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I wrote this for a blog I contribute to. Not a lot of people from TN have commented so I thought I'd share it here and let you guys let me know if I'm way off or not.

David Climer Is An Idiot

The Tennessean's David Climber took a cheap shot at Peyton Manning today in his column entitled Manning not beyond repoach. Read for yourself these pearls of wisdom:

I hear they're renaming a certain street on the University of Tennessee campus. What used to be Peyton Manning Pass now will be Peyton Manning Free Pass. Why? Because of the lack of substantive criticism of Manning around here...

Considering Manning's track record in big games dating back to his days at UT, maybe Indianapolis should bring in Tee Martin next year. The Colts can let Manning pile up stats and then put in Martin when there's a chance to win a championship. Hey, it worked for the Vols...

So once again the Super Bowl will play out with one great quarterback
conspicuously absent because, like it or not, Peyton Manning can't win the big one. Or can he? Let the record show that he was 2-0 in the Citrus Bowl.

This is low grade "journalism" parading itself around as legitimate sports writing and a perfect example of why I've turned to blogs and message boards for sports discussion.

How do you identify low grade writing? This article has two grade A examples to look at.
1. A reliance on short,pithy, shock-value statements over against original assesment.
2. Attacking a well-respected personality by a no-name utilizing nothing other than that which is described in #1.
3. Premise based on a imaginary situation which fails to reflect reality.

1. "...maybe Indianapolis should bring in Tee Martin next year. The Colts can let Manning pile up stats and then put in Martin when there's a chance to win a championship. Hey, it worked for the Vols..."
2. David Climer? Who the heck is David Climer? Name the last column you read by him... ... ...
That's what I thought. Originally I thought the column was written by Jim Wyatt. Maybe the Tennessean should start letting Climer use his byline.
3. "Why? Because of the lack of substantive criticism of Manning around here..." Lack of criticism? Does the man get out of his house? If not, does he turn on the T.V. or listen to Sportstalk. Lack of substantitive criticism? While I'm writing this Tony Kornheiser of PTI on ESPN right now has a Mike Vanderjagt face-on-a-stick up onscreen going off about Manning the choke artist. David Climer must be the only one living in a world without substantive criticism of Manning.

I won't go in to the problem of a sportswriter who can't understand the lack of individual success in a team sport. I realize that is a common problem, obviously. What I will say is Climer made another dumb move in picking this game to regurgitate the same old same old about Manning. If you pick any of Manning's career post-season games the worst one to use in a "Manning-chokes-in-big-games" column is this last Colts game.

Peyton, while bearing responsibility for the flat start the Colts brought out of the gate, was almost singlehandedly brought his team back from two scores down (other than the Harper play) only to see the kicker muff it away. This choke job wasn't Peyton's.

You'd think a sportswriter would see the obvious. Maybe Climer will get there someday.
You mad? :sad2:

On the real, I never read Climers articles, and I disagree with him on the over Manning hate topics.
Ive been out of TN for a while and I dont read the paper online daily. But I remember Climer being somewhat sarcastic and darker than Wyatt and the other writers. He brings up good points though, Manning has always failed to win the big game. Manning has gotten a free pass for the most part(what would they be saying if this was Mike Vick or McNair or Culpepper) in the press because most of the press loves Manning and will do anything to make him look good. Like it or not, he is the face of the NFL right now
He is the face of the NFL at this point. But still, people going nuts over him 'cause his team lost. The team lost it, not Manning.
He's just trying to write something that sounds interesting. It is his editorial, isn't? He's writing to an audience. That is what he is being paid to do. All that shock and awe that you were refering to is what is called a hook. I'm sure you already know that but the point is that he is saying stuff to provoke thought. If it makes you laugh or it ticks you off really isn't of any concern of his. He's just making a paycheck, and the idea of naming the street "free pass" in sarcasmic seriousness...(can I say that?) just makes for something of a read.
KamikaZ said:
He is the face of the NFL at this point. But still, people going nuts over him 'cause his team lost. The team lost it, not Manning.

Despite being the face of the NFL, with all his weapons (Wayne, Harrison, Stokely, Edge, Pollard, Clark etc) he still cannot win. Some games he has played poorly, some he has played good but has he ever played his best in the playoffs?

A lot of the time his defense gave him a chance to win but yet he has only won 50% of his playoff games and those were against teams with crap defenses.
I liked the article. Climer's best line ever was when he once referred to Jacksonville as "Macon with a beach".

TitansFan said:
How do you identify low grade writing? This article has two grade A examples to look at.
1. A reliance on short,pithy, shock-value statements over against original assesment.
2. Attacking a well-respected personality by a no-name utilizing nothing other than that which is described in #1.
Here's another example:
Writing "David Climer is a moron".

