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Titans Talk Site Rules

As the General Rule, you may post almost anything you want in the appropriate section of this site.

The exceptions to the General Rule are listed below. These exceptions are based on generally accepted civilized behavior, and should not present an issue for anyone able to stay out of prison.

All users must agree to the Site Rules as a condition of using this site.

1. The profanity filter is disabled on our site. Just don't get out of hand.

2. This site is intended for adults. You must not read or use this site if you are less than 13 years of age.

3. The timer to edit posts on this site expires 15 minutes after you post.

4. Do not ask the Administrators to delete or edit anything on this site except based on a specific violation of a rule listed below. No exceptions will be granted.

5. You are not allowed to do anything mentioned below on this site:

A. Porn: Never post or link any “not safe for work” or “NSFW” image on this site, especially any pornographic, obscene, fetish, or explicit medical pictures, photos, or other images. Examples include, but are not limited to, any photo showing human genitals, a female nipple, or an animal penis, or any picture where it is obvious an image that would violate this Rule was blacked out or similar.

B. Personal Information: Don't post any photo of another person on this site without that person's consent, unless you can also prove that same photo is viewable from another publicly accessible URL. Do not post any RL information about another person on this site, if that information tends to reveal the person's RL name, address, place of employment, social security number, phone number, or similar identifying information, unless you can also prove that same information is viewable from another publicly accessible URL.

C. Physical Violence: Don’t make any express or implied threat of physical violence against anyone on this site. Asking for someone’s address, or offering to give someone your address during an argument, is an implied offer to engage in physical violence with that person. Don’t even go there.

D. Criminal Law: Don’t post instructions on how to build a drug lab, an explosive device, or any other information that if used would result in a crime. Never link to pages containing this type of information.

E. Civil Law: Do not post anything that would violate any NDA, or information about how to "hack," "cheat," or “exploit”. Do not post anything that violates anyone else’s copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.

F. Hate Speech: Do not use hate speech or fighting words on this site against any person or class of people.

G. Harmful Items: I've enabled features on this site that aren't enabled on most forum sites, such as the ability to upload files. Do not upload any file that could be harmful to this site or to another person's computer, such as any file containing a virus.

H. Advertising: Do not post advertisements or announcements except as permitted in advance by an Administrator. You may link your personal or business website, fan site, or anything else in your signature provided your link doesn’t otherwise violate the Site Rules.

I. Spam and Harassment: Do not “spam” or make off topic replies in any post on this site if doing that will disrupt or derail any discussion or argument. Occasional off-topic social remarks are permitted, and should be expected in all threads, provided the effect of those remarks doesn’t unduly disrupt or derail the thread. Purposeful derailment of discussions by any method will not be tolerated on this site. Don't make a new thread if there is already an open, reasonably current thread on the same issue.

J. Trolling: Trolling is defined on this site as “any attempt to be unduly annoying or to violate a Site Rule while technically obeying the Rules." Just because the Site Rules don't use words that specifically prohibit something doesn't mean it’s allowed. Rules cannot be written to describe every possible violation that can ever be committed. Urinating in the coffee maker at work or having sex with a co-worker in your boss's office will get you fired, even though your employee handbook doesn't expressly forbid those things.

K. Multiple Accounts: No person may register more than one account on this site without advance permission from the Administrator. When we catch anyone doing that, we will merge both user accounts into the one with the worst reputation and we will suspend that user for three (3) days for creating multiple accounts in violation of this Rule, with no exceptions.

L. Necroposting: Do not bump or revive old posts on this site.
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Titans Talk Site Rules

As the General Rule, you may post almost anything you want in the appropriate section of this site.

The exceptions to the General Rule are listed below. These exceptions are based on generally accepted civilized behavior, and should not present an issue for anyone able to stay out of prison.

All users must agree to the Site Rules as a condition of using this site.

1. The profanity filter is disabled on our site. Just don't get out of hand.

2. This site is intended for adults. You must not read or use this site if you are less than 13 years of age.

3. The timer to edit posts on this site expires 15 minutes after you post.

4. Do not ask the Administrators to delete or edit anything on this site except based on a specific violation of a rule listed below. No exceptions will be granted.

5. You are not allowed to do anything mentioned below on this site:

A. Porn: Never post or link any “not safe for work” or “NSFW” image on this site, especially any pornographic, obscene, fetish, or explicit medical pictures, photos, or other images. Examples include, but are not limited to, any photo showing human genitals, a female nipple, or an animal penis, or any picture where it is obvious an image that would violate this Rule was blacked out or similar.

B. Personal Information: Don't post any photo of another person on this site without that person's consent, unless you can also prove that same photo is viewable from another publicly accessible URL. Do not post any RL information about another person on this site, if that information tends to reveal the person's RL name, address, place of employment, social security number, phone number, or similar identifying information, unless you can also prove that same information is viewable from another publicly accessible URL.

C. Physical Violence: Don’t make any express or implied threat of physical violence against anyone on this site. Asking for someone’s address, or offering to give someone your address during an argument, is an implied offer to engage in physical violence with that person. Don’t even go there.

D. Criminal Law: Don’t post instructions on how to build a drug lab, an explosive device, or any other information that if used would result in a crime. Never link to pages containing this type of information.

E. Civil Law: Do not post anything that would violate any NDA, or information about how to "hack," "cheat," or “exploit”. Do not post anything that violates anyone else’s copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.

F. Hate Speech: Do not use hate speech or fighting words on this site against any person or class of people.

G. Harmful Items: I've enabled features on this site that aren't enabled on most forum sites, such as the ability to upload files. Do not upload any file that could be harmful to this site or to another person's computer, such as any file containing a virus.

H. Advertising: Do not post advertisements or announcements except as permitted in advance by an Administrator. You may link your personal or business website, fan site, or anything else in your signature provided your link doesn’t otherwise violate the Site Rules.

I. Spam and Harassment: Do not “spam” or make off topic replies in any post on this site if doing that will disrupt or derail any discussion or argument. Occasional off-topic social remarks are permitted, and should be expected in all threads, provided the effect of those remarks doesn’t unduly disrupt or derail the thread. Purposeful derailment of discussions by any method will not be tolerated on this site. Don't make a new thread if there is already an open, reasonably current thread on the same issue.

J. Trolling: Trolling is defined on this site as “any attempt to be unduly annoying or to violate a Site Rule while technically obeying the Rules." Just because the Site Rules don't use words that specifically prohibit something doesn't mean it’s allowed. Rules cannot be written to describe every possible violation that can ever be committed. Urinating in the coffee maker at work or having sex with a co-worker in your boss's office will get you fired, even though your employee handbook doesn't expressly forbid those things.

K. Multiple Accounts: No person may register more than one account on this site without advance permission from the Administrator. When we catch anyone doing that, we will merge both user accounts into the one with the worst reputation and we will suspend that user for three (3) days for creating multiple accounts in violation of this Rule, with no exceptions.

L. Necroposting: Do not bump or revive old posts on this site.
Only one tripped me up is necrobumping. I’m rather proud that on another message board I hold the record. Earlier this year I revived a thread from 1999 lol!

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