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Jul 3, 2024
I am so sick of hearing this statement about that Titans:

So and so has a 4m dollar option and ther is no way the Titans are going to pay it he will either have to take a pay cut or be released. The Titans have got to be one of the cheapest teams in terms of buying and selling their roster. We dont pay anybody and we dont keep anybody.

Everybody makes a big deal about well they tried to keep it together of the core group of players and now its cost them BS BS BS bottom line is they do not know how to keep value or how to reaquire more after a few people have slipped away. Example Derrick Mason basically our Marvin Harrison and we just cut him without giving it a second thought about it or going about getting a quality replacement. This Rookie group wont cut it 2 of 3 rookie WR missed most of their first season and in some spots all 3 rookie WR were missing in the line-up. It is not too early to judge them I think we give people way too long to "try and pan out" and that has never really happend since they became Tennessee Titans.

Alot of you may say this is old news or what not when in fact it really is not old news. I am just tired of looking in the paper or radio or tv and hearing how most teams are improving and putting pieces in place and of course the ever silent TITANS are doing nothing yes they signed KVB to a long term deal and that is nice but my guess is that will be about all you hear or see the Titans doing in terms of keeping anyone and they certainly will not add any quality to this team because I simply do not think they know how to anymore. I just think it is pretty sad that the Arizona Cardinals have a better WR group than we do, and every team with exception of maybe the Texans in our divison is getting better and we are pretty much staying the same or moving backwards. I think were in for another 1 win in our divison this year against those mighty Texans. OOOOOOH BOY THIS IS GONNA BE ANOTHER LONG BORING OFF-Season. Even if they had 100billion dollars under the salary cap they would not know what to do with it and that is true.
TitansCountry25 said:
I am so sick of hearing this statement about that Titans:

So and so has a 4m dollar option and ther is no way the Titans are going to pay it he will either have to take a pay cut or be released. The Titans have got to be one of the cheapest teams in terms of buying and selling their roster. We dont pay anybody and we dont keep anybody.

Everybody makes a big deal about well they tried to keep it together of the core group of players and now its cost them BS BS BS bottom line is they do not know how to keep value or how to reaquire more after a few people have slipped away. Example Derrick Mason basically our Marvin Harrison and we just cut him without giving it a second thought about it or going about getting a quality replacement. This Rookie group wont cut it 2 of 3 rookie WR missed most of their first season and in some spots all 3 rookie WR were missing in the line-up. It is not too early to judge them I think we give people way too long to "try and pan out" and that has never really happend since they became Tennessee Titans.

Alot of you may say this is old news or what not when in fact it really is not old news. I am just tired of looking in the paper or radio or tv and hearing how most teams are improving and putting pieces in place and of course the ever silent TITANS are doing nothing yes they signed KVB to a long term deal and that is nice but my guess is that will be about all you hear or see the Titans doing in terms of keeping anyone and they certainly will not add any quality to this team because I simply do not think they know how to anymore. I just think it is pretty sad that the Arizona Cardinals have a better WR group than we do, and every team with exception of maybe the Texans in our divison is getting better and we are pretty much staying the same or moving backwards. I think were in for another 1 win in our divison this year against those mighty Texans. OOOOOOH BOY THIS IS GONNA BE ANOTHER LONG BORING OFF-Season. Even if they had 100billion dollars under the salary cap they would not know what to do with it and that is true.

We resigned Kinney:ha:
TitansCountry25 said:
The Titans have got to be one of the cheapest teams in terms of buying and selling their roster. We dont pay anybody and we dont keep anybody.

You've obviously never heard of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Country, you might want to run a search on the salary cap issues facing the Titans. They've all been discussed at length here and have been reported in detail on the main site itself.

Basically, the Titans are no different than most teams out there. They thought they had a shot to win it all and did what it took to keep some players who probably should have been let go and restructured a number of others to free up money to bring in a free agent or two.

It was time to pay the piper and it's better to do that all at once instead of bleeding to death slowly. The Titans should return to form by '07 and be ready to make a serious run by '08.

At least it's hopeful that the worst it behind us and there is no where to go but up.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:

BiPolar, I will tell what is so funny it had me LOL.... Yes, really laughing out loudly for about 5 minutes straight: This:

View attachment 1514

This is without a doubt the funniest horse picture I have seen and it must be what the Colts felt like when Vinnateri missed that FG.

Off the subject all the way, but I had to interrupt to give BiPolar some props for coming up with it.... WU
Brian said:
Better check your spelling.
Brian, what the hell? Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azmanig huh?
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Brian, what the hell? Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azmanig huh?
Brian said:
Better check your spelling.

Who cares what Adams name is spelled like... He missed .... they lost.... and its the Colts.... Matter of fact I don't know if it was Adam or Vandernut (mispelled on purpose).... They Both lost and went or stayed home.:lol:
TitanJeff said:
It was time to pay the piper and it's better to do that all at once instead of bleeding to death slowly. The Titans should return to form by '07 and be ready to make a serious run by '08.

That is assuming that there will be the NFL in 2008. Hopefully they can come to terms on the cap situation so that there will not be a strike in 2008.
#1TitansFan said:
That is assuming that there will be the NFL in 2008. Hopefully they can come to terms on the cap situation so that there will not be a strike in 2008.
It is highly unlikely that it will come to a strike/lockout. They have a over year(maybe two-I have no idea what the official last day of the current deal.) to work out a deal. Both sides dont want to come to a lockout/strike.
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