TitansFan said:
3. Premise based on a imaginary situation which fails to reflect reality.

1. "...maybe Indianapolis should bring in Tee Martin next year. The Colts can let Manning pile up stats and then put in Martin when there's a chance to win a championship. Hey, it worked for the Vols..."

No, that's satire based on what really did happen at UT.

TitansFan said:
3. "Why? Because of the lack of substantive criticism of Manning around here..." Lack of criticism? Does the man get out of his house? If not, does he turn on the T.V. or listen to Sportstalk. Lack of substantitive criticism? While I'm writing this Tony Kornheiser of PTI on ESPN right now has a Mike Vanderjagt face-on-a-stick up onscreen going off about Manning the choke artist. David Climer must be the only one living in a world without substantive criticism of Manning.
Re-read what Climer wrote. He said there is a lack of substantive criticism of Manning AROUND HERE. AROUND HERE, as in Tennessee, not on ESPN. Your criticism of Climer here is based on a false assertion.

TitansFan said:
If you pick any of Manning's career post-season games the worst one to use in a "Manning-chokes-in-big-games" column is this last Colts game.
I disagree. The best game to use in a "Manning chokes in big games" is his most recent choke.

TitansFan said:
Peyton, was almost singlehandedly brought his team back from two scores down (other than the Harper play) only to see the kicker muff it away. This choke job wasn't Peyton's.
That's a perfect example of the Peyton Free Pass BS we're getting tired of. You just wrote that Peyton almost "singlehandedly" brought his team back, but the kicker lost the game.
Peyton gets all the credit when they do good, but it's always someone else's fault when they lose. Sorry, but that's some tired BS.
Hoffa said:
Here's another example:
Writing "David Climer is a moron".

How? Am I getting pub? Am I raising attention for myself? No. My purpose: "Not a lot of people from TN have commented so I thought I'd share it here and let you guys let me know if I'm way off or not."

Therefore, you're wrong.

No, that's satire based on what really did happen at UT.
I don't disagree that its is satire. It is indeed, but poorly done. Not worthy of pay-for-print journalism.

Re-read what Climer wrote. He said there is a lack of substantive criticism of Manning AROUND HERE. AROUND HERE, as in Tennessee, not on ESPN. Your criticism of Climer here is based on a false assertion.
Re-read what I wrote. I cited ESPN but I also talked about local talk radio. My criticism is valid. Your comment is not.

I disagree. The best game to use in a "Manning chokes in big games" is his most recent choke.
That is the problem. He has choked, I suppose. This game he didn't. That's why it's a bad example and is why you are badly mistaken when you write...

That's a perfect example of the Peyton Free Pass BS we're getting tired of. You just wrote that Peyton almost "singlehandedly" brought his team back, but the kicker lost the game.
Peyton gets all the credit when they do good, but it's always someone else's fault when they lose. Sorry, but that's some tired BS.
It is by far Peyton's best individual performance in terms of late game heroics in a playoff game. Bottom line: if anyon can be responsible for success in a team sport, Peyton and Reggie Wayne came the closest in those last drives. And that is why using the Steelers/Colts game is a horrible,horrible example of Peyton choking.
TitansFan said:
How is it an example of "low grade journalism" using the definition you provided? With the definition you provided, that's how.
Writing "Climer is a moron" is low grade journalism. You never said it had to be for publicity.

TitansFan said:
I don't disagree that its is satire. It is indeed, but poorly done. Not worthy of pay-for-print journalism.
That's just your opinion. You ask for others insight, and I'm telling you I disagee, but you don't seem willing to accept someone else's opinion.

Besides, who paid to read it? Not me, doubt if you did either.

TitansFan said:
Re-read what I wrote. I cited ESPN but I also talked about local talk radio. My criticism is valid. Your comment is not.
Re-read what YOU wrote. You never mentioned the word local. You cited ESPN, TV, and sportstalk. NEVER said anything about local.
Therefore, my comment is indeed valid.

TitansFan said:
That is the problem. He has choked, I suppose. This game he didn't.
Sure he did. He's the leader. A late game drive that was helped by an incorrect referee decision on a legitimate interception does not make up for the entire rest of the game. He prides himself on watching film and audibleing at the line to beat defenses, but he failed to do it when it mattered most, therefore, he choked in the big game. True, that his chokeability rubs off on teammates (i.e. kicker, linemen, etc).

TitansFan said:
It is by far Peyton's best individual performance in terms of late game heroics in a playoff game. .
That ain't saying much my friend.
Number of late game comebacks resulting in wins for a Peyton playoff team; ZERO.
Hoffa said:
How is it an example of "low grade journalism" using the definition you provided? With the definition you provided, that's how.
Writing "Climer is a moron" is low grade journalism. You never said it had to be for publicity.
You are missing a fundamental here which I mistakenly assumed you'd gotten: I'm not a journalist. Climer is.

