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Gunnyman said:
Thats just stupidity at its best.
The team officials noted the song was part of a dance routine the cheerleaders have performed to all season. He says the song, "Rock You Like a Hurricane" will no longer be played at games against the Saints.
1. stupidity - a poor ability to understand or to profit from experience.

1st home game against Saints since Katrina.

2. stupidity - a stupid mistake

yes. stupid indeed.


Hey Andy!
Im not insensitive to what the people of New Orleans (and the entire Gulf Coast region) have been through. My boss lives there so I have some very close insight to the devastation. But.....

Should we ban any song that has a reference to "shaking" or "moving" from being played in a game against the 49'ers?
After all, people have died in earthquakes in the San Francisco area.

I'm not so cold to think "anything goes", but where does the line get drawn? And when?
Isn't it possible this really is just a routine they've performed all season long and it truly was just an oversight?
I don't think it should be a matter of "banning" the song, and I doubt it was intentional. But I do think that they should have been intelligent enough to not use the song that particular week.
wino said:
Im not insensitive to what the people of New Orleans (and the entire Gulf Coast region) have been through. My boss lives there so I have some very close insight to the devastation. But.....

Should we ban any song that has a reference to "shaking" or "moving" from being played in a game against the 49'ers?
After all, people have died in earthquakes in the San Francisco area.

I'm not so cold to think "anything goes", but where does the line get drawn? And when?
Isn't it possible this really is just a routine they've performed all season long and it truly was just an oversight?

I only see an issue with it because it hasnt been that long since the Hurricane hit, if it had of hit 5 years ago and the issue came up then I wouldn't have an issue with it.
the colt fan that truly has had too many beers to know stupid when he sees it said:
Isn't it possible this really is just a routine they've performed all season long and it truly was just an oversight?
stupid = oversight

The guy complaining said....
"There's thousands still living in trailer parks up there and 'Rock You Like a Hurricane?' I wouldn't wish that upon anybody."

I live in a trailer and now my sensitivities are hurt!!! :cry:

Ok, not really :lol:

Dumb oversite, but can't make a mountain out of this molehill.
I think it's awesome. I love sports for this reason, HOMEFIELD ADVANTAGE! What about Santa getting snowballed in Philly, c'mon. I bet there are songs ten times worse than "rock you like a Hurricane" that the people of New Orleans could get worse over. Like for instance, "the wheels on the bus go round and round", or "she thinks my trailer's sexy". It would be fun to be the sound guy Saints week.
I think it's awesome.
On one level, I agree with you.
make a mountain out of this molehill.
I don't think I am inflating this.

I'm only saying what SK is saying.
SK said:
I do think that they should have been intelligent enough to not use the song that particular week.
this is how a good number of Bucs fans feel.
"There are definitely people out here willing to give up their time, give up their cash, give up their own homes to help those people from that region. And to be insensitive, [it] doesn't represent Tampa Bay or the fans of the Bucs."
The only thing I'm alledging is that it was a stupid thing to do. It's not about taste. I think it's established that had they thought about it they would have used discretion and thus not played it. That's what makes it a stupid mistake.

Chucky doesn't look too happy about it. :ha:

I'm not offended by it myself, I can totally see how others might be.
I just think it's funny when people/persons make blunders like this.

It was a stupid oversight.
If it wasn't they would not have said they were sorry.

CHI is the flow of energy.
There are bad Chi and good Chi. Bad chi is when things do not flow, flow too fast, is stagnant or blocked. Good chi is when everything flows and there is happiness and harmony; a sense of well being in your environment. You want your home to have the best Chi possible. Balance is the key in Feng Shui.

There are three types of Chi, here are their names:

Sheng Chi: a positive space shere you feel good and your life is going well.

Si Chi: Stagnant area where things are depression and not going along easily.

Sha Chi: also known as arrow chi, is a bad chi, where things feel really wrong.

To correct chi and send it in the right direction, one uses "cures"*. For example, cures are objects placed in the right area to change the chi to a more positive mood. Some other cures might be to change colors or rearrange objects. Too much positive chi can become negativity, as life may seem to be going to fast and out of control. You need balance to keep life in harmony.

Stupid Bucs.
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