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  1. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Nice throw and catch. Wasted about 5 seconds. But solid response. Let's get the score.
  2. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Here we are again. Levis put 'em back in the game with a double coverage pick. Let's see how he reacts this time with 1:47
  3. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Welp. Throwing short into double coverage for a pick. Head still up ass confirmed.
  4. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Momentum not ruined. We can take it back here if his head is on straight after that whiplashing.
  5. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    If Levis can do it one more time next week. He'll have consecutive dumbass play record.
  6. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    It's official. He's a moron. lol.
  7. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    I would come out throwing. They expect run. We should run. And yes we suck in the air, but this is the game to come out throwing.
  8. PhiSlamaJama

    Discuss Pre Game Titan v Jets

    Our cagey veteran quarter back has to show up today. Establish dominance. End the Jets season. Get ours started.
  9. PhiSlamaJama

    Discuss JC Latham vs Joe Alt

    It begins. Week 1 grades: 64.2 Latham 45.1 Passing 82.6 Run (5 Pressures and 1 Sack) 60.8 Alt 76.6 Passing 47.8 Run (1 Pressure) ...They look like polar opposites week 1. Both did relatively well. The Chargers are looking to run tho. And the Titans are looking to dink and dunk.
  10. PhiSlamaJama

    Discuss Titans Related Talk

    Rocker's kid just got called up to the Rangers. And he looks damn good. There is star pitching potential there.
  11. PhiSlamaJama

    Have we underestimated Levis and the Titans Marketability?

    He should Co-Endorse with Tua. They are two peas in a pod.
  12. PhiSlamaJama

    Tyreek Hill yesterday...

    Tyreke violated the law. Then didn't cooperate with the enforcer of the law. That's escalation. It's not a negotiation. Who knows what he's doing next behind the tinted window. But the odds are, it isn't good for anyone because he already just violated the law twice. Get the suspect under...
  13. PhiSlamaJama

    Tyreek Hill yesterday...

    Tyreke was talking like the energizer bunny about the event all day. He was funny. That's who he is.
  14. PhiSlamaJama

    Tyreek Hill yesterday...

    My feeling is that Hill escalated the situation. The police don't know what you are capable of if you are not following orders, so they were forced to detain him. All he had to do was roll down his window and keep it rolled down. In a situation like that you may not like authority pushing you...
  15. PhiSlamaJama

    Discuss Post Game Thread - Tennessee Titans @ Chicago Bears

    I wouldn't chalk it up to the 1st game. They looked like a bad team. This isn't likely going away until we add some draft talent.
  16. PhiSlamaJama

    Discuss Post Game Thread - Tennessee Titans @ Chicago Bears

    So many one footed falling backwards throws. Both interceptions and even the TD all off balance. Mechanically, it didn't look ok. As someone pointed out, this ain't college anymore. Gotta put some big boy pants on and go to work. All I ask is that he doesn't cower like Mariota did when he...
  17. PhiSlamaJama

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Week One - Tennessee Titans @ Chicago Bears

    Everyone thought we'd lose to the Bears. We did. But it's worse. The Bears played like bottom feeder trash and we still lost to them. So this is pretty much as bad as it could get. It looked bad. It was bad. There were no signs of life.
  18. PhiSlamaJama

    Malik Willis has won the starting job for Green Bay

    Must see TV. Think I will root for him. And of course, there will be the revenge game in week 3. It will be interesting to see what he does or does not do with a real opportunity to throw the ball. The Packers like to spread it around.
  19. PhiSlamaJama

    Discuss Tennessee 43 da bears 0

    Oh boy. Sam Phalen is gonna be on Survivor. Will have to watch that. Eddie George's wife was also on Survivor. So I guess it's a thing now. Seems like the cast has a lot of social media types.