My bad. Your assertion is bad because we're discussing apples and oranges.

That's just your opinion. You ask for others insight, and I'm telling you I disagee, but you don't seem willing to accept someone else's opinion.

Besides, who paid to read it? Not me, doubt if you did either.
You didn't post anything worthwhile. Invalid statements aren't what I had in mind.

Re-read what YOU wrote. You never mentioned the word local. You cited ESPN, TV, and sportstalk. NEVER said anything about local.
Therefore, my comment is indeed valid.
Yes it is. You assumed national. You could have just as easily assumed local. Your bad, although I supposed I could have been more clear.

Sure he did. He's the leader. A late game drive that was helped by an incorrect referee decision on a legitimate interception does not make up for the entire rest of the game. He prides himself on watching film and audibleing at the line to beat defenses, but he failed to do it when it mattered most, therefore, he choked in the big game. True, that his chokeability rubs off on teammates (i.e. kicker, linemen, etc).
How did Peyton fail in any of his roles as QB? Even the things you cited he should know - what did he fail on?

That ain't saying much my friend.
Number of late game comebacks resulting in wins for a Peyton playoff team; ZERO.
...for a Peyton playoff team. Even so, I'm not debating whether or not Peyton choked (he didn't) or not. That's a bit tired and off from where I wanted to go.
Gunny said:
Despite being the face of the NFL, with all his weapons (Wayne, Harrison, Stokely, Edge, Pollard, Clark etc) he still cannot win. Some games he has played poorly, some he has played good but has he ever played his best in the playoffs?

A lot of the time his defense gave him a chance to win but yet he has only won 50% of his playoff games and those were against teams with crap defenses.

His team couldn't win. With your logic, McNair was 4-11 this year. :sad2:
TitansFan said:
That's a bit tired and off from where I wanted to go.
My bad. I thought where you wanted to go was hear some other peoples opinions, but if someone offers an opinion different than yours you call it an "invalid statement". :crazy:

Next time, just spew out your criticism of Climer and don't invite others to offer their opinions like you have an open mind. You just wind up wasteing other peoples time.
KamikaZ said:
His team couldn't win. With your logic, McNair was 4-11 this year. :sad2:
The Titans were 4-12, but McNair didn't play every game.

The point about Manning is people say he "SINGLEHANDEDLY" wins games, but his TEAM always loses them.

When you read media, don't evaluate as you read.
Take it in and put it together.
Discard whatever you do not like
and retain what amuses you.


read a different paper.

Manning now a winner?

Manning is the most important, most valuable player on a team that has made the playoffs 6 of the last 7 seasons. No other team has made the playoffs with that level of frequentcy including the steelers or pats. Manning has won 67% of all the games he has started since his rookie year. 67%! That's an amazing number. He has averaged 11 wins a year over the last 7 seasons. Who has done that? Nobody! And he did that with 2 different coaches.

In the last three years he has won 79% of his regular season games another remarkable number.

Look, you have to get to the playoffs in the first place to lose there. Joey harrington has never lost a playoff game.
Hoffa said:
The Titans were 4-12, but McNair didn't play every game.

The point about Manning is people say he "SINGLEHANDEDLY" wins games, but his TEAM always loses them.

Well what people say is wrong.
RollTide said:
Manning is the most important, most valuable player on a team that has made the playoffs 6 of the last 7 seasons. No other team has made the playoffs with that level of frequentcy including the steelers or pats. Manning has won 67% of all the games he has started since his rookie year. 67%! That's an amazing number. He has averaged 11 wins a year over the last 7 seasons. Who has done that? Nobody! And he did that with 2 different coaches.

In the last three years he has won 79% of his regular season games another remarkable number.

Look, you have to get to the playoffs in the first place to lose there. Joey harrington has never lost a playoff game.

Manning is the fuit of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil.
Where did that ever get anyone?

Peyton hasn't been able to break the law of averages so far...
and it's bending. It's in his head. The season is working out frustration
for the ultimate failure. Past failure is Peyton's motivation.
KamikaZ said:
He is the face of the NFL at this point. But still, people going nuts over him 'cause his team lost. The team lost it, not Manning.

Yet, it's never the Indy Colts "team" we hear about during those regular season wins (especially the first thirteen).

That was Peyton who won those. :rolleyes:

You'd think after getting pounded into the turf for his entire career, Peyton's father would have taught him something about being a gracious loser.

Oh well, seems he's got the loser part of it down, anyway.
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