet, save up his money and start his own business..
I don’t get why that is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. It’s like alcohol kills the liver and people so instead of “prohibition” we let everyone who doesn’t want to risk those side effects abstain and let those who are willing to take the risk drink. Each person has a right to make the choice for themselves.
But with the virus it's not just you. It's your family, friends, neighbors, and people you don't even know who can also be hurt.

There's no question that the state has a legitimate interest in stopping the spread of the virus.
That’s some Facebook dad, Rush Limbaugh level of brain dead.

Nothing is stopping you from snorting a fat line of Covid-19 if it’s not serious.

We have social welfare systems in place for a reason. When they break down it is a reflection of underfunding and bad policy.

When 70k people die from a pandemic in six weeks that collapses your fragile Starbucks economy and pushes your healthcare system to the edge of failure it is a reflection that maybe the entire card table needs to be flipped.
Oh ok, so you just want to spend someone elses money. Got it.
the use of my tax dollars obviously takes precedent over your grandmother. sorry breh
But with the virus it's not just you. It's your family, friends, neighbors, and people you don't even know who can also be hurt.

There's no question that the state has a legitimate interest in stopping the spread of the virus.
Not if they protect themselves.
And you ignore the FACT that a lot of people can’t afford the “luxury” of the government running their lives. Some people have to work to live. Others are fine with living off the government and being a societal leech. But that another argument for another place since political talk is frowned on here.
Well the argument here is wouldn't it be nice to live in a society where someone wasn't forced to put their life at risk to stock shelves at Walmart? Wouldn't it be cool if instead of bailing out failing companies, we put that money toward keeping people safe and healthy during a health crisis? Lick those boots.
You continue to ignore the fact that a lot of people don't have this luxury.
A mask and gloves?
Then stay at home. That’s the next protective measure.

Well the argument here is wouldn't it be nice to live in a society where someone wasn't forced to put their life at risk to stock shelves at Walmart? Wouldn't it be cool if instead of bailing out failing companies, we put that money toward keeping people safe and healthy during a health crisis? Lick those boots.
You’re bringing a separate issue into how this could or should be opened up. Absolutely agree the government shouldn’t be bailing out companies, but they also shouldn’t be the reason small businesses need bailed out.

Close Walmart. I agree, if everyone is on lockdown, close it down. Walmart is not essential.
Well the argument here is wouldn't it be nice to live in a society where someone wasn't forced to put their life at risk to stock shelves at Walmart? Wouldn't it be cool if instead of bailing out failing companies, we put that money toward keeping people safe and healthy during a health crisis? Lick those boots.
They don’t have to work at WalMart. They just have to live within their means until they can establish some credit. Then they have to be willing to risk it all in a business venture.

no successful entrepreneur or business owner ever says it was pure luck. They ALL say it was hard work and sacrifice. And 99.9% of this country supports hard working individuals that sacrificed luxury early to succeed later. That’s the American dream. But nowadays it’s a popular sentiment to hear people say my neighbor has that so I “deserve” it also. Without any regard what it took to get that.

but I digress. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and there is no need to infringe upon anybody’s first amendment right. The ignoramuses can’t hurt you if you do that.
They don’t have to work at WalMart. They just have to live within their means until they can establish some credit. Then they have to be willing to risk it all in a business venture.

no successful entrepreneur or business owner ever says it was pure luck. They ALL say it was hard work and sacrifice. And 99.9% of this country supports hard working individuals that sacrificed luxury early to succeed later. That’s the American dream. But nowadays it’s a popular sentiment to hear people say my neighbor has that so I “deserve” it also. Without any regard what it took to get that.

but I digress. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and there is no need to infringe upon anybody’s first amendment right. The ignoramuses can’t hurt you if you do that.
Spot on sir! Have a friend of mine that thinks he is owed something from someone else, who is constantly complaining and never making that sacrifice. That sacrifice that you speak of is real. I put in 14 hour days working and going to school for nearly a year with no days off. That netted me nearly $15,000 more a year. Plan on doing it again soon! This Rona is stepping on people’s rights! Wild to me that people don’t seem to understand that people are losing their livelihood. Quarantine the sick, self quarantine if you have pre existing disease, and open this Country up! I think it’s pretty interesting that people think if we hunker down longer, Rona will disappear. It’s a pipe dream! Rona is here to stay.
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